Chapter 37: Qin Shiqi's Worries

Lu'an Lin, the fifth floor of the office building attached to the industrial park.

"Boss, it's a fire! This time it's really a fire!"

Shen Wancheng hadn't had time to finish talking and the phone rang, "Hey, hello, yes, I am, what? You only have 15 sets, sorry Mr. Zhang, please follow our company's requirements, and find local sales staff below 50 sets. "

When Shen Wancheng just hung up the phone and opened his mouth just to continue talking, the phone came again, but he made a sorry gesture to Fang Hao and simply left the office.

"Boss, I can only say one word for this sales plan." Qin Shiqi shot Fang Hao a big horse.

At this time, seven days have passed since Zhao Ziyu's performance, and within these seven days, the SY-1 battle suit has been mad on the Internet.

Douyu, Douyin, and any social live broadcast platform can see a host animatingly showing the magic of the SY-1 battle box.

However, the most popular is still the video that Fang Hao asked Zhao Zizhen to shoot.

After the navy continued to promote the Internet, the name of Star Meteorology Technology has already started, and Fang Hao shamelessly let the navy continue to inculcate a concept.

"Starfall Technology-Technology from the Future."

Fang Hao's mood is equally joyful, not only because of the hot sales of the SY-1 war chest, it has been admired by countless people who want to experience the feeling of Iron Man, but also because Yihui has found the silver line. Instead of wires.

This drastically reduced the cost of the SY-1 war chest. Compared with the model car, it was simply cheap to the extreme.

The reduction in cost makes its price more accessible to the people, further increasing sales.

The cost of a SY-1 war chest is 1,780 yuan, and the price is 8,800 yuan. In just 7 days, more than 10,000 pieces have been sold, bringing in nearly 75 million profits!

Nothing wrong, it's profit!

This is the final figure after excluding labor costs and advertising expenses paid in this sales plan.

"Don't exaggerate. If anyone who spends tens of millions of advertising costs to advertise does not increase the sales of the product, that is not a loss to the family." Fang Hao said calmly, but Anyone can see that smiling face, as if to say: continue to brag, don't stop.

Bian Fanghao should not be too proud of himself now, he thinks that he can add 10,000 likes to his sales plan.

Because the sales of the SY-1 war chest have been booming, it has also driven the sales of model cars, one car and one armor. This is the configuration of the local tyrants.

"By the boss, does the SY-1 combat suit really have the protective ability?" Qin Shiqi's counterpart Hao was incapable of speaking at this moment, and quickly pulled the topic back to work.

"Isn't the test report right in front of you? Do you still need to ask me? Besides, if you really don't have protection ability, do you think the SY-1 war chest can be seen by those tyrants?"

Qin Shiqi certainly knows what Fang Hao is saying. There are many rich people in Huaxia, but there are not many people who meet the rich and show off the SY-1 war chest.

The current sales target is mainly those who are rich, but have passed the age of showing off.

This is inevitable. The more you have the more money, the more you pay attention to your own image. What does it look like to go out wearing a SY-1 suit?

The SY-1 is easy to carry. It can be placed in the back of the car. The SY-1 is fast, simple, and disorderly. With special training, you can start with just one step.

The special protective ability of the SY-1 combat suit case is a bright spot for them and they chose to buy it.

Hua Xia law and order is good. No matter how safe the law and order environment is, it is impossible for police to follow you 24 hours a day, right?

Unless you break the law, you are on the watch list.

And law and order are safe in the big environment, but some things are inaccurate at all. Maybe you just park your car and someone will appear in front of you with a knife.

Needless to say, just turn on your mobile phone and do a random search. Such things happen every day.

So the SY-1 war chest has come into their sight. What is this money for them compared to their own security?

Buy a set just in case, more than one set is several sets.

"Boss, aren't you here today to listen to our work report?" Qin Shiqi got up and refilled Fang Hao.

Tong Fanghao nodded. Of course, he didn't come to the company to listen to Qin Shiqi's work report. At this time, the company was busy with each other. At that time, it was better to recruit staff to increase production.

"I received a call from the military, I crossed them to come to the company to discuss business," Fang Hao looked at the time, "It should be almost, and you will come with me when I meet."

Qin Shiqi was not surprised. The report in front of it fully explained the value of the SY-1 war chest in military use. It would be too naive if the military did not act.

What's more, this boss has a precedent.

要 If it wasn't for the cooperation contract he had with the military, she and Shen Wancheng wouldn't necessarily agree to his solicitation to enter Meteorology.

In the hearts of Qin Shiqi and Shen Wancheng, they have long labeled the relationship between Fang Hao and the military, even when they want to come to Fang Hao's background is from the military.

However, Qin Shiqi was still a little worried, and hesitated to ask: "Boss, would you say that the military would ban the sale of SY-1 war chests?"

Or is it forbidden to bring it to market for technical security? "

This is the biggest worry in Qin Shiqi's heart. Although she doesn't know how to make the SY-1 war chest and cannot understand its principle, it does not prevent her from guessing the military's approach.

Any military product that is superior to the current active duty will certainly have a period of protection. What is protected is not the product, but the security of the army.

Once the SY-1 war chest has been confirmed and ordered by the military, it will definitely not be allowed to be sold until a more advanced similar product appears.

Thinking of this, she thought of a very serious question, "Also, could anyone imitate it? Those few countries would certainly not care about the patent of the SY-1 type battle chest."

Qin Shiqi doesn't know much about military affairs ~ ~ But Fang Hao asked a professional person, his father.

Fang Binming spent 13 years in Hang Yao. During the 13 years, Hang Yao produced tens of millions of military products. Naturally, he had clear answers to the questions Fang Hao asked.

Fang Hao now listens to Qin Shiqi's question again, he smiled, "Relax, not so exaggerated, the SY-1 war chest is not a weapon, the restrictions on weapons are really high, and the execution is stronger than yours. Imagine, but the role of the SY-1 battle suit said that God is nothing more than a special body armor.

However, its design structure, internal circuit layout and design ideas are very advanced, and it is inevitable to be imitated. "

Qi Fanghao said very easily, as if it were the cottage that wasn't his own product, which made Qin Shiqi's face speechless, tangled: "So what measures should we take?"

"It is not necessary. It must be able to carry out non-destructive demolition. It is also a waste to add any anti-demolition measures." Fang Hao did not want to be too entangled in this matter. The more he thought, the more he felt helpless. .

It is a certain and certain thing to happen to be in the cottage, and you can't stop it at all.

Of course, out of helplessness, Fang Hao is still a little proud, if his company's products really appear in the cottage in the army of their country, that is enough to show its excellence.

The two were talking. Qin Shiqi 's newly-added assistant knocked on the door and walked in, with a hint of nervousness on his face. "Boss, vice president, there are a few soldiers at the door of our company. They said it was an appointment with the boss. of."

Let the assistant invite the person to the conference room first, and soak the best tea in the company. Fang Hao got up and smiled. He shook his clothes. "Let 's go, Vice President Qin, let 's meet them for a while. . "