Super Technology Extractor Chapter 73: Scorched Richard

When Ahmed's phone rang twice, he realized that he was in a hurry, and Huaguo was still in the early hours.

It's just that the other party has answered the phone.

"Sorry, Ms. Qin interrupted your rest."

"It's okay, Mr. Ahmed, it must be very important to call at this time." Qin Shiqi was sleepy and had no thoughts in her mind, and she was getting used to such a conversation.

"Well, yes, I would like to ask you to tell Mr. Fang that the company Eval has already started and I bought a worker in their factory. According to him, Eval is taking our SY-1 war. Suitcase OEM. "

语言 Ahmed's language is very cleverly organized and used to describe us. If she used to think about it, she would think about it, but now ...

好的 "Okay, thank you Mr. Ahmed, I will tell the boss."

After Heng hung up the phone, Qin Shiqi had the time to glance at the time, at 3 am.

She leaned her head against the pillow, her left hand covering her forehead.

No, I am a woman, and adequate sleep is the only way to keep skin from aging!

I thought that since working for Fang Hao, her sleep time had shrunk by half.


Can't let the boss sleep so comfortably!

I thought of this, Qin Shiqi suddenly felt a lot of spirit, picked up the phone and dialed Fang Hao's phone without hesitation.


Tong Fanghao looked at the number on the phone and picked it up strangely. "Vice President Qin, is it three o'clock in the morning? Why don't you call me without sleeping?"

"Ah? Boss, you haven't slept yet?" Qin Shiqi really didn't know Fang Hao's schedule. But in her imagination, Fang Hao should be sleeping at this time.

"Do you think the company's technology will fly by itself? I'm discussing a technical difficulty with my technician."

As Fang Hao said, he typed in the game dialog box: Brothers, the company has an emergency call. I'll hang up.

Qi Qin Shiqi secretly admired Fang Hao, and there was no shortcut to success.

The game dialog instantly exploded:

I am the weekend: Fang Hao! Do you do anything like this, grab your head first, hang up after you grab it, and despise you!

Viagra eats Xiang: Despise +1

Come after me: Despise +2

Send me super god: despise +3

I am the weekend: I despise +4, I despise you for you!

Bian Fanghao glanced at him, he smiled softly, and answered the phone seriously.

After listening to Qin Shiqi's remarks, Fang Haole was happy, "I really do play OEM, OK, then I know, wait a few days, there will be a good show."

"Boss, at this time, don't you talk about what happened? How did you plan?" Qin Shiqi felt that Fang Hao had to hang up and asked quickly.

Tong Fanghao watched as the enemy had entered his own high ground, and said quickly: "Cough, the secret should not be leaked. Well, let's not talk about it, we will lose inspiration when we meet!"

After speaking, Fang Hao hung up the phone, quickly used up the sprint and then flashed ...


Then in the scolding of Fang Hao's teammates, he watched the soldier destroy the crystal.

Uh ...

After three days: Rice, Michigan.

Ye Hua has an old saying: If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

For Star Meteor Technology, which wants to sell its war chests to the rice market, it doesn't matter much to rice equipment manufacturers.

But that was before.

The Pleiades meteoric technology had good luck. The Parliament of the United States had been discussing the relaxation of the purchase conditions of body armor a few years ago, and a month ago, many informed sources have learned that this issue will definitely pass.

what does this mean?

Means that the market for bulletproof vests will expand to the entire rice country. The system that once wanted to sell but could n't sell it, and wanted to buy it, was gone forever.

Similarly, it also means a sudden soaring market.

At this critical moment, naturally a foreign company is not allowed to grab market share.

That's what Richard and the people behind him thought, and they did too.

Although Congress has not yet officially announced, Michigan has taken the lead in implementing the body armor purchase policy for the simple reason that the state's public order is very worried.

In the United States, parades are very normal. If you want to get support, it is best to meet the needs of the people.

Michigan's law and order is not good, but if you want to rank, Detroit is first.

It was the largest city on the border between Rice and Maple Leaf Countries, and was once known as the Capital of Cars. It was once extremely prosperous. However, with the decline of the automobile industry, this city has gradually changed from prosperity to sin.

I can imagine that even the KFC's window for passing meals is equipped with bullet-proof glass. What will happen to law and order here?

But Charlie is very happy. If he can, he even hopes that any city is the same as Detroit so that the body armor can have a better sales.

In a short day and a half, he has received reports from his men, and sold a total of 780 sets of battle suits.

No, it should be called a black shield.

$ 4,500 per set, slightly cheaper than Dragonscale Armor.

But the dragon scale armor is a strictly controlled armor, so the black shield has become the best choice among the body armor types that can be purchased on the market.

It was also in this short day and a half that Charlie found that he seemed to be in love with the city. Only more poor people could make the rich feel nervous about their safety.

"Boss! Boss!" While Richard was enjoying a quiet afternoon tea, the employees under him rushed in hesitantly.

Employees are very young, only 16 years old, and still a black man.

Richard can always feel the age of white supremacy from his body, and he enjoys it.

"what's up!"

"Boss, your suit of armor cannot be opened."

He also had a wax block in his hand. He was responsible for maintaining Richard's armor.

Richard has a clean habit and needs to wash the armor aside every day.

The employee has been in contact for two days. Today is the third day, but unlike the previous two days, how can he press the starter of the battle trunk today? The armor cannot be launched.

"What can't be opened, make it clear." Richard frowned because he was interrupted by afternoon tea, put down the bite in his hand ~ ~ took out a handkerchief and wipe it gently on the corner of his mouth .

The staff was helpless, with a look of grievance, "Just ... it can't be opened, it won't become a armor."

Richard didn't realize the crux of the problem at this time, he just thought that his suit of armor was broken. This is normal, because it might be broken.

He stood up and walked leisurely to a specially arranged collection room, which contained armor and armor from various periods from ancient to modern times.

On the far right of the showcase, there is a formal dark armor.

Of course, it's still a box at this time.

Richard walked forward, and kicked him in the face of the chest on the ground.

The cymbal sounded, but the suit box just shook and it was still. After how hard Richard worked, the original starting parts stepped on as if there was no pressure.

"Really broken?" Richard somehow had a bad hunch.

After a while ... Murphy's Law shows its power.

A phone call rang, and Richard hadn't had time to respond just after hanging up. It was another phone call.

Until Richard received the big boss, his forehead was sweating.

"Richard! What the **** are you doing! Why can't the war chest be opened! Do you know where I am now! I'm at Thor's headquarters and the board guys laugh at me!"

"President, President I ..."

Waiting for Richard to justify, the roar came over the other end of the phone: "I'll give you three days to solve it. If you can't solve it, you can spend the rest of your life in the desert!"

心 Richard panicked, he really didn't understand what all of his suit boxes were broken.

"Wait! It's Hua Guo! It must be that company!"