Dusty Espionage

Emilia stayed silent for a moment before nodding, "...And done."

As she dragged her fingertip, covered by a silk, black glove, with the purple light guided by her touch meeting into a full circle, the unseen passageway revealed itself at last as if a curtain had been pulled away. 

Taking a peek through the mystical doorway through the wall, he expected to see a bustling city on the other side, but instead found his gaze peeking into a quiet, empty establishment. 

"This is the supply room of some inn on the other side of this wall," Emilia told him, "nobody will see us coming in." 

"How'd you find this?" He asked. 

"Obviously I scouted out the city beforehand…I take my job seriously, you know. Might want to take a note, or two." 

"You get around fast, don't you?" He asked with a smirk, "I guess the magecraft of one of the "Weavers of The After" is top-notch, at least when it comes to shady business like this."