Chapter 28: Sibling rivalry

The dagger that Peter aimed, pierced right through the bubble.

"No..." Zachariah screamed. "I hate you Peter. Why do you always have to get into my way. You were the favourite, the teacher's pet and then now you want the girl. Why do you have to do that? Can't you just go and disappear?" Zachariah ranted like a child who had lost his toy.

Peter looked at his twin in disbelief.

"I will make sure you pay for this!" Zachariah cried. With that, he threw a poisonous dart at Peter. He was so swift it was impossible to avoid the hit. Peter felt a twinge of pain in his right forearm and before he knew it, an excruciating agony shot through his entire right upper limb. Blood was trickling down his hand and was quickly turning maroon black.

Peter turned to see his brother and expected to see a face of triumph yet he saw a similar face of agony. He saw Zachariah tearing off his right forearm sleeve, and saw dark veins encircling an apparent wound, at the exact same spot that Zachariah had shot him.

"Damn, the curse! The twin curse. I didn't know you cast it before you lost your super powers. Damn. You cunning one."

Zachariah stomped in fury. There was no way he could harm Peter at all, unless he was feeling suicidal himself. He was feeling the same pain as Peter. His blood was also poisoned with the same as Peter. It was like a rebound curse, only for twins, to help one empathise with another.

Zachariah quickly swallowed the antidote he had carefully hid. The moment the antidote had worked, Peter's poison also disintegrated.
