My face crackled

What? Why can't I take my money?"

Tong Fanghao sat at the artificial counter in the bank's business hall and asked the bank teller inside.

"Sir, if the transfer does not matter, a one million amount can be processed directly through the self-service counter in the lobby, but what you want is cash, and you need to make an appointment in advance according to regulations."

"But that guy was just fine!"

Bian Fanghao did not have access to such a large amount of money, and they are all young people. Basically, what they want to buy is paid by mobile phone transfer, but the system does not recognize it, otherwise Fang Hao ran lazy in the business hall.

The only thing that annoyed Fang Hao was that at this counter and this position, just one person took more than one million.

Bian Fanghao was in the back, but he didn't get any information about the reserved topic!

"Sorry, that gentleman is a VIP customer of our bank, but our VIP room is being renovated, and this is handled here." The bank teller dealt with it seriously.

Bian Fanghao understood, but the anger really didn't come down for a while. Let 's say, I 've been in line for about 2 hours. Just looking at the group of people behind the glass counting the banknotes, I did n't share it until I co-authored it?

This is not the key. The key is that I had waited for two hours before and asked several times that I could only register for a large amount of money, and the answer was perfunctory, which made him very upset.

"Okay, do you want to make an appointment? Then I'll change to a bank that doesn't require an appointment." Fang Hao pointed to the bank card, put it on the counter again, and then took out a commercial bank card from his wallet. Go in, "Help me transfer all the 20 million in the card to the card of the commercial bank."

"2 ... 20 million!" The teller froze, yes, it is certainly not poor to be able to take 1 million at a time, but if the counter manager knows that he has provoked a deposit of 20 million because of his previous coping style answer. client.

Do not!

Even if she answered decently, as long as it was the result, she would not have good fruit.

"Sir, sir, I'll inform the manager now, I was indifferent to you before, please wait a moment." The teller looked apologetic, but Wanwan Fanghao belonged to the donkey.

What donkey?


要 If you have a consistent attitude, Fang Hao will not be too serious, as long as he can finally take out the money.

But this change of attitude made Fang Hao even more unhappy, "No need, I insist on making an appointment for a transfer!"

Tong Fanghao's tone was gentle, but with an irrefutable attitude.

The teller is okay, so he can only try to appease Fang Hao's emotions while letting his colleague contact the manager.

Tong Fanghao sat at the counter with his hands on his shoulders, expressionless. He had made up his mind, no matter who came.

经理 The manager soon came down from the second floor. The manager was wearing a black professional outfit, with a fair-skinned neck between white shirts, without any haste on his face, and maintaining a shallow smile that can soothe the restless mind.

This is a mature woman exuding an intellectual beauty from the inside out.

"Uh ..." Fang Hao looked dumbfounded, should he be so clever? I just vowed that no matter who came, it's useless, but now this is actually the manager here.

Qi Fanghao felt his face crackling.

"Sister Lan, how do you ... how ..." Fang Hao didn't know what to say. The person in front of him was not someone else but Zhao Zixuan's fiancee.

Zhao Zixuan's backyard has begun to transform. Fang Hao is Zhao Zixuan's family who knows Cheng Xiaolan.

"What's wrong, Brother Fang?" Cheng Xiaolan was also surprised to see Fang Hao. The staff at the counter just now reported an accident. It is likely to lose a customer with a deposit of 20 million, but Fang Hao was not expected.

Only the process Xiao Lan is more calm, not overbearing.

"No, sister Lan, you are not ..." Fang Hao was a little embarrassed to say that marrying a rich man and a rich woman cannot but say that it is the idea of ​​all women, but many people report such ideas.

Fang Hao also heard Zhao Zixuan said that Cheng Xiaolan was not working and had been staying at home. But in a few days, Cheng Xiaolan actually went to work, or was he a manager?

"Hehe, I 'm bored at home, so I plan to go to work and see that you, Brother Zhao, are not doing business and are upset every day." Do n't think about it, Cheng Xiaolan understands Fang Hao 's thoughts, but she does n't care about them, because she knows she 's Those women Fang Hao thought.

Bian Fanghao was embarrassed. Zhao Xiaoxuan, who was not working in Cheng Xiaolan's mouth, was his main customer. So he didn't become idle.

"I was surprised that Brother Fang has a lot of money. I remember Zi Xuan said you graduated last year. You made so much this year?" Cheng Xiaolan led the topic without leaving a trace. "Otherwise On your brother's face, will the deposit be left with the bank? "

What can Fang Hao say? He and Zhao Zixuan traded in time, but they were also friends. If nothing else, it was about the studio. When Fang Hao found Zhao Zixuan, he didn't say anything and helped directly.

Although it may be a trivial matter for Zhao Zixuan, being a human is not the case.

Does Ma Yun have money?

What is 100,000 yuan for him, but you ask him to ask him to give it?

"Do n't, do n't say that. Where do you need to see Brother Zhao, aren't you just saying the same thing? I was also angry for a while, but sister Lan, I really want to withdraw money."

Fang Hao Hua Jiao was carried by everyone, Fang Hao said without hesitation: "However, it's true that Sister Lan wears professional attire ... hey, I envy Brother Zhao."

"Hehehe," Cheng Xiaolan smiled generously. "Sure enough, just like Zixuan described, let's go upstairs and get a VIP card for you by the way, so I won't have to worry about it later."

Qi Fanghao followed Cheng Xiaolan from the good, but the people in the business hall were shocked.

毕业 Graduated last year?

Deposit 20 million?

It doesn't matter if any one of them comes out alone, but the two together are enough to make people look.

"Wow, Yaoyao! Didn't you just go through the formalities for that handsome guy just now, did you record the phone number?"

"Yeah, yeah, yao yao, don't want to eat alone, share good things together."

"Okay, Yaoyao ignore them. Where are these people who value the people and the money? If you want to give it to me, I'm different. I like his handsomeness."

Waiting for business people: ......

Uh ...

"Now, get it. This card is a diamond card. It can have an overdraft limit of 1 million. If you withdraw money, as long as the bank has the amount you want to get, it will be processed as soon as possible." Cheng Xiaolan took an obsidian The bank card was handed to Fang Hao, "but if the amount is too large, it is better to make an appointment in advance."

"Willn't this be the kind of centurion?"

"Um," Cheng Xiaolan smiled awkwardly. "This is our bank's policy for depositors with more than 15 million deposits. Of course, the black gold card that cooperates with the transportation is also the centurion card. The brother Fang needs more. Just work hard to make money. "

"Well then, come back next time." Fang Hao took for granted, Centurion Card was not as mysterious as he imagined, and most of them were propaganda methods leading to the result of rumors.


I can't say that anyone can have it.

You do n't have to think about it if it 's worth ten million yuan. This is just one of the mandatory rules. It also requires other factors such as personal income and consumption level.

It is good to have ambition, and although Fang Hao's savings card does not have 20 million, the amount of more than 17 million is enough to make Cheng Xiaolan look differently.

Making money may not be the only criterion for evaluating a person's ability. UU reading may also make money as one of the criteria.

Cheng Xiaolan smiled and said, "You can come to me directly then."

As she pressed the communicator that sounded a few times, she learned that Fang Hao's money had been processed. Cheng Xiaolan got up and said, "Okay, the money is already in place. To Fang, how did you come? Yes? The bank has a service dedicated to picking up and dropping off diamond customers. Is it necessary? "

Still this service?

Bian Fanghao thought that there were classes everywhere. He didn't say it. It didn't need to be in vain. When he came, he carried a schoolbag. It was safer to send it with a special driver.

I bid farewell to Cheng Xiaolan, Fang Hao got into a black Buick business, and just after leaving the street where the bank was located, two police cars quickly passed the business car and drove in front.

"There are police cars on the way?" Fang Hao froze, and the driver was also choked. Why didn't I hear that? I couldn't help but look into the rear mirror. What was in this bag?

The real gold is not afraid of fire, the fake nature is fake.

The police car rushed past the last second of the green light, and soon the business car Fang Hao was riding was invisible to the rear lights of the police car.

But when the commercial vehicle stopped in the office building next to the industrial park, Fang Hao and the uncle couldn't help again.

"What happened here?" The two said in unison.

警 Several police cars parked outside the office building, and even Fang Hao saw special armoured vehicles for special police forces.

Dozens of policemen pulled up the separation zone and tried to maintain order, while outside the separation zone they were all watching the crowd and raised their heads to discuss something on one floor of the office building.

Bian Fanghao packs a million-dollar backpack from his back on his chest and squeezes it in his arms.