War college

The live-action version of the CS concept has long been out of fashion. Real-life simulations use actual paintball. Fang Hao also played during college. In addition to shooting others into color people, there is some fun.

In summary, it is a sentence, which is fun, but not as fun as imagined.

Fang Hao is now showing a huge blueprint, one can be an army, three can be a group, control the model with weapons to fight on the battlefield, enjoy the visual stimulation and passion of blood.

This picture ...

Some people have already thought about it, blended in, and shivered.

Alas, some people were staring at Fang Hao.

"How much does it cost?"

Save money?

One billion is not enough, 10 billion is fine, and 100 billion is even better.

Can Fang Hao say so, isn't that scary, "Don't mention money, this is a dream! It is a battlefield for our players!

We can take it slowly, complete a project in the first year, and add new equipment in the second year. It can be done as a business. Do n't you think it 's boring to always play projects created by others, do n't you Don't you think that the long road of life requires us to work for a goal!

Disney can do the playground, why can't we! "

Shen Wancheng didn't know that his cheap boss had begun to falter again, but if he was present he would definitely be Fang Hao, a man who was delayed by machinery, and it would be a waste to not be a life lecturer.

"Water, hurry up!" Fang Hao said dry mouth, but the people below didn't have any eyesight and didn't even know how to give it a glass of water.

It 's still Zhao Zizheng, who is too sensible. He took a can of Coke and said with admiration in his eyes, "I know you are flickering. My grandfather said that he can be an empty talker, a big talker, or powerful Zhao Er's eyes are so sloppy, so I believe you too. "

Fang Hao was actually educated by a little fart. When he was about to speak, Xiao Zheng's wife, Zhao Ziyu, was very reluctant to take out his wallet from his pocket. "I have all my pocket money. I do n't remember how much More than 8 million, I count what base you have. "


Fang Hao just opened his mouth, and another little lady also took out her pocket. This time it was a credit card. "My parents are strict in paying me money every month. The card is for you. There are four in a year. Five million. "

"No!" Fang Hao froze, "I mean ..."

"You Fang Hao, Fang Brothers have a good idea," this time an adult interrupted Fang Hao, and then wrote a check: "I'll pay 20 million, count as my share."

Immediately, Hao could not be allowed to speak at all, and one after another gathered out his own money and put it in Fang Hao's hands, all of a sudden what checks, bank cards, credit cards were a lot.

"No, you guys ... I mean I do technical support!" Fang Hao was speechless, even if the little fart was ignorant, Huyou may be taken seriously, but you adults have nothing to eat.

Bian Fanghao put all the "money" on the table without saying a word, he couldn't ask for the money.

They made it by themselves, Fang Hao specializes in technical matters, and the money made in this way Fang Hao feels no problem, but if they want to get their money over, then the problem will be big.

A group of people who are idle are here to ask you about the progress from time to time, Fang Hao is not annoyed yet.

The most important thing is that the energy of this group of people is not small. The first one in the family is larger than the other. For them, it may be a mouth question, but Fang Hao will definitely be checked low-key. Maybe someone will look at the toilet. Can that day pass?

Especially their own biological machines How can people let others discover!

This is what Fang Hao thinks, but Zhao Zixuan is not. He just thought that Fang Hao is really a personal talent. It is not too much to bring these people together, but now Fang Hao refused!

"What do you think, this is a good opportunity!" Zhao Zixuan asked Fang Hao aside.

Fang Hao can't always tell the truth that he has a secret. It's not safe to do so. He thought for a while and said, "Adults' money is nowhere, but for this group of children, their parents haven't heard anything like this? It will be troublesome at that time. But you are different, you know each other, and they are all at the same level. At the most, you are responsible for the organization and management of what projects you are working on in partnership, and I am responsible for the distribution of technology is the best solution. "

It was said in the pout, Fang Hao actually had one of the biggest reasons not to say.

He doesn't mind sharing the benefits, the money can't be earned, but there are too many people present, and he is now a potential stock at best, and he can invest less than them. In simple terms, he has too few shares and pays too much.

He's not stupid, he doesn't want to do the obvious thing.

喂 "Hey, what are you mumbling about, how can you quickly come up with a charter for this matter?"

The group behind me began to be impatient, Fang Hao and Zhao Zixuan looked at each other: Are you up or me?

Wu Fanghao thinks it's better to come by himself, how to open his own head has to end by himself, turned and made a thoughtful expression.

"I don't have so much energy to complete such a large project, so I think we should set up committees, and each person is responsible for different aspects. Of course, since it is cooperation, the share issue must also be clear."

Bian Fanghao's words were agreed by most people, but they started to make trouble again on the question of who is a member.

Especially a few little farts, even if you bully me, I will use it if I tell my dad to go.

However, this matter could not be underestimated, and finally decided that there were nine management members. Fang Hao was the proposer plus he was also responsible for technical support, so he was also among the nine, holding 6% of the shares.

This is the case for all nine people. The remaining 20 people each account for 2%, and the remaining shares are used to set up a prize pool.

Wu Fanghao didn't expect that things would develop like this. He originally thought that it was not good not to sell their full version, and he couldn't stop it. Since he wants to be part of this group, he must make his own voice.

However, whoever expected this sound to be a little deafening, UU reading www.uukanshu.com let a group of fun-loving guys feel that nothing is wrong to find a common goal.

To them it was like a hilarity, but to Fang Hao it was different.

No matter from which perspective, Fang Hao earned.

Provide technical support in exchange for 6% of the shares, and in the future, if there are any high-end technology products that can be put into the base, Fang Hao only needs to give the base priority at the market price.

This is a visible benefit, and more invisible benefits.

"Fang Hao, how many of this luxury version."

After everything was confirmed, they finally came back to the topic. Today, they came to play climbing model cars. After playing for a while, Zhao Ziyu ran to Fang Hao.

"One hundred and eighty-eight."

"Well, it's not expensive, it's quite fun. I'll take school to it in a few days. If there are many people who want to buy, you see ..." Zhao Zizhen rubbed his **** back and forth.

Fang Haoxin said, "Your people are so big. You actually know how to play this, but your face doesn't show up. I thought about it and said," One hundred thousand is a low price for you. I do n't care how much you sell, but the highest is not. Exceed the company's external selling price, or I will be out of stock. "

"A car earns only eight thousand and eight," Zhao Zizheng looked a little too little, "Okay ... hey, I'm so pitiful, I have to work hard to make pocket money." After that, he ran outside the all-terrain simulation field and took Remote control played with his model car.

Fang Hao shook his head and did not take it seriously. After all, Zhao Zizhen was only 15 years old. Fang Hao was not in the mood to talk too much with a junior high school student.

Friends returned to friends, business returned to business. In the evening, Zhao Zixuan transferred 3 million yuan according to Fang Hao's reserve price, which is the money for these 30 model cars.

Xi Fanghao also accepted it cheerfully.