Chapter 1: Astral Knight

Standard Terra calendar.912.M41

   In the void, many ships gathered together. The ornately decorated and filled battleships slowly moved in the silent darkness, seemingly to hold an epic rally.

   The cathedral standing in the complex superstructure on the ship seems to be dug up from the ground and carved directly into the battleship. The magnificent spires scrape out a clear path among the stars.

   Later, the carefully sculpted bow of the sagittarius began to turn, the battle was majestic and full of power, they all turned to the dark direction in unison.

The torch was burning, incompatible with the surrounding vacuum environment. The plasma flame ejected from the chimney on the gunmetal shell that spread for thousands of meters, leaving a pale orange wake violently in the space.

  This kind of signal will only be used before the conflict breaks out. It does not count the consumed flames and emits scorching heat, which is the signal to be conveyed to the enemy——

   "We brought the light of destruction"

The giant ship with a dark green armed bow leading the fleet is like cut from the shadow of the fleet's steel jungle, like a dagger stabbed by a silent killer. Even if it is slow, it can make the enemy unable to escape and irresistible. .

   It's just that the decoration of this ship is a bit disappointing.

   The only decoration of this ship is the natural militarization. On the pear-shaped bow, a large number of words are etched in a one-person-height font: the time of battle, the world that has been reached, the enemies that have been destroyed.

   There are two decorations that can be specifically enumerated-the golden double-headed eagle on the uppermost bridge and the logo made of huge nickel and iron, and two crossed long swords.

   More ships followed, gradually forming a spear-shaped battle formation starting with her.

   In order to express the unshakable determination of the interstellar warriors, the builders proudly carved a huge name on the shell of this warship: Storm

The bridge of the Storm is a solemn place, like an ancient temple that has disappeared under the tide. The elaborately carved walls and pillars extend towards the vault illuminated by the dim light of the energy shield of the ancient spacecraft, the rock-like walls and The old deck resonated because of the sudden drop in singing in the transition phase, and the buzzing little angel flew overhead with the automatic incense burner.

   The mechanical priests in red are singing loudly, and they join the Gothic monophonic hymns with rich experience and calmness. Their prayers can greatly appease the more irritable soul.

"... Astral knights, as Astarte, what we have embarked on is a road of hardship and dedication. As your battle group leader, in the past when protecting the territory of the Emperor, I asked you a lot. , And often put forward these requirements...

   But, this sentence has never been so true!

  The world engine has plowed a path of destruction in this star area, and it must be stopped! No weapon can hurt it, no teleportation can penetrate it, but we can! We can tear the heart of this beast to pieces and stop its brutality! "

Commander Amurad was making his final pre-war speech. The priest Masayak stood by his side. The banners with crossed swords and coat of arms swayed slightly above the crowd, artificial air currents. Shuttle through the steel beam structure, and even the low hum of the floating servo skull is covered by the loud noise outside.

   Under the golden eyes of the Imperial double-headed eagle, 772 warriors in silver armor lined up neatly in the Hall of Glory, listening to the preaching of the battle captain, like a marble sculpture.

   Despite the deck under their feet, the surrounding walls, and even every weld, every screw groaned in pain.

   What they stand on is the battle barge [Storm], which is a battleship full of legends.

  It started construction in the shipyard of Ruize in the founding world 4000 years ago. Throughout the entire empire, only six ships of the same class were built, and only three of them are still sailing in the stars.

Although their design drawings and structural secrets have long been lost in the dust of history, each Rize class is known for its extremely sturdy bow structure. They are designed to shuttle in space mines and complex small Between the planetary belts, the Rize-class can withstand shocks that other ships cannot withstand.

   Even some tech priests believe that, in terms of the degree of sturdiness, the Rize class is no less than the Queen of Glory.

   It is precisely because of this characteristic that the commander of the battle group Amurad throws out his plan during the dispute with the commander of the 7th company of the Ultimate Warrior Vinnetius-this is also a crazy plan.

   Storm will directly hit the world engine, like a sharp nail piercing a tough animal skin, breaking through the opponent's seemingly indestructible refusal position.

   After that, all the astral knights will board the world engine and make the last fight.

   This is a nearly suicidal plan, but it is not a pure heroism plot at work, but this weapon has threatened everyone...

   A Standard Terra month ago, the appearance of the World Engine in the Vida sub-galaxy was completely unexpected by the empire.

  Until now, it is still uncertain whether the world engine is a world of undead crypts powered by alien technology, or just a planetary battleship built in the darkness among the stars.

   After the world engine's Gaussian projectile turned the two agricultural worlds of the Vida sub-galaxy into scorched earth, all speculations about its origin were thrown away, and its destruction was the only thing that needed to be considered.

Under Tyra's rare and efficient instructions, the Vader galaxy has gathered a huge fleet and no less than fifteen interstellar warriors, including extreme warriors, astral knights, invaders, and aurora wars. Warrior regiment.

They focused on attacking the world engine that is undergoing harvesting among the planets, but even the most powerful weapon of mankind could not break the energy shield of the world engine. Even if they launched more than ten assaults, they carried out more than 20 uses. Courage and firepower overwhelmed the enemy's attempts, but only in exchange for countless sunken and wounded warships and millions of casualties.

What's worse is that it seems impossible to jump to the gang attack. Both the landing pod and the assault boat can't penetrate the shield of the world engine. Even the teleporting beam is disturbed when it is projected on its surface. In the invaders group After losing two entire teams of Terminator for this reason, any similar attempts were banned.

Under such circumstances, Vinnetius, the commander of the Seventh Company of Extreme Soldiers, asked all troops to retreat, and this result would expose the world of Wavinkurst to the scythe of the undead in space-2.1 billion inhabited on this planet. Creatures.

   Astral Knight Commander Amurad had a gunpowder argument with the opponent, and finally decided to adopt this extreme plan, the cost is most likely to be an entire battle group.

All the astral knights know what this plan means, and no one showed any objection. This is their destiny. From the moment they accept the transformation, from the moment they put on this power armor that symbolizes supreme honor. , Sacrifice becomes the ultimate destination of all star warriors.

   They are the extension of the immortal will, the emperor's angel of death, the final punishment for walking, and the last strong shield between humanity and the eternal dark galaxy.

  The Emperor Zhizhi of the candle torch, the cave is destroyed.

   "...The Emperor's Record of the Candle Torch, the Cave Extinction Sprite."

   Sergeant Soshyan Alexei, who belongs to the fourth combat squad of the sixth company of the battle group, repeated the most profound prayer in his memory, and other combat brothers in the communication channel were doing similar things.

   He is a recruit, he has just left the scout company for thirty years.

   Thirty years, for a mortal, it may be half of his life, but for the Star Warrior, it is just the moment when the hourglass flips.

   The strong tremor penetrated the magnetic lock at the bottom of the boot, and the warship that was originally extremely smooth when sailing , now looks like a small sampan struggling in the turbulent sea.

   Soshyang didn't need to see it with his own eyes, and knew that the Storm had begun fire contact with the enemy.

   He can perceive the unique impact. For example, the sound of a laser cannon impacting the deck is different from that of a laser array. The roar of a macro cannon is even more like a volcanic eruption, with painful vibrations every time.

   After a while, there was another sound like a grinder.

   This is the sound of a large amount of firepower hitting the armor that is not protected by the shield. At this moment, the storm's posture is like being close to its prey while hunting and hitting the ribs fiercely.

   If it weren't for the sturdy and unusually strong bow structure of the Stormwind, it might have been disintegrated under the intensive firepower of the enemy, but this is actually just a matter of time.

   Through the helmet, Soshyang could smell everything around him exuding the smell of death, including the cold machinery, which was also mixed with the unique chemical smell of burning pipelines and molten metal.

   The servants are running around and screaming under the deck. They may not have such lofty thoughts, but as the sentence says——

  Sacrifice is the cornerstone of an empire.

   Regardless of their wishes, this is destined to happen. The emperor will use his currency at the right time and at the right place.

  World Engine, seems to be a good place.

   But before that, before everything was about to end, the long-silent mortal thinking in Soshyang's mind became active again.

   Like most dying people, there is always something like a ghost that tries to make these great warriors feel the real pain of death again.

   That thing is called a memory...