Great Magic United

"In the depths of darkness, this world was forged. With complete authority, this world's light only persists because of its darkness. It is your authority that makes so; listen and grant my will, and wither my foe to nothingness! Nyx: Anti-Life Rebirth!"

"Hear me, Daughter of Chaos, Mother of Dreams, Death, Fate...Day, Night, and Destruction. Inside and out, the aspect of the night holds true to my honor of you and your overwhelming power. With this, grant me reprieve from the dangers before me! Be sent into the never-ending night forevermore! Nyx: Ultima Darkness!"

"Father of the Three Skies, he who walks amongst the highest of heavens, hear me! Relay your divine authority into the form of destruction–unto my enemies, unto the enemies of the world your iridescence gleams down upon! Hyperion: In The Hands of Light!"