Super Technology Extractor Chapter 75: Hmm ... it's none of my business

Fang Hao was not surprised at all about what would happen to Eval Company.

Because he fiddled with this batch of products that shipped rice.

The principle of is very simple, just replace the parts responsible for the start of the machine from the fixed structure to ordinary hard plastic which will be loose and the material is more brittle.

To put it plainly, even when Fang Hao was unfolded into a suit, even Fang Hao was not sure how many times he could use it.

It may be 3 times or 7 times, but no matter how many times it can be used, the snap-action part will definitely be disconnected within 10 times.

Its function is like the trigger of a firearm. If the trigger is broken, do you want to shoot a bullet?


方 When Fang Hao saw the specific situation, he trembled in his heart.


This is impossible!

It is true that the war chest has anti-demolition measures, and it will cause an explosion, but if you cut it and it will cause death and injury, who dares to wear such a war chest?

Hao Fanghao dare to be absolutely certain that the power of the internal explosion will be resisted by the armor, and only the structure inside can be destroyed, and it is impossible to hurt people.

Otherwise, how can the Israeli military allow military soldiers to wear "self-exploding bombs"?

The hand holding the mouse trembled, even if there was another anger in his heart, he never thought about killing someone!

现在 Now there are two lives dead because of the battle box, Fang Hao's thoughts in his heart are very complicated at this time.

Panic, self-blame, and anxiety in my heart when watching an animal being killed.

His mind was blank now.

Uh ...

Northeast of the Rice Country, Massachusetts.

哈佛 Harvard University and MIT, two world-renowned universities, are located in the state. In addition, it is also home to the world's top three weapons manufacturing companies, Thor.

奇 In the office building of Raytheon Intelligence and Information Systems, Mike Qibo sat calmly in the general manager's office chair.

He is the helm of God 's intelligence and information system subsidiary, and he has great resources and power.

At this moment, a burly man in a suit and sunglasses, came in like a bodyguard.

He's not Mike Kibo's bodyguard. He has a name called "Scavenger."

This is a very special profession, which helps people cover up or clear out the bad evidence.

"Mike, my old friend, I have cleaned it up according to your request."

The man sat casually on the sofa in the office, picked up a cigar from the coffee table, lit it, and then put the bipod on the coffee table, sniffed slowly under his nose.

"I see, old rules, money hits your Cayman account," Mike Qibo thought of Richard's incompetence and rekindled his anger.

An underachievered waste!

Why wipe his tail and eliminate the relationship between Eval 徳 and Raytheon? He spent a full US $ 1 million.

However, what made him most angry was not this. What made him most irritable was that the company's laboratory couldn't effectively imitate the technology of the war chest!

Otherwise these breaking things will not happen.

"Manlongka, I don't know if you are not interested in the Chinese state?" Mike Qibo thought of a plan again, got up, smiled, walked to the sofa and sat down.

"Hua Guo? No, no, Mike, I have done a lot of things for you these years. Don't use your suit on me, let me go to Hua Guo, don't you want me to die!"

Manlongka sat upright and stared at Mike tightly.

才 He doesn't care who Mike is. Once there is a threat to his own safety, he doesn't mind another life in his hand.

奇 Mike Qibo quickly explained: "Don't misunderstand Manlonga, I'm not letting you kill people, I'm just letting you steal technology from that Chinese company, and the commission will definitely satisfy you."

Manlonga looked at the five fingers spread by Mike Kibo, and his heart moved slightly, but he did not show anything on his face, "Impossible, China is the situation for us, and in a company full of Chinese people. A white man appears, do you think I'm not bright enough? "

I didn't wait for Mike Chibo to speak, and he continued: "However, I know a team that specializes in this, but the reward is far from enough."

多少 "How much?" Mike Qibo's heart started to hurt again, and he didn't have much money left to spend this year.

"$ 20 million, of which 5 million will be exchanged for gold."

Manlonka quoted another frowning price for Mike Kibo,

However, the technology of the battle chest was explained by the president himself, and he heard that it was related to the Ministry of National Defense. It seemed to be to build a war machine, and the technology inside the battle chest was taken by them.

"Okay, but I can only pay 10% first and pay the rest after the success."

Manlonga laughed after hearing it, and bit it off the cigar, "No problem, wait for me." After that, he walked out holding the cigar.

Uh ...

Xi Fanghao could not know the other side of the ocean, but his brows could now be twisted into Sichuan characters.

He hid behind a high-strength explosion-proof glass, and standing outside the glass was the insistence of wearing an explosion-proof suit.

7 There are 7 sets of exploded battle suits under the feet of the stubborn. Each set of battle suits has cracks on the outside, which can not do the power of exploding to pieces.

Even if she stubbornly cut the battle chest in half, it did not appear to kill people as reported.

This makes Fang Hao very confused.

"Did someone deliberately do this?" Fang Hao muttered in his heart, but what good would it do?

If such a problem occurs in the Star Meteor battle suit, it can also trigger people's resistance to the battle suit, but the shield suit that has such a problem.

Even if it is just a brand, it is essentially a product made by its own company.

别人 But others know that in this way, it completes the SY-1 battle box ~ ~ It makes people feel that the products of Starfall Technology are more reliable and safer.

After thinking nothing, Fang Hao can only think of other aspects, maybe other companies can't stand it, and want to get rid of competitors.

This is the most reasonable reason that Fang Hao can think of. Now that the war chest has exited the rice market, more than that, Fang Hao has also received a notice from the Ministry of Commerce of the country.

And it's very formal. It's not that the e-mail is a beautiful paper-fingered paper, and an eagle with wings spread is printed on the lower right corner.

In the notification letter, the wording was very euphemism.

The meaning is very obvious, unless Fang Haoken provides a full set of technical information inside the battle box, otherwise the products of Star Meteor Technology will never enter the rice market.

Tong Fanghao was too lazy to bother and simply threw the notification letter into the trash.

However, other people certainly will not allow Eval company to stand out.

After all, no one will allow another starburst technology to seize their domestic market, even if that company is also a local company.

"Okay, you don't have to do it anymore," Fang Hao shouted to him across the glass.

Since there is no problem with the product, it is the result after the dog bites the dog.

Fang Hao felt a lot of joy in an instant. After all, for murder, even indirect killing, that is life. In Fang Hao's concept, this is not right.

I have a sense of guilt, but if the indirect cause turns several times, then Fang Hao doesn't matter.

I ca n't blame anyone for chopping with a kitchen knife.

He just didn't realize that Fang Hao himself, because in this incident, a seed was buried in his heart, which made him go further and further on the road of weapon development.