What's the use of not climbing the wall?

A few days later, the studio was cleaned and spotlessly cleaned, not even the gaps in the corners.

The entire team in the working room stood at the door, and all of them were dressed up in formal suits and collars.

Zhang Ming looked at the elevator, waiting for a lot of talents to come, "Li Brother, how much do you think you can win this time?"

"Without this number, I've been busy for a few months." The man named Brother Li stretched out his palm and gestured five fingers.

"5 million? Can there be so many!" Not only Zhang Ming was shocked, even Wu Xiaobo, who usually did not like to talk, widened his eyes.

"Hey, you guys can't think of it, so don't hide how much skill you will have. In the future, let's see if we rent a studio or own a venue of our own." Brother Li was not in the mood. He was so bland, he was also excited.

5 million, most of the previous investment will not be more than 1 million each time, it is rare that a gold master will invest 1 million and he will be the grandfather. This time it is 5 million and it is almost catching up Half a year.

"The elevator moved, the elevator moved!"

"Dong Qiang, don't be silly, you will give me that face. We are a professional team and we must take a professional attitude!" Li Xingxian said so, but he hurried before the elevator was fully opened. Walked over.

"Mr. Zhang, Zeng Gong, the arrival of several of you made our Tianlong Studio flourish!" Li Xingxian enthusiastically shook hands with the visitors, "Come here, let me introduce to you, these are us The backbone of the team's technology, the robot spiders were developed by them. "

嗯 "Well, I've seen that spider, yes, it's very technological."

The two parties entered into the studio after a few words of embarrassment to each other. Mr. Zhang's body size was a bit large, especially his beer belly was almost covered to the crotch, and he sat on a newly bought sofa with a firm stomach.


咳 "Ahem, I have always been envious of your high-tech talents. The little brother Li Xingxian is also good. I have been talking to you about your spiders recently, but I have a few questions."

"General Manager Zhang said, we will definitely try our best to answer any questions you may have." Li Xingxian saw that there was no response around him, and took Zhang Ming with his elbow, and the latter quickly agreed.

In fact, they didn't want to be like this, and the investors didn't visit it once or twice, but this one in front of them ... how to say it, it feels like an upstart.

嗯 "Well, what use are you spiders?"

What's the use of a tadpole spider?

Brother Brother, you can see clearly. This is a simulated spider robot. You actually ask why it is useful. If we do n't have money, see if I do n't soles pat your face.

Zhang Ming talked for a while, but Li Xingxian's words also have to be heard, "General Manager Zhang, our simulation spider robot has a number of patented technologies, and its foot flexibility is much better than its current similar products, which can be used in the future. It has strong advantages in areas such as rock interlayers that are inaccessible to humans, or cable ducts in buildings. "

"Well, I'll understand when you say so." President Zhang nodded and stretched out two fingers, and then a secretary took out a wooden box and took out a Cuban cigar. This was sent between two hypertrophic fingers.

"His ... Wh ..."

不过 "However, can this spider be remotely controlled?" President Zhang asked after taking a breath.

"Yes, we use the latest receiver in the world. It can receive the signal from the remote control to decode, separate the action signal and transmit it to the servo system ..." This is Zhang Ming's specialty, so this time he said very Believe.

Just the object he said is a bit ...

"Well, it's very professional, how far is that? Is it 10 kilometers?" President Zhang asked casually, but this question frustrated Zhang Ming, 10 kilometers? Just kidding, how is this possible? The spider is so big, can I install the kind of long-range receiver?

Well, even if there is a breakthrough in technology, there is such a miniature receiver, but the spider needs to be equipped with a remote signal transmitter correspondingly, and the corresponding other components must be matched, so the spider will become a pig. So, is that still called a simulated spider robot?

"That's impossible," no one needs to answer, just looking at the expression Zhang always knows the answer.

兴 Li Xingxian wanted to interject to ease the atmosphere, but President Zhang 's next question is even more embarrassing. "Remote control has a distance limit. I can understand this, but can it climb the wall?"

"Climb ... Climb the wall?"

"Yes, the one behind me is the usual wall."

As soon as Mr. Zhang 's words came out, everyone 's faces were speechless for a while. It 's called a spider, but it 's a machine. It 's okay to climb a wall, but it 's impossible to climb a wall like it really is.

Don't say Zhang Ming, even if Li Xingxian wants to pry open Zhang's head and see what's in it, are we really living in a world?

说 Well, the technology products you mentioned are only present in movies now?

"Mr. Zhang, if you do n't look at their operation, I will show you the performance on the spot to have a more intuitive impression." Li Xingxian felt that he couldn't continue this topic. He couldn't answer it. People would n't even ask about technology. Related things, just ask if you can climb the wall, can you remotely control it, how do you say that?

"Hmm ..." President Zhang patted the sofa, and the two people behind him lifted him up hard. After standing upright, he continued to say, "No, it's called a spider. I can't climb the wall. What do I want for it?" It 's not as good as that model car. When will Brother Li wait for you to let the spider climb the wall? I 'll come again, and that 's it. "

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang! Wait, you think about it ... Mr. Zhang!" Li Xingxian persuaded to the elevator entrance all the time, but waited for Mr. Zhang and his party to enter the elevator. Mr. Zhang ignored him at all. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com

"You flutter the street, your whole family is flinging the street, and climbing the wall, I don't think you can climb the bed!" Facing the closed elevator door, Li Xingxian couldn't help but curse.

"Li Brother, what's going on, haven't you already confirmed that he wants to invest?" The rest of the members gathered around.

"Fart, I said yes yesterday, the ghost knows why he suddenly changed his mind today." Li Xingxian couldn't figure it out, how could he regret it.

At this time, Wu Xiaobo and Zhang Ming looked at each other. Wu Xiaobo couldn't help but say, "Can it be because of that technology?"

技术 "Technology? What technology?" Li Xingxian asked, turning his head.

Uh ...

科技 "Technology! This is technology!"

子 Zhao Zixuan directs the complete climbing model that Fang Hao gave him. At this moment, the model car is so upright attached to the wall, and behind him are a group of wealthy children.

怎么 样 "Well, Niucha, I said you're out, hey, tell you that you still don't believe it, and say I'm bragging."

"Zhao Er is enough. In the video, you ca n't stop seeing it. Now that we are all here, what do you sell me?"

就是 "That is, you quickly tell me where to buy, and then I will immediately open a helicopter to block your door and let you wonder again."

Zhao Zixuan smiled, still proud, with a look of embarrassment: "Hum, it's late, you can't buy it. This product has too many features and is not for sale to individuals, but you can buy a castrated version, rest assured. When did this handsome guy have something good to forget about you, I have already contacted ... "

子 Zhao Zixuan was talking, the phone rang, and he pointed to the phone and said, "It's a coincidence, the Lord is here, and you are ready to pay."