Chapter 66: Ground guard

Qi Fanghao felt that there seemed to be a story to tell between Cheng Ming and Situ Wen, and wondered what Situ Wen's identity was, and he was more curious about the origin of this ancient tomb.

I just know that Fang Hao, some things that should n't be asked less, others say it 's one thing, maybe they know it 's not a good thing.

Xu quietly watched Cheng Ming examine the injuries for Lei Hao.

Cheng Chengming retracted his hand and nodded toward Fang Hao: "It was a broken leg bone, and the problem is not big."

"What do I need?" Fang Hao asked.

"Let me hold him down when I bandage him."

Cheng Chengming said, turned around and picked two relatively straight pieces of wood as plywood.

His skill is very skilled, he stroked lightly on both sides of Lei Hao's left calf, and then forced a farewell.

Bian Fanghao only listened to 'click'.


Xun Leihao screamed like a pig and woke up in an instant coma.

Tong Fanghao desperately pressed Lei Hao and said quickly: "Don't mess around, Cheng is lining up to bandage you."

"You try it, it hurts me! Hey aunt!" Lei Hao controlled himself very hard, his mouth was already sore.

Tears of tears rolled down from Lei Hao's forehead like soy beans. For a moment, he was as if he had been taken out of the water, and Fang Hao looked at his heart.

On the contrary, Situ Wen said with interest on the side, "What kind of armor is good, if it is not for the armor, he could have a disability."

"Who is this, his mother is gossiping at this time!" Lei Hao bit and scolded,

Pain is inevitable. Cheng Ming wrapped the splint with a jacket torn into a cloth strip. In order to heal, the tightness of the cloth strip must be ensured.

Looking at Lei Hao's life-threatening appearance, Fang Hao vowed to be curious next time, without stepping into any dangerous place without preparation.

However, the nature of scientists is exploration. For this kind of people, danger is inevitable, and the more they go beyond the line, the more excited they are.

Fang Hao is a pseudo-scientist, but he is also working hard. The mechanical knowledge reserve of a gray robot and other robots has far exceeded that of Fang Hao. He is also learning their knowledge while studying technology with them.

But in general, I can only blame Lei Hao's back, there is a thick layer of sand on the ground, and Fang Hao has nothing to fall, but Lei Hao hit his leg.

After Cheng Ming desperately tied a knot, he picked up Lei Hao's double-barreled shotgun, returned the bullets inside, and handed it to Lei Hao, "Take it as a crutch, try to get up and walk, if not You have to re-bandage. "

After a minute and a second, the fire in the fire was getting darker, not because of lack of oxygen, but because the wood was gone.

Wu Chengming did not collect combustible wood any more, and Situ Wen seemed to be the right one. When the fire was about to go out, he stood up. "Okay, the people who pick us up are here. Get up."

Fang Hao had been thinking about the problem, and he couldn't help hearing this sentence for a moment, but the next second, the dark grid above his head was removed, and a rope was thrown down from the top, while some people shouted, " Send the wounded up first, and the rest will come in order. "

I actually knew there were wounded people below!

Tong Fanghao took out his cell phone while Cheng Ming and the two men tied the rope to Lei Hao, and the words on the screen were unusually prominent in the service area.

He frowned at Situ Wen, how did he pass the message, and when was it?

Fang Hao was ranked second. After being pulled up, he first saw a man dressed like Situ Wen, aged around 30, and there were many soldiers around, one of whom was officially Fang Hao ordered to contact the army's Resiti.

"The platoon leader!" Rexiti saw Cheng Ming come up and ran over, hugged him, tears and snot kept flowing.

"What cat urine, shame not." Cheng Ming said so in his mouth, but his hand was constantly reassured by touching Rexiti's head.

"Mr. Lei, you are really scared to death. Your legs are okay. How can you make it?"

He spoke to a Xin Jiang man. After speaking, he said aloud to the two soldiers who supported Lei Hao: "Not yet help Lei out quickly."

"Mayor Alito, it's okay, I'm really okay, I just fell down and you wait for the meeting first. That's President Fang, he's the biggest boss."

Seeing Lei Hao introduce himself, Fang Hao turned his attention away from Situ Wen, put on a smile and walked over, "I'm sorry, I licked you."

"No, no, it's okay, it's okay, but the desert area is dangerous, but I dare not run around again. This time, fortunately, I have a brother unit to help find it. If it doesn't, then it will be very troublesome."

He said, Fang Hao went out, and waited outside the hole, Fang Hao knew what the trouble in Alito's mouth was.

Xun actually came to more than thirty soldiers, and they were all armed with guns. It is true that it was Fang Hao's information that they had given to Rexit before, which led to the troops being misled.

Puppet soldiers protect their country, but Fang Hao doesn't take it for granted that they waste time and resources to rescue themselves and others.

Wu Fanghao has nothing else to say, but he has the money. He borrowed the Lei Hao satellite phone to let the company prepare 100 sets of SY-1 combat suits, and bought some aquatic products from the coastal areas to send in return.

The puppet troops came quickly, and Lei Hao accompanied the troops to the city hospital for professional treatment, while Cheng Ming and Resiti stayed in charge of the security work of the camp.

Bian Fanghao got on the terrain vehicle. Before he left, he looked back at the pothole. He always felt that there was something wrong there, and it didn't seem to be an ancient tomb.

Uh ...

Wu Fanghao didn't know. After they left, Situ Wen, who had been returning with the troops, returned and returned with the young man Fang Hao saw when he climbed into the dark grid.

"Stuart, you can't do a little finishing work, don't you know that the things inside can't be shared by ordinary people?"

"Liu Datou, do you think I want to, my legs are on other people, and I can't stop it if I want to go in," Situ Wen said with a pout, "Is that blame me, I'm still on vacation, OK? "

"Xing Xing Xing, you have no reason to say whatsoever. I think you are coming to the wrong place and should go to the war negligence bureau instead of our ground guard." While talking, Liu Mingxuan took out a piece of equipment from the car.

The shape of the device is sci-fi, it has a base, and it is connected with a glass cover.

In the center of the glass cover, there is a spherical object hovering around in it, while currents flow around.

"Fortunately, you haven't lost this thing, otherwise you will be miserable," Liu Mingchen said, putting it in a special backpack and carrying it on his body and walking towards the hole in the pothole.

Jian Situwen followed up, "Don't mention this thing, I can't improve it when I mention it, if not, what else would happen if this thing breaks down."

"Then you have the armor you don't wear in the round, really." Liu Mingchen asked angrily: "Ask you again, are you sure they didn't go in?"

"Aren't you nonsense, UU reading went in and I will stay with them?" Situ Wen was too lazy to ignore him, "They thought it was a tomb thief, including the candidate Cheng Ming, he was not clear Specific things. "

Entering the entrance, Situ Wen glanced at the lamp stone in the wall. "However, the A Yorkers are really notorious for being stupid. A broken lamp is not allowed to be taken by us. I want to blow it up here. It's a peace, the group of rice in the province remembers it. "

"Don't hesitate, what to do is the matter of the bureau, we quickly work." Liu Mingchen unloaded the backpack and took out the equipment from it.

The base just touched the ground, and a strong light burst suddenly inside the glass cover. The light continued to extend inward along the ground and the wall. Every pass, the seemingly stone-made wall surface quickly appeared. Drawing.

"Well, let's go." Liu Minghua turned his head away without looking at it, Situ Wen shrugged his shoulders, and waved at the empty martyr inside, "Goodbye!"

After the two left the entrance of the cave, a more magical scene happened. The entrance of the cave was trembling constantly, and the sand in contact with it was isolated by the invisible barrier and was not affected by the slightest influence.

Soon after, the exposed wall of the cave turned from dark to transparent.


There was a low chirp, and the "tomb" suddenly fell downwards, and the remaining cavity was instantly filled with sand from the surrounding area.

Liu Mingxuan seemed to be accustomed to each other and walked into the car calmly.

Swipe your right hand gently on the windshield, and a figure is displayed on the glass like this.

"Task report: Code 6-3, the remaining space of 079 has been resettled and is on its way back."

"The report was received. Hidden Sky One has set off. Please wait at the scheduled coordinates."