The Trial of The New Ally

Setting off with a violent burst, the fiend's calf muscles bulged with such great intensity that they looked close to implosion; charging at the elf as Charlotte found herself momentarily compromised from her magecraft amidst such rampant power. 

Waiting a moment longer than any sane man would, Strife's patience paid off as the unorthodox fiend dashed to the side then into the air with its powerful legs guiding it high. 

"Return to nothingness."

Strife's softly spoken words guided the release of his evergreen arrow, launching it with an intense swiftness as it neared the creature's parted jaw. 

However, it did the unthinkable; with a sudden snap of its powerful, razor-sharp jaw, the beast bisected the incoming arrow with its devilish teeth. 

What?! It made the decision to accept the hit, for a lesser amount of damage just to continue on its warpath towards me? Strife thought.