Chapter 18: Breakfast with men and boy

Clement Flynn could not help but smile when he saw the Queen coming to the table. She had invited all the suitors that had stayed after the events of yesterday.

As a healer, he knew that there were things that he could not fully comprehend. He knew that the Queen had something he might not understand, but he was not afraid. He saw the fire in her eyes, and how she seemed to burn from nothing.

Instead of fear, he felt great pity for her. He could just imagine her solitude, and even her fear, not being able to control or understand the power within her. She was so strong yet she looked so delicate.

After yesterday, the number of suitors had dwindled to five. They were all invited to breakfast with the Queen this morning.

Clement looked around and saw a handsome dark-haired man staring at the food on the table. There was another man talking to a boy with white hair. Darren The Great had recovered and was beaming at the table, though still slightly puffy and pale.

"Hi Clement, I am Russell." The boy with white hair stretched out his hand for a handshake. Clement was truly impressed with the boy. He had such a confident and strong air.

"And I am Gale," the man next to the boy said. He had green enigmatic eyes, with brown ruffled hair. He looked genuinely friendly and kind.

The handsome dark-haired man did not say a word but Russell pointed to him and said, "Ah, that's the Black Knight, Peter Black."

Peter seemed to have heard it and held his head higher. Clement smiled.

Russell the great conversationalist continued, "I heard you are a physician, a healer, that's really awesome. I am sure you have many stories, pray tell me."

Before Clement could reply, Peter turned to the Queen and said, "Queen Mia, did you have a good rest last night?

All the men and boy turned to the Queen who had been very quiet.

"Yes," she replied.

Clement took out a bottle from under his sleeve. He had spent the night concocting a medicine that would help with rest and rejuvenation.

"Queen Mia, perhaps you can consider taking a teaspoon of this medicine that might help you rest and sleep better."

The Queen turned and looked at Clement. It was the first time she had seen him. He had a ruddy complexion and had dark hair and eyes. He was thin and almost bony, yet his composure was gentlemanly. He had a small scar on his forehead, and had very large hands.

"Thank you."

"Just call me Clement."

"Thank you, Clement."