Dark Horde

"We must return to them, they need our assistance," he told her. 

Though Elena was staring right past him with widened eyes, tapping his shoulder, "Urr, hey, big guy…I think we have our own problems right now."

"What…?" He asked, slowly turning around. 

Entering through an alternate corridor from the direction he arrived, a gargantuan lacyrie entered, having to duck through the tunnel's edge to enter the cavity of the mountain. 

Though even its appearance was the first aspect of it that met him; the smell it exuded filled the domain with a potent abhorrence. 

Its skin, clammy and covered in scarring, was slick in a sooty substance, dripping from its chin as it carried a shoddily-made, gargantuan axe fit for its size. 

"A champion of their hive?" Akanni muttered, readying himself for a fight. 

"I don't care what it's called, it wants to fight!" Elena called as she unsheathed her shortsword, wielding it with a reverse grip.