Vampire Rumble

Donovan moved around the room, attaching small objects to the vacant slots on his seemingly custom-built gauntlets as he answered, "Not quite. I simply used a sample of authentic 'Moon Anchors' to create my own version."

"You would just have to create some pretty durable threads, right? Doesn't sound too bad," he asked. 

The enigmatic man replied, "The sharpness and toughness of the threads are only one factor. What was truly pivotal was deciphering the true aspect of 'Moon Anchors'--their ability to weaken magecraft one cutting into someone." 

"Weaken magecraft? Is that possible to replicate?...that sounds like a godly ability, to me at least," he questioned, placing his hand against his chin. 

Donovan adjusted his coat after hiding magical utensils underneath their obscuring fabric, "It is possible. Anything is possible with wisdom, dedication, and science."