Chapter 22: The Wedding

Mia felt her head swirl and her surroundings blurry. She was still in the forest that practically engulfed her. The trees danced and swayed.

She looked down and she was wearing a dress made up of millions of small white flowers. The flower petals looked exquisite, and they were moving. She could even hearing the small voices of the flowers; they were chattering. The dress was alive!

"Mia, Mia, Mia," the flowers were saying her name in choruses.

Mia stood up. Again, the world around her spun and turned. She tried to steady her feet but her eyes failed her.

She lost her balance, and was falling. She closed her eyes as the darkness closed in. It seemed like she had fallen into a deep pit.

Then she felt somebody gripped her hand. Somebody with very large hands, that completely covered her cold clammy hands. The grip was so strong, it lifted her up, and she felt herself flying out from the darkness.


She saw dark eyes and dark hair. He looked familiar but she was not sure who he was.

"Who are you?" She whispered. Her voice soft and weak.

"I am Zack. You had forgotten about me. You have been unwell. It is okay. I am here now." His voice was warm and comforting.

"Zack?" The name was totally unfamiliar.

He was tall and was wearing a white suit. It was so bright and white, that it hurt her eyes.

"We are getting married today," Zack beamed. His eyes were deep and expressive. Mia traced the lines of his eyes, nose, cheekbone, and jaw. They were perfect.

Is this the man she was going to marry? Her head was so heavy and she could not think clearly.

"Are we?" she replied. Her face painted with confusion and her eyebrows knitted together.

"Yes, we are so in love." He pulled her towards him, and kissed her tenderly.

"Are we?" she asked. She had no collection of any love or any lover.

Could she love this man before her? What happened? How could she love him without remembering anything?

She tried to tear away from his embrace. She needed space. She did not remember anything. How could this be love? How could she wed this man?

She tried to wriggle her hand out of his grip. His grip only got tighter and tighter, till it was painful.

The flowers on her dress seemed to sense her pain and fear, and started screaming. She turned to see his face, and saw his eyes turning hollow and black. He bellowed at her, and it sounded like a low-pitched booming, like a bull charging towards her.

He was morphing into a monster right in front of her eyes. His white suit was turning dark red, like blood streaming out of his body. His mouth widened and was gaping open, revealing teeth that were growing longer and sharper.

The monster was going to devour her. She started screaming till darkness closed in on her.