Chapter 11: task

"Sosh Yang!"

Soshyang, who was working hard with his comrades to destroy the last group of active mechanical undead, immediately turned his head after hearing the voice of the company commander and saw Averidge walking towards him, his left arm from the elbow. It was cut off, and there was still a plume of smoke from the incision.

   But this didn't affect the company commander's resolute expression, as if this wound did not appear on his body.

"How will you be here?"

   "Our landing module encountered enemy fire when it landed, and it deviated a little from its trajectory, but fortunately—"

"It's bad."

   Averidge frowned and interrupted him.

   "You should be with the commander of Amurad at this time, not here."

   "Company commander, I don't understand."

   Soshyang sensed that something was wrong, and the doubts before entering the landing module resurfaced in his heart. Many things were not normal from the beginning.

   But Averidge obviously didn't mean to explain, he glanced around, and then said loudly:

   "Seven Lian! Get together!"

   After taking care of the dead souls in the tomb, the soldiers gathered, a total of fifty-three people, including a priest, and these were all the remaining living people in the Seventh Company, most of whom were wounded.

   "We must completely destroy this node and prevent the undead from repairing it."

   Averidge said, looking at a soldier wearing a red and white helmet, that was his adjutant.

   "Are the hot melt bombs ready."

   "Yes, company commander."

At this time, the ominous metal friction sounded from the entrance to the south of the tomb, as if countless pairs of iron boots trample on the ground. No need to look, Soshyang knew that the enemy's army was coming. Obviously their master was unwilling to give up. This important energy node.

   The seventh company commander looked at the entrance, then turned his head and looked to the left, facing Soshyang's strong gaze.

   He took a deep breath and continued:

"You are the last fifty-three of the seventh company, and you carry all the honors of the company on your shoulders. Maybe I haven't been fighting for that long, but I have vowed to witness all this! The seventh company has been fighting so far, And will continue to fight before all this is over, a final battle to end the nightmare of the dead, a final battle to perform duties and defend the honor of the team!"

   At this time, the priest in black armor also stood up and said loudly in a stern voice:

   "Then what are you going to do? You will join me in pleading with the souls of our fallen compatriots, pleading with them to help me in the upcoming battle and arouse our fighting spirit? All of you!"

   For an instant, all Astarte faced the priest and knelt on one knee on the hard rock floor, as did Soshyang.

   Some people moved slowly because of the wounds on their bodies, but no one hesitated.

  The pastor stood in front of them, raised the scepter in his hand, and watched people follow him.

   "In the name of the most noble majesty, the holy emperor, we beg of you."

   "Long live my emperor!"

   Everyone responded.

   "For the honor of the emperor and the tireless dedication of its defenders, we beg of you."

   "Long live my emperor!"

   "Those who gave their lives exchanged the eternal suffering of immortality for our survivors, we beg you to recall the soul from the death of our brothers, and take it back to your side!"

   "Insurmountable death is its name!"

   The angels of death answered in unison.

At this time, those stumbling mechanical nightmares once again emerged from the darkness of the passage, their hollow eye sockets were burning with cold green flames, and the tearing guns in their hands were flat on their chests, like toy soldiers neatly laid out. , Stepping forward with no difference, walked towards the creatures gathered in the mausoleum.

   "Ready to fight! You guys go and plant the hot melt bomb!"

The soldiers of the company started to take their positions. Just when Soshyang picked up his gun and was about to find his position, the company commander appeared in front of him and handed his sword and a helmet to Soshyang.

   "Take it, take your squad, leave here, go to the leader of the battle group, you go in that direction, you should be able to meet them."

   His voice is not loud, but he has unquestionable authority.

"This is an order."

   As if he knew what Soshyang's next sentence was, he added another sentence, then turned and walked towards the priest.

   "Company commander——"

   Soshyang stretched out his hand and called out. Averidge paused, but didn't look back.

   "I will be back soon, anyway."

   After finishing speaking, he put on his helmet, turned around and summoned his remaining five players, and walked in the direction Averidge pointed out earlier.

  Average, who came to the priest, turned his head, watched Soshyang disappear into the shadow of the passage, and whispered:

   "May the emperor bless him."

   "May the emperor pity us too."

The pastor's words evoked a wry smile at the corner of Everitch's mouth. He took off the blaster fixed on his thigh and came to the back of the bunker. At this time, the undead had begun to shoot, and the torrent of dissociation rays rained toward the Astarts The stubborn area struck.


   Accompanied by a huge roar that shook the entire tomb, the energy nodes supplying an entire area were instantly interrupted, and darkness immediately enveloped the surroundings.

   "For the emperor!!!"

   With a roar, Everridge fired the first shot at the enemy.

Other Astarte immediately released their anger. The flame of the blasting gun suddenly became a little light in the dark, and the light emitted by the undead was like a ghost fire in a tomb Both Intertwined, and constantly accompanied by the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.


   Hearing the gunshots behind him, Aksai glanced back, then walked quickly to Soshyang's side.

   "You have asked four times."

"I do not understand."

   "This is an order, you don't need to understand."

   "Sosh Yang!"

   Aksai grabbed the opponent's arm, and the whole team stopped immediately.

   "We are not cowards!"

   Everyone's eyes are focused on him. Although Soshyang does not wear a helmet, his expressionless face is no different from the helmet.

   "No one says you are a coward."

   "Then we should fight! Die with other brothers! Instead away!"

   "I repeat, this is not to escape, this is an order, the command of the company commander."

   "Why? Is there any task that requires us? We are not veterans, nor Terminators."

   "Pay attention to your words, Aksai."

   After glaring at the opponent, Soshyang pulled his arm out of the opponent's palm, and then continued to walk forward.

   "It is true that we are not veterans or terminators, but we are still Astarte, the emperor's warriors, an extension of his eternal will. I hope you can face your own value more squarely."

   Facing Soshyang's words, Aksay was speechless. He glanced at the others, but after they stopped for a while, they followed in Soshyang's footsteps.

   "Well, I hope this task is worth it."

   shook his head, Aksai quickly followed, and the gunshots behind him gradually became weaker with the distance...