
After my long day and answering all the surveys my family was calmer, I let them watch the video and more than one wanted to mash Estela, clearly I had to laugh but they agreed to help me either in a plan or in investigating more about her.

Dad explained to me, somewhat laughingly from mom, that Gloria had actually been released from prison due to a reduced sentence, but he and Mac fly along with Carolina filed a counter suit, dad was surprised that Carolina wanted to help them, but preferred to find out why and what had happened because of her sudden change.

I didn't want to tell dad that maybe it was his way of apologizing for the accusation made to mom, but to tell him that would be another interrogation and I was already tired of questions and answers, when I got to the room and lay down on the bed to listen to music for a while, and rest my eyes a message from Margaret came to me telling me that on Saturday afternoon we would meet with everyone to talk, that seemed like an excellent idea and I asked Andrea to please reserve the room for us the other time.

After I told her and confirmed I fell into the arms of Morpheus until dinner and after playing for a while I went back to sleep, the arrival of Saturday came very calmly, today mom would not work because dad had to do these errands, Ricardo would be free and so would I but I decided to prepare everything and let her know where I would be just in case.

Clearly I left early because I wanted to enjoy the beach and I wanted Carlos to rest from me, so I told him that we would go to the beach to rest, he had the option to return or stay at the hotel and I could stay in the cabin. After a while we went to the hotel, Carlos agreed to leave but told me that if I needed someone nearby I could call his brother Lucas.

I knew Lucas by sight but we didn't have much of a conversation the first time we met, Lucas was the hotel's chef, he had studied abroad and after several jobs he liked the hotel and agreed to work here.

While I was having lunch Margaret arrived and scolded me in a joking tone for not having invited her, my laughter did not take long to come out but we both knew that she worked on Saturdays until 12:00 pm, but I promised her that another day we would plan it calmly, after eating together it was time for the meeting and I decided to wait for them to tell me.

I heard everyone's voices and watched them go to the room already reserved, while I was drinking my soda I forgot about everything around me until I noticed a fixed and focused look at me, I looked attentively and saw how Lucas looked at me and then at the girls, I think Carlos had asked him for the favor because then I saw him leave as if nothing had happened.

Margaret called me and started to talk to the girls and asked them how they were and so on, I knew that was my signal to go to a place where I could see and hear everything without background noises, I went to a hidden room that connected where they were, previously it was a practice place and the mirrors let me see them clearly.

I saw their gestures, when Claudia started asking questions, Has anyone contacted Cassandra again?, while she commented that she wanted to see me and more, some of them looked away, Luisa looked at them firmly and asked Why do you want to see her again, don't you think what happened to us is more than enough?

Hearing those questions astonished me as well as Margaret and she claimed that they had no right to say that, since in the past I had helped them and saved them from many difficulties, none of them could afford to say that I was a bad friend, because I was always more attentive to her than to myself.

Camila agreed with Margaret's opinion but her answer between tears gave me to understand that she was afraid, while she commented that she wanted to see me and that she felt guilty of many things, she blamed herself because she felt that she had been very cruel with me and since that day she rejected me, Veronica on her side continued believing that I hated them and justified that it was normal and acceptable since they had discarded me from the group in a cruel and sudden way, without any kind of warning they gave me the sword and left me to my fate.

Luisa continued with her questions until I saw Veronica screaming and asking for them to stop, I sensed that it was the best moment for me to enter the scene, I left the room and hung up Margaret's call, I knew that when her cell phone rang it would be the signal that I was going to enter the room.

I covered my face and with the other key I entered the room, I could hear them fighting, one of them consoled Veronica, I slowly and creakily opened the door to the living room and said in a serious tone

Casandra: that's enough.

At first it was obvious that she would not recognize me, but Veronica's instinct was that as soon as I said that she would run to tell me what had happened and cry. At that moment everyone realized that it was me because of what Veronica had called me and as I hugged her I apologized and told her

Casandra: I would never hate you Veronica, I know why you rejected me and I am the one who owes you an apology.

Seeing her calm down and stop crying meant that it calmed her down, and while I sat with her I greeted the rest and with a firm voice I said my beautiful sentence

Cassandra: it is time to take off our masks and be honest.