Stupor of Unknowing

"...Or maybe, I'm just dreaming," he said out loud, shrugging his shoulders. 

Though he said that, he didn't believe it for a second as he began to stroll through the capital, recounting his steps as he tried to figure out his way back to the inn. 

In any case, I need to go back to the inn…the city seems empty, but it's worth a shot if Emilia is there, he thought. 

Strolling through the town had a certain, surreal sense to it; parts of the landscape either seemed more vibrant, or dulled out, more detailed, or foggy to his eyes. 

Floating in the air, sometimes right past him as he watched, large bubbles floated about, sometimes carrying colorful, aquatic life in their hold. 

Passing through the marketplace, it was absent of the plethora of merchants, and even more abundant shoppers. The same was found when he crossed through the plaza, finding not even the street performers left as he looked up once more at the sky of water up above.