while the entire room was filled with innovative brains. The mastermind team went missing! and the next project is from the mastermind team. "Reema Denniel wherever you are get ready with your team," said Mrs splendor. Mr clade gives a gentle smile and whispers to miss Sarah -" I told you right this team has got some magical powers, I'm the only diamond in the entire school of mount board" and laughs aloud.

The audience began to lose their cool and gets scattered for a short break. I never expected Miss Andrew would give up like a loser! Miss splendor's mobile rings .."Hello! this is splendor. May I know who's on the other side?"

Miss Andrew here. Well, sorry for the unconvinced act, but we got stuck on the runway. We will be back in another half an hour.

"Oh! My dear little heart. Why didn't you ask any of the mentors to come along with you?"

Miss Andrew speaks nothing and says "Huh! It's kind of dramatic stuff, Miss. Splender.

"Ok! fine please come at the earliest possible Reema "

Mr. Clade overhears the conversation of Splender but acts as if he's not aware of his corrupt act in Cafe house. He drops a message to Sarah my love don't wait for my conquest, you better escape from this frame.

I smiled for 2 seconds and gazed at Sarah

Sarah! what's your school of thought on corruption ?"

Sarah turned pale and remained speechless for the question posed . "what! who's corrupt mind here ?" I...I...

I .. i.. what Sarah? Damm it Sarah Don't you dare to .hide something, Anyways I need to receive the conquest team at the doorstep of mount board.

Have a nice spilled beans day ..Hahaha Will see you later

And I left from the unplanned photo frame

miss splendor is back on the spotlight "so, calm down an audience! It's time to welcome the charm of Mount Board... Miss Andrew and her team ."

The sound of applause shook miss Sarah and also het corrupt partner Mr. Clade...

"Hello everyone ! this is miss Reema Andrew Denniel. To begin with, it all started with a single challenge of setting up a hub of entrepreneurship, and today our project has got its value and a complete team to fly the flag pf mount board school "

Miss Andrew, Aire & Jordan. delivers their presentation. Meanwhile, Clade tries to delete the message of Sarah.

"Hello! The conquest brain of today's date "

You again dropped in? -yelled Mr clade.

I'm the only friend of yours. dear lost prince.

Hah! it's not the time to start a dramatic reel Jane you leave. The doors are waiting for you and he left the room in a rage

."OK! audience thank you for spending your crucial time and listening to us. Please do vote and support our team ."

Nevertheless! it's incredible to host the project: Miss Splender

Clade finds himself messed up in a tricky situation and starts to wander around the premises of Mountboard.

I can hear the entire crowd speaking about clade's reputation.

"I think this time competition is between clade and Miss Andrew," said one of the judges

Miss Andrew remains calm and sits in a corner with an innocent face eagerly awaiting for her parents and uncle to chill.

Aira l looks for Reema as she got some stuff

I to discuss with her team.

".I need to find them & our secret undercover .."No! our team can't wait for long hours. It has become a gossip ..said Aira

"Well you look nervous," said Miss Kate

"Nothing l! You better search your way out from Mountboard "

"Where's Jane, Reema ...?" Tell me Jordan

Aira kept asking him but he kept gazing at Sarah...

miss splendor: Ok! Everyone, It's time to reveal the most wanted person on our campus. So, who is it?

Aira finds Jane near the doorstep with a mug of hot coffee

"Jane ..Jane Come here as soon as possible ."

On hearing Aira's loud voice from a distance.

Jane turns back and unfortunately soiylls the hot coffee ...What Jane you always keep shouting Tell me what's going on in there?

"Nothing interesting but come with me let's go and search for Reema & Jordan". Well, I think. Jane ...Leave it first let's explore these buddies. Let's not lose our cool.

"Aira I think Miss Sarah would turn the tables"!

That's not possible Jane .; to be honest it's a scary mission to uncover Clade's dark secrets in Mountboard. Yeah, It's true Aira

If at all we threw a light on his secrets. he would not sit and watch.

"Oh! let's see Jane what's written in our fate . Get ready for both the sides of a coin. . Let's hope for the best and let's pray to gather some courage .so that we may face any circumstances". Yeah, Aira you are right but Sarah would never mind? I mean if she's aware of our faces at the cafe then she would call us scamsters.

"Look at that couple over there "Hah! At least we found them. Jane stops spreading your negative vibes to everything. Think positive like Andrew ..Stop blowing smoke here and common let's go to celebrate our first victory in a mount board. After all, it's not easy right!

Jane, Reema & Jordan Common buddies let's rock & roll. "Is it an announcement ?" can you hear it Jordan? Let's step forward like jumping Jack