Clash of Divinity

"I'm not a high spirit! I am a divine spirit!"

Hearing this proclamation backed by the tangible, cloud-splitting words of the golden-furred warrior, both of the executioners readied their blades shakily while feeling the immense strain of being within Sun Wukong's overwhelming aura. 

"Heaven itself could not hold me! So tell me; what good do you think your puny splashes of water will do? What can they accomplish that the golden clouds could not? Nothing!"

Slamming the bottom of his wielded pole against the ground, the world-shaking impact dispersed the cage of water into a rain of failed tears. With the malevolence of the divine spirit came a whirlwind that inhabited the main deck, making it a herculean task just for the two to not slip away into the winds. 

All of this wind...just from a simple movement like that?! So, this is a divine spirit, Leon thought.