Development of the company

"Ahem," Fang Hao was embarrassed.

Is this Li Li in front of Li Yan?

Tong Fanghao thought that the younger sister was with Shen Wancheng. I didn't expect that she was the master of his mouth. Cheng Xiaolan was too efficient?

It's only been a day.

"My name is Fang Hao, the founder of Star Meteor Technology, this person next to you is the sales director of Star Meteor Technology, Shen Wancheng." Fang Hao also formally introduced himself and confirmed his position to Shen Wancheng.

"At present our company is in the initial stage, but!

Scribble creation does not mean that Starfall must also go through a long start, just like other startups, because Starfall has an unparalleled advantage. I think you can know as long as you know Starfall. "After Fang Hao said to Qin Shiqi, why should I hire you."

The candidate and the recruiting unit are two-way choices. Although Fang Hao was the boss for the first time, haven't he seen a pig run and haven't eaten pork?

Qin Shiqi has of course understood star meteorology, no, it is accurate to know Fang Hao.

From the Internet and Cheng Xiaolan's mouth, she judged that the boss in front of him was a technical talent, so she was ready before coming.

I took out a document from her bag. This is her plan for the early development of Astrology. The content is not much, but the core is clear.

From the basic management of employees to the improvement of employees' sense of belonging.

From the company's initial creation to how to transition to formalization.

Tong Fanghao read it in general, and some aspects were only mentioned in the planning book, but it did not prevent him from judging Qin Shiqi's thoughts on the development of the starfall.

The biggest highlight of the planning book is that Qin Shiqi finally stated his point in the planning book: I think that there are too many capable people and incompetent people are one of the most important cultures for a company to maintain its upward momentum.

The concept of is deeply recognized by Fang Hao.

Why can you work harder?

古代 In the ancient times, the capable person worked hard because of the monopoly of knowledge. Many people have never even heard of it. But for a modern society, anyone who is motivated and willing to specialize in it, what happened to high school? What happened to college graduation? Others are capable!

"Well, yes, but I think it 's okay to be able to work harder, but there is a certain amount of hard work in Starfall." Fang Hao thinks it is almost the same, the rest can only depend on performance.

"Just as Minister Shen also came, then I will talk about the issue of compensation." Fang Hao said seriously: "The vice president's responsibility is to manage the company and coordinate the normal operation of the company. 30,000, which will be increased annually based on the company's effectiveness. "

This data is determined by Fang Hao's salary data in several major cities on the Internet. The salary is not high. He knows that his dad is only a director whose annual salary is higher than this, so he added, "Of course, the company will An equity dividend pool will be established, which does not enjoy shares but can enjoy a certain equity dividend. As for how much you can get, that is the sentence, and you can speak by your ability. "

"I agree with the boss's plan, but you have to prepare for the big bleeding." Qin Shiqi replied with confidence.

If I want to pay more, it depends on Qin Shiqi's ability. Fang Hao smiled and didn't speak, but looked at Shen Wancheng. "It's the same for the sales department. The basic salary plus commission is between our company's The product is currently in the seller's market, and the commission will be slightly lower than that of other corporate sales departments.

Of course, old Shen, you are the sales minister. The salary may be higher than that of ordinary employees. The basic salary is 20,000 and then it is increased year by year based on benefits. You can also enjoy certain dividends. "

Shen Wancheng also had no problem, he didn't come for wages, "I'm fine, but boss, when will our products start production?"

Good question!

Bian Fanghao thought that he would not have to be a bare pole commander anymore. He got up and went to the innermost room, which was out of the list listed overnight. "These are the list of equipment needed by the company, and I will leave it to you.

"That's right," Fang Hao went and took out the thick job resume, "Vice President Qin will be responsible for recruiting people. I have listed the requirements of the personnel department, finance department and design department. List. "

After Xu's explanation, Fang Hao said to Hatch: "I worked one night last night. I'll go back and make up for sleep. I'll invite you to dinner at night."

He said, Fang Hao took one gray and two grays back into the system, picked up his computer bag, and said he left at night.

Shen Wancheng: ...

Qin Shiqi: ...

"Oh, our boss really has a personality." Shen Wancheng didn't know what to say, but Qin Shiqi seemed happier. "I think it's good, such a boss can show my strength, then Minister Shen, please do your favor I'm going to rack up the company's composition basket within three days. "

Uh ...

Time passed day by day, Fang Hao was busy, Qin Shiqi was also busy, and Shen Wancheng was busy running around, and the company's shelves were quickly set up.

This floor of the office building was rented by Fang Hao. At this time, he was divided into offices of various departments. Shen Wancheng is more efficient. Thanks to his previous work and understanding of many companies, he has already Pulled orders for more than 300 climbing models.

And the price is even higher than Shen Wancheng originally estimated, the unit price is 68,000, the total amount reached 20.4 million!

This result made the new employees of the company excited, especially those who are new to the company's sales department. Because it was only 7 days, Shen Wancheng got a sales commission of 400,000, and it was real. Fang Hao set an example. This commission was issued directly.

What is the most afraid of sales, I am afraid that the boss is too chicken thief, UU reading books www.uukanshu. com said that the good commission is dragged on, and Fang Hao's move put the entire company in a state of high excitement.

Qin Shiqi is not bad. She has formulated many rules and regulations to make the company more formal. It is worth mentioning that she has formulated a very rigorous system for the company's salary and rewards. It has more than 80 pages of A4. Paper, Fang Hao can not find an unreasonable.

Tong Fanghao was satisfied that everything in the company was moving forward in an orderly manner, but the only thing that made him feel helpless was that he had no money in his pocket.

"It's no wonder that so many entrepreneurs like to drill into the Internet industry. The upfront cost of the physical industry is too high." Fang Hao stood in front of a building at this time.

It is backed by mountains, and on the left is a pond. A small stream meanders from the back mountain. It is continuously replenished with living water, while on the right is an open space. At this time, there are ornamental crops. , Rapeseed.

Now that this place belongs to Fang Hao, he has selected a lot of venues, and has repeatedly rejected the proposal of the industrial park to give preferential policies to him to locate the factory in the park, but in the end he chose to stay in this place. Rare corner corner.

Although the place is partial, the land price is not cheap. Even with this old factory building and the surrounding 20 acres of land, a total of 8.6 million, accounting for half of his funds.

However, Fang Hao believes that this money is very necessary. There is no place with higher confidentiality. It is too inconvenient for him to do things. Like now, a ash carries a bag of 425 Tianma cement. It was carried into the factory building with a big swing, and the two gray hands were holding the water pipe, and it was a joy to play.

"Do n't make a mess, help your brother." Fang Hao flicked off the cement ash from his clothes and pulled the phone out of his pocket.