The Fish has been Captured

Jimmy scurried along through the crowds of people as the day became hotter, and the population within town became much higher. The sheer volume of people passing by.

His eyes widened in horror as he saw the sight of many eyes looking at him, some were pointing at him, others were whispering to their friends or family.

"What happened with his eyes?"

"What does he look like?"

"Could it be magic?"

Where's Kaylan!? Jimmy thought hard. His mouth was still closed, he was racing against the time. The surface inside of his mouth felt the edges of his snake like forked tongue. He cursed himself deeply. Why now? He thought again critically, out of all the times to emerge!

"Get away from me you welch!" Jimmy's ears rose up at the sound of a young man screaming in anger. He soon heard the boos and gawks of people.

One voice from the mass crowd spoke. "How dare you harm a lady!"

"Sillis." Jimmy rolled his eyes as he pushed through the crowds of various men and women. He ignored their angry chants at him. He forced his legs, allowing him to run as swift as the wind. He soon saw the yellow haired succubi, within her human disguise of course, on the floor as several men came to her aid.

"Jimmy!" Sillis cried out with a gash in her hand. "I'm sorry, but-"

"It's fine." Jimmy spoke. His face was inches away from hers. He whispered. "Just don't, you know…"

Sillis let her tongue out in a silly manner. "I'm not that naive." she whispered back. "I know I must keep myself contained in this shell of mine." she soon turned toward the right, and saw the cloaked figure Kaylan running like the wind. "There he is!"

"Kaylan!" Jimmy yelled out toward the thief who turned his body around and shot another burst of fire toward him.

"Back off!" Kaylan yelled before he approached another wall, his legs moving swiftly, as he climbed up toward the building's short edge, before pushing himself onto the rooftop. Jimmy followed suit, and soon caught the sight of the thief. He noticed a small sack in the thief's left hand.

Kaylan made a swift turn toward Jimmy. Raising his right hand, a stiletto knife from Kaylan's belt floated and made its way towards the thief's right hand.

"Unless you want me to stab this in your heart, you turn the other way around and go." Kaylan threatened.

"If not me then someone else will gettth you for the monehhhh!" Jimmy shouted, his forked tongue spewing out of his mouth and vibrating as he said his array of words. The sight of his expression made Kaylan widen his eyes in horror.

"What in Almighty's name?" the thief said. "What are you!? There's no way normal magic would give you such an appearance, unless-" he paused. "You're a Cerrit aren't you!?"

He didn't get an answer from Jimmy, who charged on ahead and nearly jabbed him in the face. The thief jumped up slightly, before he gave a kick against Jimmy's face.

"Stay back!" Kaylan spoke in tremble. He had been so used to pickpocketing and sneaking up on potential victims for coins or any other accessory that can be sold for said coin. He gulped at the sight of Jimmy's forked tongue.

Kaylan made a swift slash towards Jimmy's arm. It created a tear and blood began to spew out slightly, but the thief's eyes shrunk at the sight of miniscule snakes covering up the injury.

The cover up was clean and organized, as if it was never there.

Kaylan threw his sack filled with his item to be sold for coin, before he charged up towards Jimmy, and raised his stiletto, the tip of the knife was heading towards Jimmy's shoulder.

He screamed in shock at the sight of the black and white snake head emerging from Jimmy's shoulder, biting the knife's blade in half, before Jimmy caught the thief by the neck. Kaylan croaked at the sheer grip Jimmy had.

"Let me go. I can give you that in exchange." Kaylan spoke about the sack that contained valuables. "Taking me in won't be worth it! My friends won't ignore this."

Jimmy tilted his head slightly towards a figure behind Kaylan. He smirked, hissing at the thief before he shoved the thief towards the figure.

Kaylan felt a bump, a soft surface by the edge of his shoulders and the surface of his back. He extended his arms to the back, touching the seemingly soft material.

His eyes widened at the sight of a giggle, and he turned to see the red face of Sillis, giggling. He turned to the left, and he saw the sight of Velyn, the right, the sight of Zaniva.

"Who are you women?" Kaylan demanded, before he saw a ball of light appear in front of him, and Belva emerged from it. The dark haired succubi used her disguised human eyes to stare towards Kaylan's own eyes. The longer he looked at her eyes, the more he felt frozen in place.

He couldn't even move his head anywhere but towards her eyes, such dark alluring eyes pulling him into her gaze. He gulped.

"Kind sir, surely you're willing to see reason?" Belva spoke in a disoriented alluring voice. "The more you run the more likely you will be chased by individuals far worse than all of us combined."

Kaylan shook his head. "To the underworld with you! If I get caught-"

"Then what?"

"You think I work by myself? No! My colleagues will be extremely upset if they found out I was captured by the likes of you all!." he stopped as soon as Belva cupped his chin with her hand.

Her gaze was even stronger. He gulped in a nervous manner, before his own eyes widened. Jimmy became surprised at the sight of Kaylan's eyes now being white, lacking its pupils.

"Finally, you could seduce ssssomeone." Jimmy chuckled followed by Sillis. Belva pouted as she turned toward him, before turning back to Kaylan.

"Good, now all we need is to hand in Kaylan for a reward."

"Yes, the Fish has been captured!" Sillis spoke as she continued to hold Kaylan by the arms. She looked at her elder sister's reaction. "What? Isn't it the correct expression?"

"Zzzzaniva." Jimmy spoke in his snake like tone again. "I-I-I can't take this away from me, this tongue and these eyes of mine!"

"What?" Belva spoke, before it hit her in realization. "Right, you just got them."

"Not to worry Jimmy." Zaniva spoke. "By the time we trade Kaylan for the reward, we shall try to seek horses to pull the wagon at your cottage, but we must move quickly. Somewhere out here Malvagia's forces may be watching us, they may be watching you as well."