Chapter 1: Shock! The mouse died ...

The territory of Gaohua State covers more than 9.6 million square kilometers.

The night of Anlin City, Minjiang Province is very quiet. As a third-tier city, no one can be seen on the street after 11pm.

There are only a few entertainment clubs venting the restless heart and energy of young people.

In a room of eight 806 in Yuyulong Community, a room of about 20 square meters, a high-watt incandescent lamp illuminated the room like daylight.

"Voltage test passed ..."

"Current is stable ..."

"The joystick is normal ..."

Fang Hao reads the data on the instrument step by step.

This is a model aircraft, and it is a bit biased to say that model players are rich people.

A remote control plane is now hundreds of dollars or even less than a hundred dollars, but it is just a toy for children.

The shape of the F-10 aircraft model in front of my eyes, if there is no order, it is really not to think.

Aeronautical professional coating is used on the outside, and the silver-white exterior is two original oil-powered engines imported from Germany.

The thrust is 160 kg, and the unit price is equivalent to 100,000 yuan, including the rest of the internal parts and the body of the model aircraft. The total price of this model is no less than 500,000.

Yun Fanghao can't afford to play. He is just an ordinary person in an ordinary family, but he graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Jiangnan University.

After graduating from an accidental opportunity, he encountered aeromodelling. Since then, his main source of income has been to assemble and repair and perform basic debugging for those rich players who know about aeromodelling.

Fang Hao gained a lot of fame in the modelling circle of Anlin City in the past year.

The reputation has naturally risen with the asking price. Like this list, even if the definition of drones is added on the basis of aeromodelling, the purchase price of some of these components has also increased several times.

Xi Fanghao was in a beautiful mood.

The wool came out of the sheep, and it was just a GPS positioning system. I didn't accept six or seven thousand here, and I was really sorry for his technical ability.

Not to mention that Jinzhu also requires that the aeromodelling can have a navigation flight control system like an unmanned aerial vehicle, that is, autonomous flight and patrol inspection according to the settings.

I want to achieve this, Fang Hao said yes.

But the price is that this ticket can increase his deposit amount by 50,000 to reach 300,000 deposits. This is absolutely acceptable for freshmen who graduate one year.

"Huh?" Fang Hao frowned, just tried the joystick just now, but now it suddenly failed again, "It doesn't make sense, the frequency band is correct, the signal receiver in the aircraft model is also normal, and the control chip for the control direction is still Just changed ... "

Bian Fanghao was a bit confused, but it was all good, but it didn't work.

"Is it signal interference again?" Fang Hao muttered uncertainly.

Bian Fanghao was a little bit strange recently. The neighborhood where he lives is almost a suburb in Anlin. The third-tier city in the suburbs will know what kind of environment it is.

Not to mention at night, even if there are not many people during the day, most of them are office workers. During the day, only the old woman and the grandfather led their grandchildren to hang out under the building. The only possible source of signal interference was only a hidden mobile communication station. .

But Fang Hao is clear that this is unlikely to interfere with the remote control signal of the aeromodelling, and this situation has only recently appeared.

"嗞 ~ 嗞 嗞 嗞 ..."

Suddenly, on the computer table behind Fang Hao, the laptop he had just assembled emitted a strange noise, and the display flashed red, yellow, and blue three-color lines, just like when the TV was magnetized.

I can't wait for Fang Hao to react. The laptop suddenly turns black, and then a black smoke rises.

"Sink! My twenty thousand oceans!"

Tong Fanghao quickly put down the model remote control in his hand, kicked it on the bottom of the table, and the computer chair under his **** quickly moved back and made a gorgeous turn.

"I go to your sister!"

Tong Fanghao screamed. At the power cord of the laptop, a section of the skin was exposed. Around the inner copper wire, the rubber had been burnt and melted together.

There was a small mouse beside him, which was convulsing by electric current.


Our home is on the 8th floor!

Because his power consumption gradually increased, leading to frequent tripping of the air circuit breaker, Fang Hao simply changed a high-power electrical switch by himself.

Now it's okay, even the empty fuse that has been blown has not been broken.

Wu Fanghao had too much time to think about it. He quickly unplugged the socket and quickly disassembled the laptop. He thought he should be able to rescue it.

"Hello, fortunately." After checking again, Hao shouted fortunately, the loss was acceptable, the internal hard disk was okay, only the display screen was burned.

Bian Fanghao looked at the mouse on the floor, and his hatred tooth was tickling. "It really is the four harms, even if the bacteria are spread, they are now destroying."

Wu Fanghao now can't wait to bake the rat and eat it. Just biting it, he lost 1,500 yuan.

"It's so obscure!" Fang Hao cursed, the model of the aircraft didn't understand the problem, and now he still lost a monitor, and he didn't know which way he was.

He walked to the kitchen and took a pair of disposable gloves. Fang Hao raised his mouse tail in disgust.

"Didi Didi, the bionic technology system is complete ... small creatures detected.

Category: mammals, rodents, rodents of the family Muridae.

家 Mus musculus: gray color, small individuals, in addition to the wall to make nests, often accompanied by people, biological weight of about 20-30g. "

"Technology extraction, please wait ..."


The mouse in Tong Fanghao's hand fell directly to the floor, he looked at the laptop on the table blankly, and the sudden picture filled his head with paste.

"This ... this ... what's the situation?"

确定 He determined that the laptop 's power cord was unplugged, and that the computer that should not work should be started without a battery, and even if it is normal, he is sure and certain that there is no such voice software in his laptop.

No, these are not the points!

The point is that not only the screen of the notebook is bright, but the hints that jumped out made him feel like a ghost.

"Technology extraction is complete.

Object: Mus musculus

一 , Balance stabilizer

Stabilize the object and always keep the center of gravity in the weightless side.

二, Climbing Grab

It can be used for assisted climbing by machinery, with a maximum gradient of 89.5 °. "

The system's introduction to the extracted technology is very simple, but Fang Hao finished it on his knees.

In a plane, the two straight lines need only be at an angle of 90 degrees.

In the space, the surface-to-plane vertical and the surface-to-line vertical requirements are more severe, but the vertical must have a 90-degree angle. The vertical conditions of the line and space in the space are the same as in a plane.

Climbing grips can help the machine to climb up to a vertical angle, even if the angle of the machine, such as the car, is related to the power of the car and the model, tire, etc.

But Fang Hao can think of more than 10 kinds of mechanical products with extremely high demand for climbing. UU reading books

For example off-road vehicles.

Car grade expresses the ability of a car to climb. Only when the traction force of the car is greater than the uphill resistance and rolling resistance (excluding air resistance) can the car climb uphill.

The method of measuring the climbing ability of a car is the percentage slope, which is expressed by the ratio of the height of the **** to the horizontal distance, that is, the percentage **** = tan100%, where the angle between the **** and the horizontal plane.

For example, the car climb is 30%.

Then according to the formula: tan100% = 30%, that is, tan = 30/100 = 0.3

A look at the trigonometric function table gives 16 ° 6992 "

The steepest **** this car can climb is 16 ° 6992 ".

On the road, ordinary family cars only need 10 ° to meet the needs of use.

But for wild off-road vehicles, it is anxious to be able to cross the mountains and rivers, and it is best to drive straight through any obstacles.

现在 Now, with the climbing belt, let alone rock climbing, even climbing the wall becomes possible.

What does this mean for professional players?

Even if a **** stunner stripped off and walked there, it might just be a glance and then ... enthusiastically got into the cab.

Regardless of your beauty or your sister, I will climb the wall, I will go to heaven!

"calm down!"

Xi Fanghao was already excited and did not want to, even smoking three cigarettes, the hand holding the cigarette was still a little trembling.

After a long time, Fang Hao returned to normal, resisting the urge to create this climbing belt now, he instinctively wanted to understand how this all happened.