Chapter 8: talks

A few days later, until Fang Hao applied for a patent to enter the review stage, he was relieved.

"It seems that Wu Weiguo has not flickered himself, but he is quite reliable." Fang Hao was fortunate. If things were not already in Wu Weiguo's hands, and it looked like they could not be taken away, Fang Hao refused to agree.

Bian Fanghao doesn't mind seeing people first. This society is too realistic, and the era of supremacy of interests rests hope on the goodness of others, which is simply a crime against himself.

Of course, there must be a kind heart, and we must believe that the world is bright and tomorrow is beautiful.

Taking advantage of these days, Fang Hao also went to the Industry and Commerce Bureau to set up his own company. It took three days to expedite the handling under the fee of 1500 yuan charged by the intermediary.

At this time, Fang Hao was returning home with the company's relevant materials. When he opened the portfolio, it was not the original copy of the file, but the beginning of his career:

Pingxing Meteorology Technology Co., Ltd.

The meteor flew across the atmosphere and into the ground, adding mass to the earth, while the meteorological technology is accelerating the course of human technology.

Hao Fanghao even thought of the declaration on the company's website: Starfall Technology, which was born to create technology.

"Yes, yes, I'm so talented." Fang Hao kissed the folder a few times, he would not admit that the company's name was just taken from the lucky homophony, lucky to have a bionic technology system Really, everything else is blind.

"Smoke cigarettes one by one, drink a glass of wine ..."

The telephone bell remembered, Fang Hao lifted the hairy laughter, answered the call after clearing his throat and clearing his throat.

喂 "Hello, this is the Logistics Equipment Department of the Southeast Theater. My name is Kobayashi. Is this Mr. Fang Haofang?"

Voice is very sweet, a female soldier, but even more wonderful is that Fang Hao waited a few days and finally got news.

"Oh, hello, I'm Fang Hao."

"That's it. A commissioner of our department has already arrived at the Anlin City Armed Forces Department. We will now inform you that you will arrive before 3 pm today to participate in a talk. Please be there in time."

"Ok, no problem."

I hung up the phone, it was already 12:30, Fang Hao sorted out some materials that he thought could be used, and hurriedly ate lunch before going to the armed forces.

Fang Hao of the Lu'an Lin City Armed Forces Department came here once, at the age of eighteen when he was recruited for a medical examination.

If you do n't go to receive the medical examination request, you are committing a crime, but whether you are a soldier or not depends on your willingness. Fang Hao chose to ask him if he is willing to serve.

The Armed Forces Department is a bit dilapidated. Several buildings here are said to have been like this when their father was seventeen years old, and the buildings are over twice the age of Fang Hao.

It's just that the atmosphere in the Armed Forces Department today is more serious. It seems that it is the same as when it was preparing to recruit soldiers. There is an additional active soldier on duty at the gate.

After Fang Hao strictly registered his personal information, he was accompanied by a soldier into the main building whose exterior wall was unknown how many times it had been renovated.

"Mr. Fang, please put your mobile phone and other electronic products in the storage box, which can be retrieved by yourself after the meeting." The soldier's tone of scrutiny could not be refuted.

Tong Fanghao glanced at the storage box, which had at least 8 mobile phones, which meant that there must be no less than 8 people in this meeting room.

"My God, do you want to pay so much attention?" Fang Hao muttered in his heart.

Although the balance stabilizer works well, it is not without substitutes, and to a certain extent, the balance stabilizer has a lot of defects. It will adjust its horizontal position whether you need it or not.

Cong kindly put the mobile phone off and put it in the storage box. Fang Hao stood still and took a deep breath, and then opened the door and walked in.

"You are Mr. Fang Haofang. I did not expect Mr. Fang to be so young," Fang Hao just entered the door, and a middle-aged man wearing a military uniform greeted enthusiastically: "Come and come, we can talk about it early."

The middle-aged person led Fang Hao to the first position on the right side of the conference table, and took the opportunity to sit on the left hand side of Fang Hao. "I'm Zhang Qitian, Armed Minister of Anlin City. Let me introduce you. This is our war zone. The deputy director of the logistics department, who is next to the staff of the logistics department, are well-recognizable in military uniforms. "

After a little nod, Zhang Qitian introduced the remaining three men in formal attire. "You should know this. He is the chief designer of DJI Xiao Dan. The next two are from the technical department. Zhang Yan and Hu Li are the backbone of the R & D team of DJI UAV. "

Tong Fanghao kept a smile on his face, but he was puzzled in his heart. Didn't he talk with the army? Why did a DJI drone appear?

"Oh, Mr. Fang don't need to be confused," it seems to see through Fang Hao's thoughts, and DJI Chief Designer Xiao Dan pushed down the frame and said, "Mr. Fang's balance stabilizer is very strong in fixed-wing type drones. Role, and we were invited this time to test its specific participation and to discuss some possibilities for cooperation. "

DJI UAV is a myth, a military enterprise that considers itself a private enterprise.

Why do you say that?

The reason is too simple. DJI UAVs have more than 200 sales countries in the world.

And including the world's only superpower, it has also purchased DJI UAVs as auxiliary aircraft to supplement the sight of individual road troops.

And DJI drones have been converted into attack drones on many battlefields.

The launch of fixed-point grenades, self-explosive drones, etc., and the world-famous industrial country Deutschland also developed a drone interception and defense system based on the DJI drone.

"Xiao Gong, my drone is not a drone." Fang Hao emphasized again, anyway, if others believe it or not, he will do it.

Just kidding, DJI is a big player in the field of drones. The world that produces four-axis drones cannot be said to be the only one, but in the mid-to-high-end ladder, DJI is definitely the first. Are you strong?

But the research and development is completely military, and the drone structure happens to be similar to the model of Fang Hao assembled for Zhao Zixuan, so Fang Hao will definitely not admit it.

"Oh, Mr. Fang is humble," Xiao Dan said, unaffected. Good designers must not only have a professional who can handle them, but also have excellent ability in negotiating a party. Otherwise, they are only professionals who stay in the laboratory every day. Just fine.

Xiao Xiaodan is not a professional. He has also performed very well in negotiations. He has won several orders for the enterprise several times.

And after Fang Hao's drone was reported by 73382 troops, their team arrived in Anlin that night with various detection instruments.

I have been testing the performance of the drone these days, which is precisely the performance of the balance stabilizer.

There are shortcomings, but the shortcomings are already very insignificant compared to the advantages. Isn't it impossible to play special effects, but I don't need them at all.

轴 Four-axis drones are DJI's specialty. However, if you want to develop and grow your company, you can't have all the tricks.

Except for the most advanced technology, even if you can't make drawings, there are no products that can't be imitated.

Nothing more than that patent protection is there.

If DJI wants to develop, it must enter multiple fields. After completing the market strategic deployment of four-axis drones, their R & D focus is on fixed-wing drones, which is often seen in blockbusters in the country. .

As long as the target is set, the drone will directly reach the target point for military strike at an extremely fast speed and extremely concealed flight mode.

No matter what patent you have, military technology is not patented. As long as it is useful to me, I will imitate it. If you have the ability, you can hit me.

What's more, the patents of mechanical products are too easy to wrap around. Just modify them a little. Under the influence of "hidden rules", it is an independent product.

DJI completed the product parameters proposed by the military in the same way, but there was a fatal flaw that it was unable to complete the autonomous landing of the drone in an abnormal state.

However, to achieve this, the price is very high, and complex specialized link platforms need to be set up to do so.

This is not in line with the mobility of modern warfare, and it is not in line with China's national conditions.

Hua Xia does not have as many military bases as Mi. UU reading All important areas have long been occupied by Mi guys.

However, just when they thought of a compromise method and developed a dedicated car platform to achieve this goal, a balance stabilizer that no one had thought of before appeared.

Its structural concept is so simple, it just breaks through a layer of window paper, but its manufacturing level is so sophisticated, no one believes that this was actually completed by a fresh graduate student at home.

Wu Fanghao still doesn't know how powerful his balance stabilizer is, exactly how small it is. With the manual grinding of the small gray ash, he just used diamond emery paper to produce ultra-high precision.

"No, I am not humble, nor am I going around the corner. The balance stabilizer is our first product. If you want, you can place an order directly." Fang Hao did not know what Xiao Dan's gourd was selling.

But Fang Hao knows that the status of the two sides is not equal. The chief designer of a large group company treats himself so politely, and there is no reason to believe it.

Bian Fanghao simply introduced the topic directly to the topic. Anyway, whether it is DJI or the logistics equipment department, I only sell products but not technology. As for whether it is agreed or not, it is not my business.

It seems that Fang Hao's attitude is too tough, and the deputy director of the logistics department, who didn't speak, smiled and said, "Mr. Fang, we have no other meaning. Of course, we will buy products in your hands with normal business behavior. You have no intention of selling a technology patent, so let's start talking directly about the price. "

不 "No, no, no, patent issues are not possible without discussion."

Tong Fanghao's words came as a surprise to everyone. He said that he only sells products, but now it is not impossible. It is too contradictory.