Episode 11

"Where the fuck is that damned creature"

Victor shouted to no one exactly turning his head violently side to side in search of the monster

The sky was roaring with thunder, bolts flashing through the clouds the moon was ever clear with the road in total wreckage showing no signs of life except for victor and the portal which had dark clouds gathering around it with lightning flashes of different colours flickering through the sky letting out loud rumbling sounds with the colour of the gate slowly changing from its black colour into a range of other colours. After a while of glaring at the portal with water filling up his eyes victory fell to the ground on his knees and suddenly released muffled moaning sounds as tears rolled from his heavy eyes down his red cheeks with his mom's lifeless body just next to him.

After quite a while of crying victor stood on his feet still looking down on his mother's corpse on the ground he said with a cracked voice trying to hold back the tears,

"mo..m i..m re...ally sor..ry I know I made you a prom..is not to get involved but I have to get my rev..enge they have to pay for this I prom..is to use. nd them all to h..ell they'll all pay with t.heir lives I saw..ear on my life"

As victor had finished his statement lightning shot across the sky as a holographic screen appeared before him

You have Just Made

A Celestial


"I Shall Slay All The


Your Existence has started to

become more profound amongst the


Constellations have started to

observe the Powerless Challenger

Enter the dungeon to begin the


As this floating text's appeared before victor he started to walk towards the portal he knew the gravity of the declaration he had just made and he also knew that the only way to own up to his declaration was to become stronger than all of them.

Welcome to the tutorial

You have received item rusty sword

In your inventory call for it

to arm yourself«Rusty Sword» Victor called out as instructed as he put his right hand in position while the sword started to appear on his hand.


The basic knowledge of the sword would

now be passed into your brain

As soon as this message appeared Victor felt a sharp sting in his head as he felt the knowledge entering his head.

This information may bee

Temporary depending on the class

chosen by the player later after the

cadet becomes a player

Tutorial Quest:

Clear the dungeon

Dungeon Name: Orcs Heaven

Dungeon level: Mystery Class

Note: cadets can gain temporary exp which would be converted into permanent exp after the raid.