Chapter 11: The evil Lord

Dawn came quickly and the castle was again hustle and bustle, preparing the arrival of the Queen's suitors.

It was the day that the suitors would present an object that they think would best describe the Queen. Unfortunately Arthur Golden had leaked the news that he was going to present to her The Golden Bloom, which was essentially a beautiful rose crafted from gold, emerging from golden dust. The Golden Bloom has been created by the legendary Albert B. Caldwell, an alchemist by training, an artist by heart.

Millions had wanted to see the magic of The Golden Bloom. It was not just something that wealth could buy, but incredible luck and good fortune. It was also purported that anybody who had the opportunity to see The Golden Bloom would be struck with good luck, not just any type of good luck but the type that would change a life of a man from rags to riches.

Perhaps because of the Arthur Golden, the rest of the suitors scrambled to find something that might be precious and valuable to the Queen.

Alas came the First Contest, and all suitors except for Darren The Great, convened at the Great Hall in the castle. Some beaming in anticipation, some looking squeamish with nervousness.

First in line was of course, Arthur Golden, with his hands holding a large container that was covered by a regal blue cloth.

He took centre stage without asking, and was all ready to raise his voice to attract the attention of the men and women at the Great Hall.

Then, all of the sudden, a strange eerie wind blew through the hall. Though it was bright daylight, the hall became dark and cold, as if all life that had breath, was instantly withdrawn.

Mia was walking towards the hall when it happened. There was a strong premonition she had. She ran into the Great Hall to find a state of mayhem.

Loud cackling noises filled the air. Mia took a good look and saw there were hundreds, if not thousands of flying creatures, probably bats. They looked like hungry predators and covered the windows like a black shield. This was followed by screaming of men and women in the Great Hall. Mia might have heard Arthur Golden yelping.

There was then a loud boom and an eerie silence that followed.

Right in front of Mia, too close for comfort, was a green apparition. It was a man, very tall, at least a head towering over her.

It was a ghost of a very handsome man, with eyes sly and brimming with malicious intent. Anybody would have assumed he was a ghost because his body was almost translucent, and Mia could see right through him.

Mia was initially frozen with fear and then filled with curiosity. Then, fury rose within her.

This was an intruder, an evil one, who was threatening her with a fanfare of bats.

If anything, he deserved a massive slap. Yet because he was only a shadow of himself, and a slap would have gone right through him.

"Queen Mia, my love," the apparition said.

"Nobody here is your love." Mia replied coldly. "Who are you?"

"I am the Lord of Zapareth." His finger flicked the curl of hair that had fallen over his forehead. He was all green so it was not possible to tell the original colour of his hair or eyes or skin.

Of course Mia knew who he was by now. He was the infamous evil Warlock of the Land, corrupted by ancient magic.

"Who?" She said.

"Lord of Zapareth."