Unwanted Visitor

After he had placed the orange black spotted snake into the building with Fayre and the other snakes, Jimmy feasted on the Brimstone beef that he roasted for himself and the succubi. The succubi stared at their wooden plates as Jimmy shared pieces of the beef, cutting it on a trencher.

He garnished it with a bit of olives in addition to a Cray leaf. The leaf was much more of a powerful stench inducing accessory to the meat, but it didn't stop Sillis from having a watery mouth.

"Such flavor!" she shouted. "Such taste!" Her mouth savored the juiciness of the Brimstone beef, all while Velyn looked at her sister in a terrified look.

"Sister….this is just food." Velyn said as she took smaller bites using the silverware Jimmy had provided for all of them. The silverware by Sillis was just let alone on the table, eating the Brimstone beef by hand. Velyn meanwhile pierced the pieces of the beef with a fork upon slicing them with a knife. "Control yourself."

"I can't help it! This cooking is too good!" Sillis spoke in awe. "Jimmy you're a magnificent cook!"

All I did was roast the beef, Jimmy thought. I'm surprised none of you have tried to kill me yet.

"We cannot kill you for two reasons, although Belva has already said the first." Zaniva spoke immediately, causing him to widen his eyes in surprise. She then turned toward Belva, shooting her a look.

"I tried to tell him, but he wouldn't see reason. He insisted that he'd come see you." Belva spoke. You might have a better chance at dealing with him than me! She shouted in her mind.

"Well here I am Jimmy, ready to answer any questions you have."

"What's the name of that snake in your hair?"

"Are you serious-" Belva was cut off by Zaniva's hand covering her mouth.

Zaniva smiled at the question. "Come out now." she called out, as the snake from her white hair started to take form from various hairlines forming into one. The snake's eyes were a shade of purple, glowing slightly. It's tongue slithered out, eyeing Jimmy.

"I call her….Torsea."

"Torsea." Jimmy called back. "What a name."

"Yes, it's a result of...well, her often habit of biting off enemy torso's." Zaniva explained, as Sillis continued munching on her plate of Brimstone beef. Velyn rolled her eyes at her.

Zaniva stopped talking, as she saw Fayre the green emerald snake slither up via Jimmy's arm, taking a place on his shoulder. It looked at Zaniva with an odd look, and furrowed its eyes. It hissed towards Torsea, who did the same.

"Calm down Fayre." Jimmy spoke. "This is a friend...for now."

"Rest assured I will be more than just a friend to you Jimmy. I'll also be a demon who is more than willing to help humanity avoid a massive conflict, for your species' own safety as well of course."

The wind soon screamed temporarily, almost faded. The rumbles of the wind became slightly louder the more Jimmy starred at Zaniva.

"I appreciate the meal, as with my sister." Velyn spoke. "But we need to get to business now. The Underworld's cracking down as we speak."

"Underworld? You mean-"

"Yes Jimmy, we're from the Underworld, many others are from the underworld! I thought you humans believed in our existence of evil." Belva said in disbelief.

"We do, I'm just not one of them."

"I could turn into a snake, these sisters could literally change their appearance at any time given, and Zaniva has a snake of her own in her hair. Are you still that skeptical about us?"

"Humans can be demons too." Jimmy spoke as he furrowed his eyebrows too. "Not once in my life have I ever seen a person be possessed by a demon and do some foul actions."

"You are right to a certain degree." Zaniva added. "But rest assured, we are very much real to you, just like your system as...someone different."

"What do you want with me?" Jimmy's voice was different than before. He wasn't acting all enthusiastic and wild now.

"Cooperation." Zaniva spoke. "Our own world is suffering from a giant crack, because of our own Queen. She is no better than the tyrannical Kings and Queens of your world."

"We could take her on ourselves." Belva explained. "But it's not enough. Some of our own have been killed viciously down there. Yes Jimmy, even demons can hate each other, if that gets into your thin head." Upon saying that, she received a glare from Jimmy, but he soon replaced it with a simple nod.

"Go on." Jimmy spoke to the succubi, folding his arms.

"I know that deep down you hate your current state, that your enthusiastic attitude when it comes to fighting is only a result of your...special set of abilities pushing your mind to become more ecstatic then you normally would."

"Just say it. Just say the name cause there's no avoiding that." JImmy spoke as he placed his hand on his face.

"So I can Cerrit now?" Belva spoke.


"Yes, your Cerrit abilities. They have been the driving force behind your wildness, and that's understandable, considering your father infused you with it." Zaniva continued. "I had the liberty of witnessing these events, including how you learned to deal with them. Well, deal with that you discovered."

Belva interrupted. "Wait Lady Zaniva, so you're saying that there's more to Jimmy?"

"The Cerritulus, from my understanding, have always been identified as having abilities from birth, but also their unpredictable nature caused by the magic inside of their mind and soul. Very few Cerrits have genuinely found all of their set of abilities. Jimmy here has not."

Jimmy looked at her with wide eyes.

"Is it kicking in now? His magic?"

"Like I said just now, we cannot tell for sure. They happen at random, but at the moment, seeing how we have not done anything toward him, I think we are in the clear."

"Essentially we must not make Jimmy angry then,to avoid unwanted situations with his powers." Sillis spoke as she went up from her seat, and wrapped her arms around his neck. His eyes widened at the sudden view of her face. "We must do what we normally do whenever a harem is formed then."

"Is that really all on your mind?" Jimmy asked. "Cause I swear you all are no better than humans who can't keep themselves at ease."

"When it comes to my sister, yes Jimmy." Velyn commented.

"Haven't you had some relationships in the past Jimmy?" Zaniva spoke.

"You know I'm a Cerrit."

"How unfortunate! TO think you are a looker." Sillis spoke.

Sillis will take any man, Belva rolled her eyes, before a large bang appeared on the door. Jimmy went up from his seat, Sillis releasing her grip on his neck. The man approached the door, but stopped just before his hand reached the handle.

He made a swift turn to the right, then to the left.

Velyn closed her eyes, and as she opened them, they became blue. From her eyes, the entire place was blue, and she swore she saw a figure outlined in red.

"Something is here." Velyn spoke. "And it's not human."

"Sillis can you take care of Fayre and the other snakes?"

"Of course Jimmy." Sillis spoke immediately, allowing Fayre to slither onto her arm before she went outside to the building.

The wall bursted out, wood flying as a black distorted figure went inside and screamed very loudly. It grabbed JImmy by the neck, slamming him against the wall.

"Demon!" Belva spoke as she went up from her seat as with Zaniva. Jimmy was heard choking in the figure's dark claws. Furrowing her eyes, she saw Jimmy's eyes turn from green to pitch black more, as well as snickering in between in his struggling situation.

"Praise Malvagia!" the distorted demon spoke. It was floating in the air, it's lack of legs was clear as day for Jimmy. "Serve thy Queen of the Underworld."

"You mean former!" Zaniva spoke as she fired a beam of white light against the demon, pushing him out of the cottage and exploding the wall in the process. She went after the demon outside.

"Jimmy you alright!?" Belva ran towards the man. She threw away the previous negative assumptions she had of him. She saw the man's dark eyes now fully shaped.

"Never been better, truth be told." Jimmy's own voice became distorted. His large smile revealed his sharp looking fangs, almost snake like.

Was it because of that snake that bit him? She wondered. Or has he been hiding them very carefully? She hadn't seen those fangs up until now.

It's almost as if his Cerrit abilities are in line with his love of snakes, she wondered, as he went up to his feet, and saw Zaniva fighting against the distorted demon.

He ran toward the scene.

"Jimmy!" Belva spoke as the man began running forward. Jimmy himself felt energy running toward his right arm, before he punched the demon. Black shards went off the demon following the punch, as he turned to see Zaniva.

"Shall we take care of this unwanted visitor together?"

There was no answer from Jimmy, he only gave a nod, and clenched his fist, omitting gray smoke.