Fang Hao who did not admit defeat

When Lin Xuhu was young, he had a nickname called a paper tiger.

When he mentioned him, he had to mention his father. His father started by collecting waste products during the reform and opening up, and then set up a waste station. Then his business grew bigger and bigger. He waited until he started to switch to the waste paper recycling industry.

This is the source of his nickname, and now everyone who is familiar with him calls him the plastic tiger. He switched from recycling waste paper to the plastic industry, and has a variety of plastic products under his umbrella.

From the plastic washbasins, plastic buckets, plastic cups, plastic housings of various electrical appliances, plastic accessories in the car, and so on.

19In the 19th year of Hurun Report, the plastics industry ranked 11th, the country ranked 1314th, and the wealth was 3.7 billion yuan.

Instinctively, when he saw the box holding the model car, he felt that this plastic product was a little different from what he came into contact with.

Soon, his driver had parked the car at the door, Lin Xuhu holding the box and got on the car.

Lin Plastic Industry Group is the group name of Lin Xuhu, located next to Modu Chemical Industry Park.

As a star enterprise, Lin Xuhu's status is naturally not low. A phone call to the Chemical Industry Park, and then the director of the management committee immediately put down his chopsticks and quickly went out towards the park.

赶 As he hurried, he helped Lin Xuhu contact the laboratory administrator.

A Rolls-Royce Phantom just arrived at the gate of the park, and Dong Mingming, the director of the management committee, has been waiting for a long time to get rid of his cigarette and trot. ? "

Lin Linxuhu looked at the oil stains on the corner of Dong Mingming's mouth and smiled brightly: "Look at me, this is just a meal. If Director Dong is not in a hurry, we will have a light meal together."

Dong Ming was so pleased that he wiped his mouth indifferently. "Chairman Lin invited me, but I couldn't wait for it, so I'll take you to the laboratory first?"

With a subtle effort, the two came to a business car. The back door of the car was opened. Three technicians still wearing white coats came down from the car, and shouted "Chairman" in front of Lin Xuhu.

"Will follow my car, I have one thing for you to test." Lin Xuhu finished, and said something to Dong Mingming, please lead the way.

Three cars started to enter the park again, followed by Director Dong's car parked directly in front of a building on the easternmost part of the park. Lin Xuhu raised his hand to stop the driver from trying to pick up the box, and personally followed Director Dong into the experiment. Floor, three technicians followed.

He just looked at this box and paid special attention to the box in Lin Xuhu's hands. He wondered how the big chairman was like holding a baby.

He didn't understand, the three technicians even didn't understand. 10 minutes ago, they received a call from the chairman's secretary and asked them to take the group's special car to the park gate and wait for the chairman.

现在 Now they actually want them to test the material of a plastic box. Isn't there a laboratory for testing materials in the group, why use an industrial park?

It is useless to think about it. Since it is the chairman's request, they only need to do it.

After a technician took the box, Lin Xuhu also cautioned carefully, and must be careful not to miss anything.

At first, the three technicians didn't care. Isn't it just a plastic box? But when they took the sample, they were frustrated.

So hard!

A technician holding a hand-held cutting machine felt that he was cutting not plastic but metal, but the cut powder clearly told him that this was plastic.

Ravioli collected the powder and cut a long sample from the box.

The three of them are doing different tests.

Rally test.

Compression test.

Hardness Testing.

Toughness test.

Abrasion resistance test.

After a series of tests, it took them 5 hours, and it was already 1 o'clock in the evening.

越 The more the technicians became more excited, the more the Lin Xuhu who was waiting outside the door couldn't calm down, and Dong Mingmin, who was obviously holding on to the drowsiness, kept smoking and smoking.

Finally, a bright light appeared on the horizon. A technician ran out of the laboratory with red eyes. "Chairman, this is an ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene material, and it is a new type of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene material we have never seen before. The performance is better than the latest one introduced by Braskem of the United States ... "

Before the technician's words were finished, Lin Xuhu immediately interrupted: "Director Dong, I'm sorry to let you stay all night, don't drive your car, I will let the driver take you home."

Dong Mingming lived like an ant, and his crawling heart was tickling. He wanted to know what the box was and what the technician did n't say, but it was obvious that everyone else was rushing off. He could only hit haha. "It's okay, Lin always needs it. Although we say, our park will definitely help you arrange it thoroughly."

After Xu waited for Director Dong to leave, Lin Xuhu couldn't hold himself up. He took the test report in the hand of the technician and looked at it, sending out his mouth, "This ... this ... how is this possible!" Surprised.

Uh .........

Qi Fanghao has high requirements for the robotic arm. At least he has to wait until he can use tools as easily as humans.

For example, hold a screwdriver, it can be precisely aligned and rotated.

For this, he gritted his teeth and spent 180,000 to buy a three-finger multi-degree-of-freedom palm from Dayuan Robotics.

You can increase the working space, dexterity, and operation of multi-finger dexterous hands through the changes in the degrees of freedom and configuration of the palms with multiple degrees of freedom.

Compared with traditional rigid palms, the application of multi-degree-of-freedom palms has greatly improved the dexterity and control ability of multi-finger dexterous hands.

It can precisely adjust the angle and strength to achieve complex scene capture.

At this time, this multi-degree-of-freedom palm has been completely dismantled and turned into parts.

"Boss, in fact, you should buy an end gripper. This palm has no tactile sensors and cannot sense pressure." Yihui put down a book like a normal human and proposed to Fang Hao.

Tong Fanghao rolled his eyes. "You don't know when I am. The problem is that the end effector is expensive. Now that I lack money for the boss, I can save it or not."

The end effector is of course good, but the market is almost monopolized by foreign companies, and the domestic manufacturers are lacking in sensor sensitivity, so Fang Hao decisively abandoned the model car with an end effector. idea.

"Oh, Yihui understands. Since the boss lacks money, Yihui will help you make money." Yihui said very seriously, Fang Hao smiled, "This can be, but your main task now is to learn, or wait for CNC When the machine arrives, it can only be eaten. "

Compared with the palms of more freedom in front of you, UU 看书 www. Fang Hao actually wanted to take a ash apart for research. Since the ash evolved to a professional-level biological robot, it has a stronger learning ability.

It just seems to have some kind of limitation. Yihui can't understand the books such as electronic programming at all, but he does have a superb learning ability for mechanical books. In just a few days, the knowledge that Fang Hao University has been studying hard for several years is not difficult. Down it.

"Yes, Yihui knows, but the boss, you have connected this line incorrectly. If you solder it here, this driver control chip will burn out."

Fang Hao followed a gray finger, Fang Hao had a black line. Fortunately, at this time, the phone rang, otherwise Fang Hao really did not want to admit that he had lost to a robot!

"One ash, remember, the boss's words are always right!" Fang Hao said with a dead duck, holding the phone and said, "Since you can do this, then it is not enough for you to practice your skills. You do it first, I'll take an important call first. "

Came to the door, Fang Hao picked up the strange number twice, "Hey, who are you?"

喂 "Hello, is it Director Fang? I'm Lin Hexuan, um ... a shareholder of the War College."

"Oh ~~ Lin Hexuan, is there anything wrong?" Where did Fang Hao remember who Lin Hexuan was, but he was more immature in listening to the voice, it should be one of those little farts.

He was just weird. The Academy of War is still in the election stage, and the other directors did not find him. What can this little boy do to find himself?

"Your father is looking for me? Already come to Anlin? Alright, go to Dior Coffee on Qianwang Street."

Tong Fanghao hung up the phone in amazement and thought about calling Zhao Zixuan's number. He wanted to know what Xia Linxuan's family was doing.