Chapter 44: Determine site

Fang Hao has no perspective and certainly does not know what the other party will use, but this does not prevent Fang Hao from shooting first.

The next day, Lawyer King called to inform them that a lawsuit had been filed on the grounds of infringement of personal labor law.

"Well, I see. I don't care if the case is won or lost. In short, lawyer Jin has been suing for months."

He said to Fang Hao, Mr. Jin: I am very pleased.

He chuckled and laughed: "General Manager Fang, you can rest assured. We have prepared seven or eight excuses to lose the appeal. With these reasons, we can use the first half of the year to ensure that the other party is busy."

This is Fang Hao's plan. Regardless of the outcome, as long as the process is ongoing, the other party will always sue. This is only the first step.

My father's mood goes without saying, he is very excited.

一天 One day yesterday and half a day today, he considered where to choose the site.

He chose the side of Qin Shiqi's plan to build the company's own park.

I looked at the time, Fang Hao was ready to pass.

The urban area of ​​Lu'an Lin is very small and there are no well-known factories. Even due to the introduction of environmental policies, most of the polluting enterprises in An'lin have been shut down.

In this way, many of the original old factory areas were left empty, and no one wanted to rent them even if they were cheaply rented. This time, the news that Fang Hao's Star Meteorology Technology Company was preparing to purchase the plot of land just attracted a large number of people. attention.

I came to find people, let the leaders of the city have a lot of relationships, but Fang Hao let Qin Shiqi handle these things.

Western suburbs, about 7.8 kilometers from the city center.

As soon as I entered this area, I could clearly feel that it was different from the rest of Anlin. The surrounding hills were barely green.

Because it used to be a thermal power plant, in Fang Hao's impression, the sky was gray when he was young, and the two large chimneys never stopped emitting black smoke.

When Qin Fanghao arrived, Qin Shiqi and his father were already on the side of the road.

"Mayor Hu, this is the chairman of our company, Mr. Fang Haofang." Fang Hao got out of the car and Qin Shiqi introduced it to a middle-aged man beside him.

Mayor Qiu Hu was very easy-going and very polite. After listening to Qin Shiqi's introduction, he grinned: "General Qin is polite, I am still the vice president, but Fang is young and has a good skill."

Mr. Hu Xingguo is mainly responsible for the city's development and reform, transportation, production safety, statistics, and environment, and he is in charge of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission.

It can be said that there are heavy responsibilities and heavy tasks, and Anlin is a tourist city, and the main scenery is mostly mountainous.

This puts even more pressure on Hu Xingguo's shoulders. He has a lot of pressure when the city's economic development is not up.

I want to develop the economy vigorously without industry.

At the same time, the pollution of industry and the tourism industry in the city are mutually refuting. Just a thermal power station that should have been demolished but could not be demolished has cost him a lot of thought in the past few years.

It took a lot of effort, but the effect was not good. No one was willing to take over the land. Just yesterday, he received a request from a local company in Anlin City, hoping to purchase this land for industrial construction. He was a little overjoyed.

After implicitly speaking for a while, he said straightforwardly, "General Manager Fang, this area has a total area of ​​67 acres. It is very difficult to obtain such a large amount of available land in Anlin, a land-less city.

In recent years, many people want to win this land, but the city has not given it. "

Fang Hao gave a doubtful expression very appropriately. Hu Xingguo felt that the young man was very interesting, and he was no longer selling. "The requirements in the city, after the purchase of land, the surrounding pollution must be removed within three years. Right to parity recovery. "

Xi Fanghao was originally really puzzled, but he suddenly realized that he had heard this hard condition.

It takes a lot of money and energy to treat such a large area of ​​polluted land. The most powerful thing is that the time limit must be three years.

This puts an end to the operations of the "advanced ox party" who want to pluck land.

I spent a lot of money to buy the land, because the pollution can't be controlled and it will eventually be returned to the city government at the purchase price. Anyone with a little financial concept knows that it is impossible to lose money.

Tong Fanghao turned his head and knew what the idea was in the city.

有人 Some people do the beheading business, and no one does the loss-making business.

做 什么 What good is it to have the funds, and I have to come here?

"Mayor Hu, I can assure you that pollution will be controlled, and in our company's plan, we will make it an ecological industrial park, which will serve as the future headquarters office of Starfall Technology."

Hu Xingguo looked at Qin Shiqi for a while. They had already contacted them before, but Qin Shiqi didn't say so. Establishing a factory and building an eco-industrial park are two concepts!

What ecological industrial park?

概念 Hu Xingguo couldn't understand this concept.

It is a new type of industrial organization designed based on the theory of circular economy and industrial ecology. It is a gathering place for ecological industry.

Comply with the 3R principles of reduction, reuse and recycling of the circular economy. Finally, through waste exchange, recycling, clean production and other means, the park's pollutants "zero emissions ~ ~ are both economical and efficient , And also environmentally friendly.

多少 How much capital is needed to build such a park, Hu Xingguo has a bottom line. The construction cost is only a small part, and the difficulty lies in the word of the park.

This requires the introduction of a full set of industries to achieve the ecological balance of the park, but what did Fang Hao just say?

This eco-industrial park is used for the headquarters of Xingli Technology!

Hu Xingguo's eyes changed, he felt Fang Hao bragging.

Qin Shiqi is not calm anymore, he said in his heart: boss, let 's do it step by step, do n't let the gun go empty, and we will still be mixed in Anlin.

Tong Fanghao swept around and said with interest: "Dad, you have a good vision. At the foot of the mountain, you can put down a machinery factory, and you can open the main road with a little repair."

"Boss, you ..." Qin Shiqi signaled that Vice Mayor Fang Haohu was still here.

Tong Fanghao waved his hand and turned to Hu Xingguo and said, "Mayor Hu, real money can't be fake. Even if I fool you, there is always a penny to pay."

Hu Xingguo can certainly do the post of deputy mayor.

He laughed, "Fang is joking. Of course, the credibility of Starfall Technology is guaranteed. This revenue generation for more than a month has excited our city's leadership team. I didn't say anything. Since Fang has always liked this land , I can meet at the Standing Committee later to discuss. "

Xi Fanghao stretched out his hand with a smile, "Thank you Mayor Hu for taking us to visit in person. The future work will be handled by the company's vice president Qin Shiqi, but I hope to be approved as soon as possible, the company's current production capacity can not keep up with the order.

The bosses of the Plastic Industry Group of Momodu, but they called each day in person and hope that we can give them to process them. "