The test

"Okay I think with that we are done here and you may go towards the school's gym to get tested and divided into groups," Mr James said dismissing the students from the main hall to the gym. Being one of the best school's in the world it accepted students from many states under the UN(United Nations) and this year it was no different with the total of 5000 students waiting to either get accepted or referred to other schools with more than 96 % being superhumans and the rest being real blood

NOTE: With the change in DNA stands also a lot of changes underwent in the human's body like the change in blood types with only the universal donor's being the only one which actually survived the mutation with slight changes like the ability to heal quickly but every other blood types still had this ability but not as strong as that of the universal donors are also known as real blood well this is a list of the now known blood types

O negative (universal)

L negative and positive (Lightning)

E negative and positive (Earth)

W negative and positive (water)

F negative and positive (fire)







And many others which are combinations

***Author's note: well I think that's enough fooling around for now switching back to first-person****

Victor POV

WOW, I never expected this school to be this big just the school's hall was already the size of two football fields combined or even more than with 5000 students sitting down we didn't take at least a quarter of the large hall well with what I've been told about the school I hope I get accepted in because my parents just spent $2000 to get me enrolled for just a test but still I hope It doesn't go to waste and I do not fail.

Whe I finally got the chance to get into the bus my head started to spin around before I heard a guy beside me say "already getting cold feet ha I bet you won't even get up to a 100 in your brain capacity test if you do I'll eat shit but if you don't you'll give me all you've got deal or no deal" I just kept him quiet but when I got in I heard him say "real bloods we all know their trash a liability to us" I just kept him quiet and went to the last row of seats in the bus and sat there looking out the window with the noise in the bus it was hard to concentrate but thanks to a teacher who got on the bus the noise begun to calm down and I could better observe my surrounding on our way we went past the school's garden which I heard had a lot of rear plants and flowers after that the school's hunting ground then the zoo then finally we got to the gym which of course was very big we got in and sat on the chairs waiting for our names to be called by the announcer after a while of seeing other real bloods getting refered fear started to get hold on me reminding me that the last time I went to get a test that my brain capacity had not yet been attained and my blood type was not even considered to be a part of the currently existing ones and worst of all I wasn't a super human then I my thinking was distracted by the announcers voice saying "Kingsley Victor please come over and be tested and by this time I felt all eyes fall on me "shit" I mumured to myself then I heard that same boy say "I don't think he's even a super human he's just gonna end up like the rest in the trash were they belong then I felt my will come back to me I stood up a walked straight to the testing ground when I sat on the chair a hovering robot was put over my head to begin the test.