Qualifiers: Begin!

"Is it an eating contest? Leave it to me!"

Hongse slapped his stomach, seemingly unaffected by the tense, thick aura of intensity hanging over the room filled with those who have traversed Purgatory. 

"You will be tasked with tracking down and capturing three "Impies"! Small, but nimble, slippery creatures, they are."

Snapping his fingers, Sitri conjured above his hand an example of an impy, showcasing the small, cyclopean being that was covered in crimson scales. 

Sitting in the palm of the handsome demon's hand, the tiny creature waved its hand with a grin filled with razor-sharp teeth. Seeing those teeth sent a small shiver through Ren's body as he smiled to himself. 

"...I think I'm seeing the caveat here." 

"Yeah...those things probably aren't going to sit around and let us snatch them up."