Hongse, The Gentle

Unlike Valerie, the talking panda hardly bore any human features--seemingly only inhabiting the intellect and somewhat closer muscle shape, underneath all of that blubber. 

His antics were ignored as Valerie shot her majestic gaze back at Ren, "You wanted to help right? Do you have any food with you? Anything?"

Thinking for a moment, a lightbulb shone over Ren's head as he raised a finger to the air, "Actually, I do! It's not the tastiest, but I still have some meat back where my group is."

The look of relief and glowing gratitude that made itself known on her iridescent canvas was something that could not be replicated; her eyes smiling as she nodded fervently, "That'll work!"

"Urr, can you give me a lift? That bridge is kind of...yeah."

Scratching his cheek, it wasn't the manliest thing to ask a girl to fly him away, but she didn't hesitate to agree with this. 

"I'll be right back, Hongse...Just hold on, food is on the way!"