Super Technology Extractor Chapter 78: Military industry is not something you can touch?

A series of tests, such as drilling penetration tests, take a lot of time.

But from the current several tests, Fang Hao has a rough idea of ​​the performance of hard rock.

Combined with only one sentence: biological fusion solution needs to be diluted.

This is the most effective way to maximize profits.

As for the degree of specific dilution, this will be tested continuously.

Wu Fanghao quietly asked Yihui to write down the model of the equipment in the laboratory, and left it in the laboratory to study.

Others didn't think too much, just thought that leaving a ash is to record the worn equipment.

However, Fang Hao invited Xia Xiaofeng to have lunch with Er Hui.

两 2:15 in the afternoon.

Outside the General Assembly Hall in the Hangcheng police zone, some people came in one after another.

Today is an annual tender for military products, and tenders for the entire Southeast Theater are held here.

There were many people coming in, and some people familiar with each other spoke Mandarin with mixed accents.

Bian Fanghao is a newcomer in this circle, none of whom he knows. He led Erhui to sit quietly on the left seat in the third row of the hall.

The female soldiers were walking around the venue. They were specially transferred from the communications camp for this meeting and were responsible for the logistics tasks in the venue.

Wu Fanghao felt that it was miserable by the TV series. In the TV series, the female soldiers always saw their pigtails, showing their youthful vigor.

Dozens of female soldiers here have uniform shoulder-length hair and are wearing summer jungle camouflage clothing.

However, there is a feeling of heroic beauty.

Soon, a female soldier put two cups of tea on the table in front of the two Fang Hao, and after registering some information, issued a number 17 to Fang Hao.

Fifteen minutes before the start of the bidding, Fang Hao talked with Erhui about common sense.

I just didn't last this mood for a long time, and there was a sound in his ear for a long time.

"What are you doing here!"

Tong Fanghao glanced over and looked at the source of the sound. This person Fang Hao knew that Zhou Minghai, the current factory director of Hang Yao.

Xi Fanghao was still looking for someone else, but he didn't expect the other person to come to the door first.

"Oh, why can't I come?"

Zhou Minghai's image is very ordinary, standing on a Mediterranean Sea, not tall, fat and fat, looks like a wretched old man.

"Where is Fang Binming! Why didn't he come, did he dare not come to see me!"

Wu Fanghao laughed instead of anger. "Joke, who dare not see who you haven't counted?"

Wu Fanghao said, standing up, a full head and a half higher than Zhou Minghai, a look of condescending appearance, so Zhou Minghai had to take a step back.

Tong Fanghao's voice also sounded at the same time, "It seems that the factory director Chou Da has lived quite well recently. Why didn't I receive a court summons today?"

Wu Fanghao's words instantly made Zhou Minghai's lungs explode. Not to mention he could be anxious with rabbits.

In his heart, Fang Hao was a small king and eight calves. In just three and a half months, he received eight court summonses, all of which were defendants in court.

Reasons are abundant, ranging from arrears of wages to slandering others' reputations.

Yes, these reasons are not painful or itchy for him, but they can't be annoying!

Seeing Fang Hao's raised mouth, Zhou Minghai calmed down a lot, taunting: "You can also be able to this point, I have the ability to tell me every day, I do not sign a competition agreement exemption book one day, don't you think Mixed in the machinery industry.

怕 Who are we afraid of? "

"Um ... too." Fang Hao showed the understated expression again, and said something awkwardly, "The director Zhou reminded me that the lawyer is also going to rest. Since this is the case, I will invite two more Office, this way you should be able to sue you every day, right? "

He said Fang Hao asked very roguely, "You said, right?"


To your uncle!

"you you you..."

Zhou Ming is not good, but before he finishes, Fang Hao coldly said, "Don't lift your paw, believe it or not it won't belong to you at night."

"Haha, did you hear me?" Zhou Minghai turned around and asked the people on the side: "You heard what the boy said, he's going to chop my hand. This is a personal threat. Wait for the summons! "

Fang Hao didn't care at all, and glanced at Zhou Minghai. "Come on, let's stop playing this little trick. You pass a message to the person behind, don't hide behind as a tortoise, even if you hide Where to order, do you want to fart behind a pig? "

Fang Hao made enough verbal disputes, naturally he will not go on talking with Zhou Minghai, and continued to say coldly: "Tell the surname Yan, do n't mess with the buttocks, oh, yes, I heard he and him Brother is struggling for family property? My brothers are disabled. "

In a cloud of fog, Fang Hao's words made others hear, but Zhou Minghai's face turned white instantly, and his forehead couldn't stop sweating in the summer.

谁 Who is behind him? How could he not know? He only found Fang Hao's father after obeying Yan Dong's words.

Xun originally wanted to inquire about Fang Hao's technology from the side, but Fang Binming was not stupid. He reluctantly chose to use Fang Binming to stimulate Fang Binming.

But Zhou Minghai did not expect that Fang Binming was so hard-hearted that he resigned directly.

What surprised him was that Fang Hao seemed to know something. At this time, Yan Dong was in a critical period of struggling for family property. If something black about Yan Dong broke out, it would be too bad for Yan Dong.

He's Yan Dong's person. Yan Dong's downfall. Can he still get it?

"Let's talk about it with less imaginary heads, and I won't talk to you. Don't think that it is necessary to have a little technology, and tell you that military industry is not something you can touch." Zhou Minghai dare not say more about other things, Put a harsh word and turned away.

Tong Fanghao looked at Zhou Minghai's back and raised his lips again, and slowly returned to his seat.


As long as I am there, the military industry is really not yours. UU reading books

两 At half past two in the afternoon, the group walked from the background to the podium and sat down in turn.

There are several people sitting on the podium. Fang Hao knows most of them. When Fang Hao looked at the podium, Sun Gong also saw Fang Hao.

He turned slightly to the deputy director Li and said softly, "Lao Li, Fang Hao is here, do you know?"

知道 "Know, don't forget what the minister explained."

After Li Weiguo finished speaking, Sun Gong suddenly realized, "You all know the co-authors, just hide it from me. Why did I say that the bidding requirements suddenly changed? You made it clear that you want to hold him up."

Xun Sungong also moved the chair and asked no matter what the spokesman said during the speech.

Deputy Director Li Li glanced in the direction of Fang Hao, and then said badly: "You asked me who I asked to go, the minister explained."

After hearing that, Gong Sun didn't talk anymore, but the speaker's voice spread to every corner in the hall.

"For the modernization of national defense and the army, it is an important task to ensure that the commander-in-chief has won the battle, and to upgrade the technology of modern weapons and equipment.

At the same time, in order to delete and select better military industrial enterprises and optimize the technical level of military industrial enterprises, a new method of tendering will be implemented at this time. "

The spokesman of the spokesman just came to an end, the projection screen on the back turned on, and a new bidding method was announced.

Suddenly there was a lot of quiet inside the synagogue, what mode is this!

Commitment guarantee system?

The military put forward product requirements, and the companies under the mission researched in this direction, and then allocated funds according to the progress of the research?

确定 Is this definitely a matter for us military OEMs?

Mingming is the thing of those military technology research institutes!