Chapter 34: Assign a task

Downstairs of the Café, Fang Hao watched Lin Xuhu and his son go to the Rolls-Royce Phantom, and he had a check in his pocket.

Wu Fanghao sold Lin Xuhu 500 tons of raw materials at a unit price of 65 yuan per kilogram. Lin Xuhu didn't hesitate about the price, but was very dissatisfied with the amount sold.

Pouting has been persuading Fang Hao to increase supply.

But, looking at his pleasant and easy pace, Fang Hao knew that he could actually drop a little bit more.

哎 "Hey, Laojianghu is Laojianghu." Fang Hao said with emotion, reached out and stopped a taxi, and headed towards the industrial park.

It 's a straightforward truth that you do n't make money if you do n't make money, but Fang Hao does n't really want to make this business.

Science is rigorous. One is one. There are no shortcuts. It is the same as the examination. When your knowledge mastery can only pass the test, even if you ask God to worship the Buddha, you will not be able to use the multiple choice questions. The score is increased to full marks.

However, the most important thing in the application of science and technology determines whether scientific theory can be transformed into realistic material science, but it really is to look at the face to eat.

Different formulas and different temperatures will inevitably produce very different results. In material science, even different people do the same thing at different times, and the final results are also different.

The chance of material science is too great, and countless factors will bring completely different results.

Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene first appeared in 1958, and the distance diameter developed for 35 years.

不断 In the past 35 years, continuous testing, research and development, and testing have only made it more applicable to certain fields in some aspects, but there has been no comprehensive breakthrough and improvement.

And the formula Fang Hao got was done.

The reason why Fang Hao is reluctant to sell raw materials is also the same. The application of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene materials is too broad. Selling raw materials to others and letting others develop new products in advance is simply an enemy.

Alas, Fang Hao finally agreed.

I am helpless, but it is very necessary. After all, in today's business environment, there has never been a single person who can create a world.

Not to mention global technology, no company dares to say that all parts and raw materials in its products are self-sufficient, which is very unrealistic.

So Fang Hao agreed, and he will continue to do so. A Lin Xuhu can improve his advantage in the plastics industry in the future, and there are 28 in the war academy.

Fang Hao wants to try and make friends, so as to create his own network of contacts.

However, these are all future plans, and you still have to look at the fate and deliberately hand in others. Fang Hao thinks that he doesn't need it.

He got off the car and walked into the office with Qin Shiqi's surprised eyes. After all, Fang Hao, the boss, was okay and didn't think about coming around in the company. They just had a meeting yesterday.


Wu Fanghao slaps the transfer check on Qin Shiqi's desk with a look of randomness.

"Boss, is this?" Qin Shiqi saw the above figure of 32.5 million. She was still worried about the company's profitability at the meeting yesterday, and today she got more than 30 million?

Do you want to be so godlike?

"Just talked about a business, let's put the money into the account," Fang Hao looked very embarrassed at this time, 32.5 million is like 325 yuan.

"By the way, these are for the money, and I have to buy another batch of production equipment." Fang Hao really wanted to put the money into his personal account. In this way, the upgrade conditions can meet one more.

想到 But when I think about tax collection, he thinks it's fine. The company's account can be deducted by purchasing the production equipment.

Fang Hao never refused this preferential policy.

"Good boss, after you give me the list, I will immediately purchase." Qin Shiqi did not hesitate, and called for finance in front of Fang Hao, and explained it.

After doing this, watching Fang Hao planning to leave again, Qin Shiqi said quickly: "Boss, Li Xingxian's team has arrived and is now upstairs. Would you like to give an instruction?"

"Well, don't you say I really forgot, okay, I'll lie down now, just arrange their next work."

Fang Hao first went to the innermost warehouse of the corridor and took a model car out of it. Qin Shiqi was very satisfied with the company's management Fang Hao. As now, even if this company belongs to Fang Hao completely and can pick up the goods, the signature must also be It's very formal to sign.

Upstairs-6th floor.

The Li Xingxian team is decorating the working room, and the group has no complaints, and even Li Xingxian can find a reliable company for the team, and they are willing.

Not to mention the treatment given to them by the company, the monthly salary of 10,000, according to the number of years and contributions gradually increased, this is the salary, what makes them full of motivation is the sales share.

知道 Our own home thing, we know that the simulated spider robot can be said to be a relatively advanced toy at best. The climbing grasping belt can be added, and the ability to climb the wall is different.

This greatly expands the application field of this simulation robot. Even if all the patent rights of the robot have been changed to the company, they have no opinion.

一方面 On the one hand, the team that was set up was a hobby. Another key purpose was not to develop a good product and then find a good buyer.

Now that I have both, I have become a member of the technology research and development department of a core technology company. They feel very provocative and their lives are full of excitement.

"Stop, everyone." Li Xingxian clapped his hands and said loudly, "I'll introduce it to you, this is our boss Mr. Fang Haofang.

Boss Tong, this is Liu Mengmeng who is in charge of art, and this is Dong Qiang, a mechanical design and mechanical linkage system. "

"The two need not be introduced, Zhang Ming who is in charge of programming and Wu Xiaobo who is in charge of the actual manufacturing of the machine."

"Hey, boss, you have a good memory," Li Xingxian patted a small butt, and didn't even care about the gap between his age and Fang Hao was six years old.

Tong Fanghao feels a little bit cool, is it easy? Since the company was established, the company has 30 or more employees, but this is the first time that I have heard someone make his own ass.

What is the purpose of opening a company, in addition to making money is not to get satisfaction.

"On behalf of Starfall Technology, I welcome all of you to join. I have a concept that technology serves human beings, so the company's purpose is to 'be born to create technology'. I hope that everyone will incorporate this concept in future work. In actual work. "

Fang Hao officially said an opening remark. UU read the book and then straightforwardly set up the task, opened the box to expose the model car, and Li Xingxian moved to a table with great eyesight. .

Tong Fanghao nodded to the light and continued: "The task on your shoulder is not light. The first priority is to transplant the climbing technology of the model car to the simulation robot as soon as possible.

I am currently adding a set of free multi-angle mechanical three-finger palms. Your second task is to write a set of adaptation programs for model cars.

The above two points are your work tasks. Well, everyone must be busy. Wait for the evening. Vice President Qin and I will take the wind for you. "

Li Xingxian greeted everyone to continue their work, but he took Fang Hao to the elevator.

Looking at the hesitant expression on Li Xingxian's face, Fang Hao asked, "What's wrong? If you have any difficulties, you can raise it with me."

老板 "Boss, this is the case. Shenzhen's electronics industry is relatively developed. All our equipment can be rented, but here we are ..."

Li Xingxian has said very implicitly, Fang Hao scratched his forehead, secretly in his heart, how to forget this big money eater.

"It's okay, if you have something to talk about in the future, you can make a list directly about the equipment. I can purchase as much as I can. If I can't, I will contact Jiangda's laboratory. My relationship there is still Not bad. "

"Okay, then I'll make a list now."

Li Xingxian took a big reassurance pill, and even got a little excited. He originally wanted Fang Hao to contact Jiang Da's laboratory. However, Fang Hao actually said that he would buy equipment directly.

This really broke him, not only him, when he told the other members of the team, those members called the star meteorite technology really right!