Chapter 8: Darren’s allergy

Darren blinked and blinked again. He was so nervous and he did not know why. Maybe he did. He was going to have a breakfast with Queen Mia.

"Just breakfast, with a girl," Darren muttered under his breath. "Although a beautiful girl."

The thought of sitting right in front of Queen Mia, and then eating, made him feel extremely self conscious. He imagined the possibility of having a piece of green vegetable stuck between his teeth and made a mental reminder to avoid vegetables that were green.

He made an extra effort to ensure his golden curls did not fall over his forehead. His cerulean blue shirt was perfectly ironed, without a crease. It reflected the blueness in his eyes, deep like the ocean.

"Prince Darren?"

Before he knew it, he was standing right in front of the Queen herself. He had not noticed before how kind her eyes looked. From afar, she seemed icy and distant. Her voice was always so tight and emotionless.

Mia looked at him in genuine concern. Prince Darren looked a little distracted and pale, although still remarkably good looking. He was a head taller than herself, and his facial features were well defined and attractive. She had to keep looking away to stop herself from staring.

"I am really sorry." Darren jumped in surprise. His thoughts had already wandered away to the special gift he had prepared for her for the next day.

"Please have some food and make yourself feel at home."

Darren looked down and saw a generous plate of food. There was bread, cheese, egg, and vegetables, just to name a few.

Across the table, Queen Mia was quietly eating her food. Her plate was smaller and she was finishing up her last bit of carrots. She was not somebody who would waste her food. She only took what she could eat and finish all that was on her plate.

Darren drew a long breath and started to eat. It would be awkward when the Queen finished all her food and stare at him.

Then, there was piece of orange that was hiding under the greens. An adorable piece of carrot! Just that the last time Darren had tried to eat a carrot, he almost died.

Soon, there was nothing left but that jarring piece of orange piece. Darren felt embarrassed when he saw the Queen's plate was basically clean.

Perhaps this carrot would be less harmful than the last. Perhaps it was not a carrot but just a vegetable that looked like one.

Then he gulped down the carrot.

"Prince Darren?"


Darren looked up and saw Mia. She looked enchanting. She was walking towards him. Her crimson curls seemed to grow, and flicker, like tongues of fire. Her voice was shaky.

"Prince Darren?" Her voice sounded tense, almost frightened.

Then, Darren blacked out. It was the most embarrassing thing ever for him, but it happened.