Chapter 61: Travel

Qin Shiqi swears that if Fang Hao is not the boss, she will definitely stab him severely, and she will not be so tortured!

She hasn't slept well at all in the past two days. Even if the press conference has achieved great response, and Star Meteor Technology has once again appeared on the hot search list, she did not show a smile.

现在 And now, just now, Fang Hao actually broke out a black technology!

Then fluttering to the last sentence, how much is it worth?

Qin Shiqi's chest swelled quickly, she was trying to curb the irritability in her heart.

"Well, you are the boss, you have won!" Qin Shiqi gritted her teeth: "So dear boss, what are you going to do?"

"What's my plan? I think we should drive an accelerator."

Wu Fanghao didn't seem to notice the slightest reply.

决定 He decided it was time to zoom in.

The original construction period of the original ecological industrial park was 10 months, with a total budget of 2.17 billion yuan, but the plan could not keep up with the changes. He now wants to further reduce the construction period.

"Send a message to the contractor. The original plan was to shorten the construction period in October by 100 million yuan for each month and 500 million yuan for half a year." Fang Hao turned off the computer, "I don't care how they complete it, I only ask for quality and quantity. "

Said Fang Hao got up and said, "Okay, I'm going on a business trip, and the company's business will be left to you, oh yes, the oxygen generator needs to be kept secret for the time being, just throw out a gambling agreement with others and throw it out A bomb, I don't want others to think I'm pitting them. "

Hey, you are just digging a pit for others to jump!

Qin Shiqi has a vomit in her heart, she feels that she has found the gap between herself and her boss, which is the thickness of her skin!

I can't help but look at the oxygen generator near my feet, Qin Shiqi's face shows an irresistible excitement, and I honestly locked it in Fang Hao's office, and quickly acted according to Fang Hao's account.

Tong Fanghao left the office building and looked at the building where the rearview mirror was disappearing. He clearly felt that the company's office space was not enough.

At most 8 months, at least maybe within half a year, XingMei Technology will be able to move into the industrial park. Fang Hao expressed confidence.

Xi Huaguo's title of infrastructure madness is not in vain.

华 In terms of the quality and speed of construction, the state of China has enough confidence to look out on the world.

Wu Fanghao first went to a temporary factory, explained some of their ash, and entrusted the system carrier to a ash for safekeeping. Then he pulled into the car with a suitcase.

He needs a trip.

The accounts of the War College have received the first funds from 28 groups this year, each 10 million, and in the next few months, 500 million each will be completed.

Adding Hao's own, the current starting capital of the War Academy is 290 million yuan, and nearly 300 million yuan is enough to officially launch the project.

After an hour and a half, Fang Hao boarded the plane, his purpose was Korla, Xinjiang.

The total area of ​​the desert in Sihua Kingdom is about 700,000 square kilometers. If the Gobi area is more than 500,000 square kilometers, the total area is 1.28 million square kilometers, accounting for 13% of the total land area of ​​the country.

The Taklamakan Desert is the largest desert in China, the tenth largest desert in the world, and the second largest mobile desert in the world.

The entire desert is about 1,000 kilometers long from east to west, 400 kilometers wide from north to south, and covers an area of ​​330,000 square kilometers.

The city of Korla is only 70 kilometers straight from the Taklimakan Desert.

The current construction site of the War College is located on the edge of the Taklimakan Desert.

This is the first time he has been in first class, and the airline has carried the sentence of penny to cargo to the extreme.

Even if the first-class seat is more comfortable and wider than the economy class, it can still make Fang Hao feel uncomfortable with a full five-hour flight.

Wu Fanghao slowly opened his eyes and looked at the fiery red sun outside the string window. He could not help adjusting his sitting posture.

"You're awake, you can sleep from the plane, you can really sleep." A voice came from Fang Hao's sideways. "Good-looking, do you also travel to the desert, then you have to enjoy the sunset in the desert That feels beautiful. "

Wu Fanghao didn't know when he was sitting on a person. When he was on the plane, he was alone.


诶 "Oh? Do we know each other? Why do I look a little familiar to you?" The owner of the voice was very talkative, but Fang Hao didn't have the desire to chat, turned his head and replied: "I'm sorry, you recognized the wrong person."

别 "Don't, there are still a few hours, let's chat, right, dude, are you going to travel? My name is Situ Wen, surname Si, Ming Tuwen."

Tong Fanghao sighed and sat up straight. "My name is Fang Hao. If you don't mind, I plan to continue to sleep."

等等 "Wait, Fang Hao, this name is a bit familiar, are you sure we don't know?" Situ Wen doesn't seem to intend to let Fang Hao go. "Don't say, the more I look at it, the more familiar I am, I always feel where I have seen it."

Fang Hao finally realized what a puppet was, "We really don't know each other, and now I'm going to sleep." Fang Hao turned around and closed his eyes ~ ~ wait for Fang Hao When he woke up, he was awakened, and the plane was finally ready to land.

As soon as she walked out of the airport corridor, a sign was held at the aisle with Fang Hao written on it. At the same time, the young man holding the sign shouted to Fang Hao: "Fang Dong, here!"

"Why did you come here, didn't you say that you were in Pakistan?" This is Zhang Zhiye, one of the core characters in Zhao Zixuan's circle.

"I was dragged back by my old man, or was Fang Dong's handwriting big. I heard you signed a gambling agreement with those old guys?" Zhang Zhiye threw the brand into the trash, "I want this It's all up to us to do the project ourselves, and what to pull them in. "

"I'm not wrong either, our project alone has to be stranded." Of course, Fang Hao would not tell the truth, leaving the topic and asking: "When are we going to see the venue?"

"Of course I'm going now, but you can't dress well. Let's go and buy some clothes for you first."

The two of them were already in the car talking, Zhang Zhiye was a big player, and Fang Hao was ashamed.

他 With his introduction, Fang Hao quickly learned how to live in the desert.

He changed into a set of clothes similar to American military uniforms. The clothes were white and very thick. According to Zhang Zhiye, the night temperature in the desert was low, and it was not good to wear thick spots. Moreover, the sun was too sunny during the day. Reduce evaporation of water.

Then Fang Hao picked another turban and bought a pair of black sunglasses. Looking at himself in the mirror, Fang Hao felt very interesting.

Zhang Zhiye came to pick up Fang Hao. It was only one of the tasks. After Fang Hao bought the equipment, he bought a full truck of supplies, most of which were mineral water.

When the sun was about to fall, Fang Hao and others set off in the direction of the desert.