Chapter 68: Steadily

The next morning, Fang Hao's flight finally landed.

Just after stepping off the plane, Fang Hao felt that all the cells in his body were absorbing water. In just 7 days, he was tanned all over, and his skin was dry as if to crack.

After driving the bison parked in the airport parking lot, Fang Hao went straight to the expressway. After returning to Lin'an, he had nothing to do with it and wanted to take a bath happily.

As the saying goes, the gold nest and silver nest are not as good as their kennels, and they feel completely different when they return home.

I wiped my hair again, turned on the computer, and checked the latest news.

I am very boring. Basically, they are celebrity scandals that will not be interrupted for 365 days a year.

Either he fell in love with you today, or she fell in love with him, then he abandoned her again, and finally jumped out the story he and he had to tell.

Sometimes Fang Hao hopes that there is such a software that can block these messy news promotions. Is there no serious news to report except these stars?

Is it bad to pay more attention to some people's livelihood?

I still have the same sentence, not in his position and do nothing, Fang Hao is still more in charge of his own affairs.

The Pleiades Meteorology technology means that it passes by like a meteor. Fang Hao does not want it to be as short as a flash, so it must take more effort.

From scratch, Star Meteor Technology has just gone through 2 months now.

If the results are round, the performance of Star Meteor Technology can kill a large number of companies in a second. Just the global sales of the suitcases is enough to be proud of.


Growth takes time, and the superiority of a product is not the only factor that determines whether a company can grow.

After all, the product is dead, and the people who work around the product are alive, but for the development of the company, people are very important.

Tong Fanghao has felt a little eager, and his mentality has also affected the company's employees, making them more impetuous.

This won't work.

At the computer desk, Fang Hao simply sorted out his thoughts, then got up and walked towards the company.

"Assistant Liang, please ask Vice President Qin to come to my office." Fang Hao stopped Liang Yueke who was planning to send documents as she passed by her office. She was Qin Shiqi's secretary.

Qin Shiqi also planned to recruit a secretary for Fang Hao when she was recruiting, but Fang Hao rejected it.

I don't need him to be a secretary.

"Well, Mr. Fang, do you have any other needs?" Liang Yue Keli asked generously.

Except for Qin Shiqi and Shen Wancheng, everyone called Fang Hao as Fang, and they didn't know what caused it. It seemed that the boss was the only one who called them two **** people.

And for Fang Hao, this is naturally a hot topic in the company.

After all, don't say anything else, it is certain that the young and the gold are certain, but what is more worthwhile for employees to discuss is Fang Hao's background, which seems to be a mystery.

Tong Fanghao nodded and responded, "Well ... nothing else, go."

As soon as I returned to the office and sat down, the door was knocked.

"Boss, you're willing to come back," Qin Shiqi walked in with a smile, staring at Fang Hao before the voice arrived. "Boss, what are you doing, deliberately sunbathing?" ? "

"Is it so dark? I feel okay." Fang Hao said with a smile.

After joking for a while, Qin Shiqi took the initiative to report on her recent work.

There are many things, but there are only three things that deserve Fang Hao's special attention.

The first and most important thing is to exchange information with those overseas partners.

Ahmed is still very connected. The first batch of 5,000 sets of war chests has been sold out, and another 20,000 sets have been ordered.

I only got from his feedback. The local body armor manufacturer of the country has been constantly moving recently, and has successively launched a number of lightweight body armor, one pair of postures to fight against the SY-1 combat clothing box.

One of the most noticeable is a manufacturing company called the patron saint. They produced a liquid body armor that claims to be only the size of a fist and can be expanded into an upper body body armor that can withstand the damage of small caliber pistols.

"Well, I know this, what about the next thing?" Fang Hao nodded, not paying much attention.

To be able to become the only superpower in the world naturally possesses his incomparable advantages. Too much to surpass other countries in terms of technical reserves and industry.

And a product research and development is mainly technical theory and industrial capabilities.

Wu Fanghao believes that these companies have already released products that have already been developed.

I just respect the three-level R & D system: the production generation, the research and development generation, and the reserve generation.

However, Fang Hao doesn't have to guess that he knows how much he hates. The cost of technology research and development is the big part of the capital investment. With this, they have to invest money to accelerate the development of new technologies.

一 One plus the other, the profit slipping out of the middle is definitely not what most people can imagine.

"The second thing is the company's current project progress. The factory at the foot of your mountain has been leveled. The site consolidation is expected to take 10 days, and construction can begin no later than 15 days."

Qin Shiqi hesitated and asked: "Boss, is this a waste of resources? After all, the eco-industrial park can also meet the needs of technology research and development, and it is more centralized and easier to produce results."

"Oh, this is what I mean. My factory is the core department of technology. I will become independent in the future. The ecological industrial park will also need to pay for technology in the future."

This is an idea of ​​Fang Hao. The technical research and development team is built into two sets of teams, that is, to enable them to have a relatively secret environment ~ ~ It is also a motivating means for the other team.

And this also allows them to focus more on the core technology research, while other subsidiary technologies can be overcome by the R & D team of the eco-industrial park.

Of course, this will also reduce Fang Hao's own risk and reduce attention.

Seeing Fang Hao had a clear idea, Qin Shiqi naturally skipped this page and continued to report on the third thing.

"According to your requirements, the global recruitment plan has begun. Domestically, the treatment of Starfall Technology is still very good among similar enterprises.

However, it is difficult to say abroad. After all, the personnel you require to recruit are highly-educated technical personnel, and I have made preliminary statistics. Many of the technical personnel that meet your requirements are employed in large domestic enterprises and have no idea of ​​changing jobs. . "

"Just treat beasts as weeds, one can be attracted one by one," Fang Hao said with a smile, "but this work must continue uninterrupted."

"Okay, I understand," Qin Shiqi nodded and said, "Yes, are there any other things you asked me to explain?"

"Originally existed, but I do n't want to say much if you manage it well." Qin Shiqi's capabilities are worthy of Fang Hao. He has planned to wait for the completion of several laboratories before putting her deputy in front of her. Words go.

In the current state of development, Fang Hao can stabilize as long as he does not explode the dark technology, since there is no need to mention it.

Qin Shiqi glanced at Fang Hao, not knowing what was in the head of her own boss. After seeing that it was all right, she proposed to go to work.

After she left the office, Fang Hao picked up the documents she left behind and carefully looked at the specific progress of several current constructions.