Chapter 5: Sign in

   "For the emperor!"

   The rally ended in a neat swearing. Each company arrived at the lower deck according to the assigned tasks, ready to enter the landing cabin.

   At the moment the Storm breaks through the enemy's stand shield, they will leave the hull and fly to the horrible alien fortress, and meet a deadly battle.

   "We will beat them down, right?"

In the communication channel, Aksai's voice was still so loud, and his voice trembles slightly due to the tension before the war.

   "Yes, we will kill them."

   Soshyang calmed the players' emotions with a calm tone. He is now the captain and needs to lead nine players in battle.

Maybe this is too difficult and too glorious for a recruit, but no one in the Astral Knights has objected to this, because he is the best one in the whole group of recruits, and even hundreds of them in the entire battle group. The best recruit of the year.

   Calm, tough, charismatic, and big.

   The former is his personal traits displayed in many actions, and the latter is a little weird, because the star warrior is not a dirty green skin, and he can become a leader by being big.

   But Soshyang's physique is indeed different from ordinary people. His figure is a head taller than ordinary star warriors, so that his power armor must be modified a little before he can wear it.

   Some people call him "big guy", and a few people like to call him a more ridiculous title——

  [Small Prototype]

   But this is an unacceptable title, strictly forbidden by the battle group commander.

   In fact, Soshyan also hates others calling him that, because this is a word that is blessed and cursed at the same time.

  The eighteen gene primitives created by the emperor created eighteen great legions, and also created a glorious human galaxy empire.

   But it is also the Primarch of Genes, leading their respective legions to set off an unprecedented rebellion, which almost destroyed the entire human empire, and the Primarch of the rebellion accounted for more than half.

   To this day, the poison of that rebellion is still spreading in the blood vessels of the empire, even though ten thousand years have passed...

Sirens and sirens sounded throughout the landing area, which was messy and harsh because of overuse. The crew ran across the corridors stained red by emergency lights. Worn boots and rag-wrapped feet splashed from the ceiling, walls, or The blood shed from unknown sources, the time spent as slaves under the interstellar warriors wiped out their fears, and they pushed each other to their battle-ready positions.

   The thin and dry machine servant with the frontal lobe of the brain removed and dragged his body into the engine and landing cabin. The warband servant rushed to the weapon turret with heavy steps, and the powder-covered fortified arm was ready to drag huge and heavy shells at any time.

   Storm's engine group had been urged to exceed its limit, the surrounding bulkheads vibrated, and the ship's hull faced the approaching alien fortress in a metal moan.

   "Ready to board."

Seeing a team of interstellar warriors approaching, the mortal crew hurriedly made way for the giant in power armor. The giants held explosive bullets or chainsaw swords tightly in their hands, and shots from the deep black eyepieces on their helmets. Resolutely, the activated armor hummed, causing ripples in the blood accumulated on the deck.

  The enemy's shelling has caused casualties, but there is no time to clean up the wounded. Everyone is busy at their posts.

   Soshyang's company will launch in this landing area. They will focus on attacking the core area of ​​the world engine. In principle, they must focus when the tactics begin.

But it was a completely unfamiliar battlefield, and the landing process was full of countless unknowns. No one was sure where they would fall, so everyone set a highest priority goal—kill all the aliens they saw. .

   "Soshyan, your team uses landing module No. 1, and wait for my order to launch."

   The company commander's voice suddenly inserted into the communication channel. Before Soshyang came to inquire, the other party cut off the communication, and then each combat team began to enter their respective landing pods.

   He felt very strange, because the landing module No. 1 was not an ordinary landing module. It was a very old Anverus type landing module that joined the battle with the Storm.

This type of landing pod was frequently used during the Great Expedition. It can drop ten fighters or a dreadnought mech at one time. It has very strong armor and can be automatically lifted up and recovered after landing. It is very rare now. Usually only elite veteran companies will use them in the battle group.

   But Soshyang quickly hid this doubt in his heart, and now is not the time to think about it.

   Seen from the outside, the huge Storm is gliding in the colorful void. Not far away, the twisted fragments of a frigate spread out like raindrops, making her void shield flicker.

   The ancient battle barge is ingeniously maneuverable, turning over to avoid the volley of Gauss cannons from afar, and beams of light the size of a nest building roar past without any damage.

The shape of the world engine is difficult to describe in human language. It is not so much a spacecraft as an active cemetery. A large number of towering obelisks are its main body, attached to many geometric palaces and their quilts. The alien idol that was spurned was as huge as an asteroid.

   The high-speed hurricane storm drilled towards the underside of the world engine, and the firepower of the light spear and the kinetic energy weapon filled the vacuum between the two.

As the distance drew in, the void shield of the battle barge began to bear the firepower of the enemy, and the kaleidoscope-like light shone on the twisted space around it. Layers of energy fields began to overload. Damaged weapons and armor wreckage surrounded the ship's hull. The crew of the plan flowed into the void from the damaged deck and turned into stiff corpses in an instant.

   Storm is still moving forward, relying on a flexible engine, successfully sliding to the lower right side of the world engine, she made a perfect flip action, and released clusters of shining light spears toward the driving array of the world engine.

   But like what happened before, nothing can penetrate that thick position. The world engine is still moving forward, and the power part keeps venting a faint light green trail.

   And the Storm is still turning over.

   The moment it passed under the world engine by its inertia, the engine suddenly accelerated, crashed into the undefended abdomen of the alien fortress, and locked the hull tightly.

At the moment when the Void Shield and the position violently collided, the huge spot of light shone in all directions like a small new star burst, and the huge kinetic energy poured out even forcibly stopped the pace of the world's engines, making it like a boat in a storm. Shaking, but still indestructible.

   Storm began to disintegrate, and her front half with numerous scars penetrated the almost invincible shield before, and then sprayed countless silver-gray fragments, like seeds sprinkled on the field.

   "The combustion chamber begins to work."

The soul of the landing module confirmed the instructions and responded. Soshyang waited until the end before receiving the command from the company commander. He was almost the last batch of landing modules launched from the Storm.

After the disturbing tremor disappeared, the teardrop-shaped landing module began to slide quietly in the void, and the roar of the rocket engine passed through the reinforced upper structure of the airborne cabin, through the personnel cabin, and through The hatch, passing through the descending bracket, went all the way to Soshyan's ears.

   He is not sure what the fate of the Storm will be. This most glorious battle barge carrying all the history of their battle group was once their most precious possession.

   "Turn on the rear camera."

   His voice was extremely calm, and he could hear the gentle echo of his own breathing in his helmet, just like his nine companions in power armor.

   Once again, the machine soul responded, and the rune screen installed in the front of the control bracket made a hissing sound, and then slowly opened it.

   Soshyan looked at everything inside, and the definite data or uncertain estimates of speed and distance were constantly reflected on the optical eyepiece.

   The extravehicular cameras were also activated one by one, allowing him to observe the twilight space and the situation of the enemy in all directions Looking around, more than half of the void was occupied by the dazzling wake of the world engine.

  In the distance, the Storm was quietly disintegrating, and the armor fragments were naturally stripped from her body, exposing the internal structure to the cold void, and the enemy's firepower kept eroding large holes in it.

   They probably never have a chance to take back the ship again, and the valuable equipment and personnel it carried will also be lost.

   "Front camera"

   Soshyan issued a new order. Right in front of the landing module, it is the World Engine—it is so huge, desolate, and flat, and the color looks like some kind of mineral.

   Suddenly, there was a loud noise from outside the cabin, followed by a strong shaking. It was obvious that they were hit by something.

The picture on the screen began to become blurred, and Soshyan could vaguely see a lot of explosions on the barren surface of the world engine. Obviously, the compatriots who arrived one step earlier had already begun to do it. Of course, they were still flying in the air as usual. Plant a green beam, if they are unlucky and get hit, they can't wait to land.

   "Prepare to deal with high-speed access and shocks."

   Soshyang issued instructions to others through the helmet. He could hear the fixed frame and the seat belt creaking due to tightening, and he also felt the vibration and shaking when the outside of the airborne cabin touched the debris of the spacecraft.

By adjusting the camera, he can see the process of unfolding outside the landing module like an umbrella frame, but the support is not running smoothly. The strongest impact before destroys some systems, which means that their landing will not be possible. So smooth.

   "Ready to crash!"