Chapter 10: Can a man be a car model?

It's easy to forget the date when I was busy. The reason why my parents came back this time is because the Qingming Festival has arrived.

Shen Xue is the tofu heart of the knife mouth, even if his father made it clear that he really wanted to buy her a jade bracelet, he was still reluctant.

This is fun between parents. Fang Hao is very smart and doesn't express any opinions.

The three-day holiday has passed, and my parents have gone to Hangzhou again. The parents also have a house in Hangzhou. The parents work in Hang Yao Machinery. The mother is an accountant, mainly when the parents went to work in Hangzhou. So exaggerated now.

Fang Hao leaned on the bed and looked at the clean and tidy bedroom. I couldn't help thinking that when my father was sitting at the end of the bed last night, "Son, it's time to talk about 25. Don't worry about finding a wife. Just like buying shoes, I do n't know if it 's worth it. "

Thinking of this very straightforward remark, Fang Hao said that his dad could not have had a romantic history when he was young.

"Hey, isn't it just because of this, my mother basically followed my dad?" Fang Hao thought about this secretly, woke up his head and got up.

The company already has it, but now there is no company office location. Fang Hao looked at his deposit. Zhao Zixuan generously paid 100,000, and the other 50,000 was extra. Now his bank card has 350,000. Already.

Fang Hao planned to use his current deposit to find a working place.

The requirements are very simple, the environment is good but there must be a closed space, and industrial power is also required. These two points are necessary.

存在 The existence of Xiaohuihui cannot be seen, and the power of Xiaohuihui is not without cost, power consumption!

When someone eats and replenishes energy, it is swallowing electricity.

Originally, his monthly electricity bill was around 1500, but he only worked for three days. The electricity bill rose to more than 3700 yuan. Fang Hao felt that he did n't have to do anything else at home, and the electricity alone would cause the property to come to the door. Come.

However, there are quite a few places that meet the requirements of these two points. Fang Hao finally decided to place the studio in an office building in the industrial park.

The price is not expensive, 8 yuan per square meter per month. Fang Hao rented all three houses on the inside of the corridor directly, and asked the decoration company to modify the inside.

拆除 Removed all the partition walls of the three rooms, and then each of the original doors was sealed to the outside, leaving only the outermost one.

In this way, the innermost room has become a closed space, so why can't the little gray ash be found inside.

Wu Fanghao had already returned home at this time, sitting in front of the laptop and looking at the manufacturing drawings of the climbing belt.

"Hey, why is it a laptop, it can't be a pendant or something, what if it is stolen by others?" Fang Hao closed the interface and muttered.

This seems to be insufficiently greedy, but this is also human nature. If anyone also has such a plug-in system, there is no idea of ​​gains and losses, that is really calm, and calm is not normal.

I seem to understand Fang Hao's words, the computer display automatically returns to the main interface, an icon flashes in the lower left corner, reminding Fang Hao to open.

"Hmm? Biological information binding?"

Xi Fanghao first wondered and then the pupil could not help but enlarge, "I rely on, so shy."

The bionic technology system uses a bio-information binding model to determine the owner. Simply put, the laptop is only a carrier and the medium for communicating with Fang Hao. Fang Hao can completely designate the bionic technology system to be loaded into the rest of the display electronic products.

Mobile phones can be, Ipad can be, even supercomputer can be the carrier of bionic technology system. Except for Fang Hao's feeling will be different, the remaining functions will not change.

"This is okay, this is okay!" Fang Hao was assured, this time he was not afraid of the laptop being stolen, and even if he wanted, he could load the bionic technology system into his mobile phone at any time.

However, he is still used to operating with a computer, which will be much more convenient.

Identified the materials needed to make the climbing grip belt, Fang Hao started to search the relevant manufacturers online.

Climbing belt is an external load component of mechanical products. The structure is like a belt that can be mounted, except that it does not need rubber but uses metal titanium as the main material.

钛 Titanium metal has superior properties, and is called the "third metal" after iron and aluminum. Industrially, titanium ore (main components: FeO, etc.) is used to make titanium.

随着 With the research of titanium metal, titanium metal has become an important metal material in aviation, aerospace and chemical industry.

Titanium has excellent characteristics such as low density, high temperature resistance, and corrosion resistance. Titanium alloy has high strength. It has low density and high strength. Its density is half that of steel and its strength is similar to that of steel. Titanium is resistant to both high and low temperatures. can.

But the relative price is many times higher than that of steel.

Fang Hao needs an industrial titanium alloy, TB9 (βc, Ti-38644) Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr in β and near β-type titanium alloys. This titanium alloy is usually made into Titanium spring.

I was on the phone while Fang Hao was looking for a business.

The first sentence of Zhao Zixuan asked Fang Hao, "Hey, Fang Hao, can you make a car model?"

"Car models? Are men's models now popular?"

"I rely, you miss women, I said the car model toys, I have to add the word" Toy "? Zhao Zixuan said angrily:" Playing a model to call my old man out, I I think I 'll play with the car model, I think it 's fine. "

Wu Fanghao felt that Zhao Zixuan's words were full of ambiguity. "Cough, pay attention to the words, it is a car model."

"Okay, even if you play it, it's not really on." Zhao Zixuan said indifferently: "You can say it, right, what I want is the overseas version of Douyin that is very hot Car model in the video screen. "

"Wait a minute first, let's take a look and say, although car models and aeromodels are two fields, if it's just assembly, I'll be fine." Fang Hao didn't immediately agree, and the ghost knew what kind of car model Zhao Zixuan was looking for, Do n't be able to do it yourself, it will affect your credibility in the industry.

After hanging up the phone, Fang Hao downloaded an offshore version of Douyin, and she didn't even have to search for it. On the list, she wrote the title of "The strongest car model in the history of car models".

Of course, the title is in English. It is a compulsory course for English majoring in mechanical engineering. Fang Hao cannot say that he is proficient in translation, but it is okay to understand the meaning.

I clicked on the video. The country where the video is located should be Europe and the United States. Fang Hao, who looks at the explosive hair on the main character in the video, thought of marshmallow.

嗨 "Hi, dear audience friends, welcome to watch car models to show you the best car models, remember to order 666."

After a simple opening remark, another man, blond, and a tight-fitting T-shirt printed the eight-pack abs in the perspective of the video.

"Yeah, this is the show body." Fang Hao muttered and pressed fast forward, when the picture was played normally, the two people in the video had already appeared in a garage.

There are eight cars parked in the garage, and the front of the car is neatly aligned in a straight line, but the most attractive is the front car logo.

评论 "Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche, Jaguar ..." video comments were even more popular at this time.

"The local tyrants ask for support ..."

"Mom asked me why I was kneeling down, and I said I was looking at a local tyrant."

"The invisible costume is the most deadly, please be forgiven by the tyrant ..."

Tong Fanghao was also a little jealous. He liked any of these cars, but he couldn't afford any of them now, and he couldn't bear to buy them.

"Hey, audience friends, have you been amazed by these luxury cars? Don't worry, we will enter the studio next, there are more unexpected things inside."

Fan head anchor did not exaggerate, entering the studio is like entering the Automobile History Development Museum.

The neat rows of display cases are filled with various car models, some of which were models when the car was just invented, and the engines were exposed outside the car.

There is also a door that opens backwards, which is the type of car that often opens the door on the side in the anti-Japanese drama. Now it seems that only the Eagles still have such a model.

There are many others, some of whom Fang Hao can't name, UU Reading, and those that are of high value in the collection industry are limited edition models of centennial brand car manufacturers.

"Let me go, this is to show off rich." Fang Hao fast forward again, this time finally reached the point.

I walked through the studio and it turned out to be an all-terrain simulation field of more than 400 square meters. Fang Hao had previously felt that it was very atmospheric to rent three houses at a stretch, but even the area here was not comparable.

Only later Fang Hao understood why Zhao Zixuan was suddenly keen on the car model. At the entrance of the all-terrain simulation field, a super-modern car model was parked there.

The appearance is particularly domineering. The two damping pillars are like the fangs of a giant monster. Just from the appearance of Fang Hao, it is impossible to say that this car model is not one million.

Made of full carbon alloy, the net weight of the whole body is only 25 kg, with four-wheel drive, crawling up and down in all directions, no matter if the venue is turned over, this car can flow unimpeded.

After the master introduced the performance of the car model again, he was sitting smartly in a special control room. Where is the remote control racing car? I am afraid that he is not controlling some special top-level mechanical equipment.

The full-screen LCD monitor, which is completely imitated in the main cab of the car, sits on an artificial mechanical seat that can respond to the car's dynamics. After he put on 3D glasses, the car started.

45 ° What is that?

翻 Go straight over.

What is Reservoir?

开 Drive directly.

Hit a rock?

It doesn't matter, the tire of the car is the best protection bar, turn over and continue to drive.

Looking at the scenes, let alone Zhao Zixuan, even Fang Hao has an inexplicable impulse and wants to experience it.