Visit from the Superior

"There's no need to be nervous, stranger." Sillis the blond haired succubus spoke. Her nails were long, and she wrapped her arms around Jimmy's neck.

"Not nervous, just wondering what the hell you two want?"

"She is Sillis, I am Velyn." the second blond woman with the thin lips behind Jimmy spoke.

"Let me guess, you two are sisters."

"Correct dear stranger." Sillis' voice was much more deep and seductive than Velyn's. Jimmy rolled his eyes.

Velyn spoke. "Apologies for Sillis' behavior, it has been a long while since she has become the main girl of a man's harem."

"That's sad." Jimmy said as he raised his voice. He looked behind to see the door still shut. He still overheard the state of the overcrowded bar at the moment. He noticed Sillis' piercing blue eyes. His heart did start to beat. It had been a long while since he met a beauty like her.

"I love a man with a scruff." Sillis pressed her head against Jimmy's scruff. The man rolled his eyes.

"You cannot have him all to yourself sister." Velyn spoke before she wrapped her arms around Jimmy's waist. "Succubi must share their target's energy."

"You had your way with that noble years ago Velyn." Sillis countered, raising her voice. "And before we arrived at this tavern you took too much time seducing that fisherman while his wife was visiting her friends."

Oof, Jimmy thought about the fisherman, poor man got himself seduced by these women, well, these succubi.

"Unfortunately I was just on my way to run an errand ladies." Jimmy said in a calm but demanding manner.

"We have all the time in the world, handsome sir." Sillis said with that seductive tone of hers. "What's the rush? It's not everyday that you get to meet a beautiful woman such as I?"

"On the contrary sir, I'm the more suitable choice." Velyn pulled Jimmy strongly. From the corner of his eye, Jimmy saw her golden glowing eyes, her hands also sharing the cheese yellow like aura.

Jimmy snickered, as Sillis saw the man's eyes turn dark slowly. She started to see gray smoke emerge from his back. Velyn felt the smoke pressing against her chest. It was cold and lifeless, then it started to freeze.

She yelped and released her grip onto Jimmy.

"It seems we've encountered a non-human, Sillis, in spite of his appearance." Velyn commented, as she took a step back from the man. She turned around and extended her arm, her hand pointing toward the door. A yellow beam emerged from the palm of her human disguise, before she turned toward the man again.

"Sister..." Sillis spoke as her eyes widened in surprise. She swore Jimmy's eyes started to form into that of a snake. His face became brighter, his scruff temporarily disappearing. His face was cleaner. The green pupils he had within those dark eyes of his, they pierced Sillis.

"Oh my…" she spoke in a surprised tone, her heart starting to beat. She only felt her heart racing whenever she sensed energy from a particular individual, a particular man. She gulped at the sight of the man stomping onto the ground, his fists clenching hard.

Her human disguised flesh began to slowly fade. Her hair remained blond, but her pale skin started to emerge. Horns started to appear on her head, her skin appearing soft, her hair flowing as smooth as honey in addition to the smell of lilies going through Jimmy's nose.

Sister! Velyn shouted in her mind as she saw Jimmy approach her. He had not made a move. Her eyes widened as Jimmy raised a hand.

He began to pet Sillis' head, overwhelmingly gently. Sillis purred and closed her eyes, her hands intertwining with each other, as Jimmy's hand began to slide down toward her cheek, rubbing it gently as he petted her head.

"Is he a Cerrit?" Velyn whispered to herself, as she began to walk around Jimmy and Sillis. Velyn's eyes became bigger in horror as she saw the head of a snake emerging from Jimmy's shoulder. The snake had a combination of black and white around its body, it's pupils becoming as dark as midnight.

He hissed at the sight of Velyn.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she charged toward Jimmy, pushing him away from Sillis. Jimmy's feet stopped the force of the push from toppling him over. He clenched his fists once more, as Velyn again charged at him.

Even with the sight of her human disguised hands, her punches toward his torso sent his bones shaking, as he grunted out of pain, but chuckled in between.

"You're a Cerrit aren't you!?" Velyn shouted as she threw another punch, but JImmy grabbed her by the right arm. She felt her veins tighten by Jimmy's grip, and winced in slight pain.

"Don't, ever call me that." his disoriented spoke was now in play, his face staring at Velyn's. "That name, how I hated that name." his voice raised.

Velyn pulled her arm back, but the grip of Jimmy's arm onto her own was still stronger. She looked behind to see Sillis on her knees, her eyes still closed with a wide smile planted onto her face. Her hands were touching both of her cheeks, and a red hue went across her face.

Even head pats make her go crazy inside, Velyn thought about her sister of a succubus, then turned toward Jimmy. How are we supposed to form a harem with this man if his awareness is that high?

"You can't." a booming female voice roared. Jimmy turned behind him to see a woman standing on top of the tavern.

The woman was wearing a red and black dress, her shoulders and arms showing that smooth creamy white skin. Her hair was shaded in a mixture of white and gray, but the former color dominated the latter. She was wearing shoulderless arm gloves. THe sight of her caught Jimmy's eyes, he squinted at the view of her hair.

One of the streams of hair formed a white and gray snake. It's eyes were a dash of sky blue.

"You may not know me before Jimmy, but I'm sure Belva here has told you of my name." the woman turned toward Belva who appeared out of thin air, before she gently landed onto the tavern's roof.

"Zavina?" Jimmy's disoriented voice continued to go on. Sillis was still on the ground, contemplating just how soft Jimmy's hand was patting her head and rubbing her cheek.

"Correct." Zavina spoke. "I may not look like it at the moment Jimmy, but I am a succubus like Belva and the Silvanir Sisters here.

"Silvanir Sisters.." Jimmy spoke as he looked at Velyn, then at Sillis. He soon heard something within his ear, buzzing about slightly. He soon saw white rays of light going around his body, and saw the same thing toward Velyn and Sillis. He looked to see the light coming from one of Zavina's hands.

As she raised her own hand, so did the three individuals, brought to the roof of the tavern, and all of them were gently placed down.

"Lady Zavina what is the meaning of this?" Velyn spoke as Sillis was still adjusting to her current burst of adrenaline from what happened before. "Is this man really a Cer-"

"Don't say it!" Belva spoke in surprise as she sighed in reluctance. "He really hates that term."

"Then how should we refer to him as?"

"Either Jimmy, or just say he's different."

"Different? To say he's different from other humans is truly an understatement!" cried out Velyn.

"May I remind you Velyn that our home is currently in the middle of a war." Zavina spoke in a scornful tone. "We have no chance of facing her if we do not ally ourselves with powerful individuals. Humans are out of the question, including these self-proclaimed adventurers and their so called party members."

"Hence why most of the succubi and some incubi choose to be with...the same people Jimmy is categorized in."

As Jimmy took his series of deep breaths, his eyes began to turn back to normal with the green pupils, the smoke no longer coming out from his back. Blinking his eyes, his eyes locked onto the snake that was part of Zavina's hair, it's body connected to her hair a single stream of it compared to the rest of her hair.

"You may pet it." Zavina spoke as Jimmy grinned, and his hand gently petted her own snake.

"I am confused." Velyn spoke.

"Later Velyn." Belva replied with rolled eyeballs. "Anyway Jimmy, this is Zavina, it wasn't easy explaining the situation to her about your terms, but here she is."

"Shall we talk elsewhere? Perhaps at your home?" Zavina spoke. "Tell me, is it the same home as you once bought?"

Jimmy stopped petting the snake, then looked at Zavina. Her piercing gaze caught his attention. She smiled at the sight of him, his heartbeat was heard by her ears.

"You know me that much do you?"

"I see many things around the environment, regardless of what year we are in: your life is no exception, including to what happened between you and your father upon your birth." Zavina explained. "My kind and I require the help of you and the others who are just like you."

"To build a harem?" Jimmy folded his arms and furrowed eyebrows. He felt the sudden grip of Sillis wrapping her arms around his torso. She pressed her head against his upper chest as he rolled his eyes.

"To some extent, but the reason is not just related to our role as succubi." Zavina spoke before raising her voice. "Your world is at risk at becoming a battlefield between us, and someone formerly of our own."