Chapter 8: 7 companies

As the seventh company's company commander Everridge and his soldiers advanced steadily, the road ahead looked like a large tangled network of metal.

   And the huge obsidian statue in the distance is like a looming sleeping predator.

When the company commander rushed to the end of the passage, outside the open hall, the stench of blood wafted from the slaughterhouse and got into his air intake grille. There was obviously a battle here, the fragments of the power armor and the The stumps and broken arms were scattered all over the floor.

   Just as Everridge was sure that they had not been found, a group of immortals armed with Gauss guns appeared in front of them and blocked their way.

  In a short time, the dark green flash illuminates the half-bright and half-dark passage.

  Yarok, the standard bearer next to Everridge, was hit in the chest by two Gauss shots. The powerful energy tore his armor and blood splashed out.

   The flag bearer twisted and fell to the ground, his main heart and second heart all ruptured.

   "Battle formation!!!"

   Averidge reached out his hand to support Lian Qi and handed it to the adjutant on the side.

The squad relies on a complicated frame on both sides. When the interstellar warriors tried to shorten the distance between them and the enemy and seize the advantage, a scorpion-shaped undead vehicle suddenly rose from the ground and fired its main gun.


   A fiery pillar of fire rushed into the air, like ink in the water.

   At the edge of the shock wave, the three interstellar warriors were thrown away by the impact and slammed into the metal siding aside. The siding did not succumb to the sudden impact of a large amount of minced meat and fine porcelain.

   Even through his armor, Everridge felt the heat of the explosion blow on his face, and the alarm sensor screamed frantically.

   He stumbled, but still remained standing, and roared to direct the charge.

   "For the emperor!!!"

   When the second company commander Pilise heard the explosion from the west and saw the billowing smoke and flames in the sky, he was sneaking in through an underpass.

   They approached, one of the energy nodes of the world engine, but a dense dark wall filled the star warrior's sight.

   "Averridge, report,"

   The voice of Commander Amurad came through the helmet communication array, and he noticed a noticeable heat signal on the tactical display.

   "I am afraid we have been found, leader."

   "Assemble your troops, and then advance to the energy node!"

   "Follow your orders, leader!"

   Averidge replied, and then ordered his combat team to leave the battlefield quickly, through a labyrinth of channels, leading to the central channel where other teams he could contact concentrated towards him.

   As they moved forward, Everridge took the lead, and the shadow cast by the huge platform overlooking the ground enveloped everyone.

  Instinctively, he raised his head and looked up, and saw a row of aliens holding Gauss guns facing them downward.

   In the blink of an eye, the decomposition rays hit them like raindrops.

   Averidge rolled and hid under the shadow of the statue.

Another lieutenant of the company, Grace, was distracted, and there was a slight sluggishness. He paid the price for his relaxation. A hot ray blasted a hole in his torso and cooked the star warrior in his armor. .

   With a loud clang, he fell to the ground.

   Averidge responded with the roar of his blaster pistol, and when the statues around him were torn apart, he caught a glimpse of the target above the gaped main beam.

   The remaining interstellar warriors, under his leadership, erected storm shields, avoided the enemy's firepower, and made roundabouts.

   Averidge clung to the nearest platform base and looked around, measuring the terrain and how to lead them through the rest of the journey to the energy node.

   Several narrow passages are formed between the wall and the base, on which is an observation platform, supported by metal brackets, and in the distance are the ring-framed anti-aircraft firepower, defensive turrets, and clusters of sensor probes.

  As the blaster's fire continued to suppress them, Everridge retracted and slammed into the rock wall.

   "Company commander, we were ambushed!"

   A soldier shouted in the communication array, trying to overcome the noisy environment, even though he was shouting, his tone was very calm.

   There was a momentary pause after the message was sent, and a vague voice came in.

   "Support is coming."

   The short reply quickly disappeared, and Averidge could only vaguely judge that it might be Soshyang's voice.

   After the second round of counterattack, a series of small explosions swept across the observation platform, and the fragments splashed around like a shower.

   A tactical team came to support.

   Averidge stood up and shouted orders before the smoke from the explosion dissipated.

   "Don't give them time to react! Kill them! Kill them now!"

   The Astartes broke the bunker and began to charge, leaving the dead behind.

   Two hundred dead spirits with stiff pace formed a queue and appeared from several passages, and immediately began to countercharge.


   As soon as Averidge roared, he immediately felt the burst of volley of arrow guns from the soldiers who obeyed the orders behind him.

   The effect of the volley is cruel. The rows of aliens fell under the fierce attack, and the corpses were plunged into their kind, twitching and spinning under the blow of the blaster.

   The parts flew out, and the wreckage piled up like sandbags, tripping over the alien who followed.

   This was not a one-sided attack. There were also interstellar warriors killed under the enemy's counter-attack fire, but the disciplined Astartes pulled out their melee weapons before the first batch of cannon fodder approached.

   A scarred and stained undead like an engine worker came to Everridge with a bladed Gauss rifle.

   The company commander greeted the opponent with his screaming chainsaw sword and cut it into the alien chest.

   The undead didn't die immediately, twisting the weapon in Averidge's hand.

   Astarte did not pause at all, and threw the poor bug away, so powerful that the wreckage revolved in the air and crashed into its humble kind.

   The seventh company commander then slashed the second attacker with a flat sweep.

   The captain of a tactical team came to Everridge with enthusiasm and confidence to join the melee.

   When he rushed into the enemy group, his stump and arm fell like raindrops, and his face without a helmet showed a terrifying anger.

   Out of the corner of his eye, Averidge saw another colleague beheading an enemy who was trying to open fire, which aroused greater enthusiasm among the soldiers.

   However, despite the ruthless and wanton slaughter, these humble aliens refused to retreat. They were soulless machines, without the concept of fear, and would not be angry because of the death of the same kind.

   "Get them back!"

   Averidge gritted his teeth and shouted With a blow from his battle shield, an enemy was knocked over.

   But when he was about to do his best, he suddenly fell backward, and two or three corpses threw him down from the ground. Even if only half of the body remains, these machines still have the ability to move.

   In the frenzy, he lost his shield, but when he fumbled in the sea of ​​fallen corpses, he found the hilt of his chainsaw sword.

   Turn on the chain saw switch, and Averidge cuts the metal to liberate himself.

   But soon, countless hands grabbed him again and tried to drag Astarte down. When he tried to get up, the ice-cold bones of his hand caught his armor.

   This is not the way humans fight, and few aliens willingly die like this, even when there is something worth doing.

   This is why the Astartes are deadly warriors. They are the ultimate weapon for any enemy who will be infiltrated by natural fear, because an interstellar warrior can control and expel his fear.

   But the space necromancer is another kind of enemy, an enemy that even a star warrior cannot defeat.

   "Damn it!"

   Averidge said from between his teeth, he got rid of a machine with only the upper half of his chest, and stood up with the help of his comrades.

   "Now we have to kill them all."

   Company continued to advance surrounded by the dead, but a shot suddenly hit his side, and Averidge felt a sharp burst of pain.


   He staggered, and this gave his enemies the gap they needed.

   A metal necromancer that suddenly commotion rushed towards the injured Astarte, and then the weight of the attacker dragged him down, their cold touch filled his senses.