Failed Press Conference

"Mr. Fang, there is a professional analysis saying that the value of Star Meteor Technology has exceeded 10 billion. What do you think of being a newly promoted billionaire?"

"Mr. Fang, why did you give up the olive branch thrown by many cities and chose Anlin?"

"Mr. Fang, do you intend to enter the military industry ..."

Just after Fang Hao's car stopped, a large group of reporters armed with spears and short guns gathered around him, and even a few microphones nearly reached his mouth.

Finally managed to crowd the crowd, Fang Hao found Qin Shiqi, "What's going on? How can there be so many reporters?"

"I just wanted to report to you, and you came." Qin Shiqi also felt helpless.

The reporter 's nose is sensitive. Since the auction of Star Meteor Technology was perfect, too many reporters wanted to interview Fang Hao, but Fang Hao disappeared. No matter how he used it, he could n't contact Fang Hao. Hao himself.

So when they learned that Fang Hao would attend the project launching ceremony of the Star Meteorological Eco-industrial Park, these reporters came from all cities overnight, like smelling **** sharks.

"I have temporarily invited 20 people to maintain order, and the city leaders are also very concerned, and sent a few policemen to assist in charge." Qin Shiqi said, spreading his hands, "And the boss, we are going to add a reporter interview, Do n't you like them chasing you? "

"Are you sure you did not arrange it?" Fang Hao asked with suspicion.

"Uh ..." Qin Shiqi looked up at the sky. "Summer is coming. The air conditioner in the company needs to be updated and replaced with a new one."

"OK, now that I agree with your publicity plan, I will naturally do it." Fang Hao was very helpless, he should not agree with Qin Shiqi's corporate image publicity plan.

宣传 Propaganda to him is part of the plan.

After all, his deeds are a big selling point.

Bian Fanghao didn't want to tangle more, and ordered her a little apart and said, "The next time you remember to inform in advance, don't engage in a sudden attack."

She Qin Shiqi stuck her tongue out like a little woman. Looking at her like this, Fang Hao knew that she would definitely come back next time.

Xi Huaxia, the state of etiquette, has paid great attention to rituals since ancient times.

There is a ceremony for opening, and it is also needed for starting school. Once graduation, there is a graduation ceremony. Naturally, the start of the project will not be ignored.

After talking about it for half an hour, Fang Hao didn't know what he said, but she just read it according to the manuscript. Finally, after Qin Shiqi nodded and gestured, Fang Hao brought a hard hat, countdown to five Number.






"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A series of gunpowder explosions came, and Fang Hao clearly felt its shock wave, and the blowing clothes kept shaking.

Plutonium explosion is an art.

Watching the decades-old thermal power station collapsed under the careful design of the blasting company, let alone fragments, not even the smoke and dust generated by the explosion passed beyond the isolation line.

"This is awesome!"

Wu Fanghao had a like in his heart.

After the dust was settled, dozens of excavators came into the field, along with a long line of engineering transport vehicles.

According to the plan, the site cleaning and leveling needs to be completed within 20 days, and the construction period is very fast.

But the speed of construction depends to a large extent on money.

In the case of Fang Haoken throwing money, 20 days is enough.

Qin Shiqi came over to help Fang Hao take off his helmet, and at the same time handed a note to Fang Hao and laughed, "Boss, it's hard."

Shao Fanghao shook his head and was too lazy to speak, and then moved to the blueprint of the construction of the ecological industrial park.

At this time, a temporary stage has been set up. Below the stage are rows of seats, and above them are an excited reporter.

画面 The picture on the construction blueprint is spectacular. This is the planning and design of the famous DESTROY architectural firm.

DESTROY has considerable international influence and is also the most influential architectural design group in China.

Wu Fanghao likes their postmodern design style very much, just like this park.

As you can see from the blueprint, it looks like an inverted bowl, and it has a similar appearance to the base built on Mars in science fiction.

In the middle is a 150-meter-high main building.

It inherits the concept of energy saving and environmental protection. A special glass is installed on the outer layer to absorb natural light and reduce the use of electricity. At the same time, this glass can also keep heat and block ultraviolet rays.

In the building, there are also motion sensing equipment, which can automatically switch lights and control the use of fans according to the flow of people.

Once settled, the power consumption of this high-rise building will be 35% -40% lower than that of traditional buildings.

Wu Fanghao took a quick look at the note given by Qin Shiqi while the cameraman set up the equipment, and then adjusted his hem to the stage.

"Hello everyone, presumably everyone here already knows me. My name is Fang Hao and the only founder of Xingli Technology."

After a series of flashing lights sounded, Fang Hao naturally continued: "For Star Meteor Technology, everyone must have many questions, and I take this opportunity to answer your questions on behalf of Star Meteor Technology."

For real reporters, their quality is very good. Fang Hao raised his hands after speaking.

There were a lot of domestic media and several foreign media reporters present. Fang Hao did not know why the foreign journalists returned, but he still gave the first opportunity to ask a domestic media as usual.

"Hello, Mr. Fang, I'm an expatriate reporter for the Global Daily Military section. I would like to ask, what was your original intention to start Star Meteor Technology? According to the effective news just returned, I learned that SY-1 body armor has been obtained in Africa. Unbelievable results, how do you think about this issue. "

Wu Fanghao was puzzled, and UU reading Africa has achieved unimaginable results?

怎么 How did this come about?

Fang Haoqiang resisted the curiosity in his heart, with a calm smile on his face, and replied: "Anyone's original intention to start a business is to make money, and I'm no exception, but if you want to ask me what I have for Starfall If you intend, then the company's purpose is my idea, Star Meteorology is only created to create technology. "

Tong Fanghao avoided the second question, and before the reporter reported that he immediately ordered another remember question.

This is a foreign journalist. Blondness means that she is from Europe and the United States, but Fang Hao did not expect that the blond reporter raised a similar question.

"Hello Mr. Fang, the events triggered by the SY-1 body armor in Africa have surprised the world 's body armor manufacturers. According to your sales rights worldwide, you think that the SY-1 body armor has been sold to Anyone, is this appropriate? "

Africa is Africa again!

Fang Hao looked at Qin Shiqi, who was standing beside the stage. The latter was also inexplicable, but when Qin Shiqi turned on her mobile phone and searched for related content, her pupils shrank, and she walked to the stage without hesitation. This very important meeting requires the participation of our chairman. We will re-launch a press conference in three days. Thank you! "

Wu Fanghao didn't know what happened, but he didn't say anything, but just followed Qin Shiqi's words and got off the stage naturally.

Qin Shiqi quickly rushed over too, her expression was very weird, she didn't know if it was good or bad, she said to the other side with her mobile phone: "Boss, what happened just now, look at it."

Only then did Fang Hao know that an incident that detonated the entire network would actually be related to the SY-1 combat suit.