Chapter 15: ambush

After solving the enemies on the terrace, Fallo led the team to move towards their real goal-the power control hall of the world engine.

  According to the broken signals they received, the commander of the battle group Amurad had led the team to arrive there first, and fought with the guards for a long time. They urgently needed support.

  The team left the terrace and walked along the passage. Not only did they not descend, but was gradually rising. It seems that the main body of the engine of the whole world is pyramid-shaped, and the core is at the tip of the pyramid.

   Along the way, the dim tunnels they passed through seemed to have been abandoned, without any guards.

   "Disperse the formation."

  Follow seemed to perceive something from the silence and signaled the queue to disperse, but they continued to walk for hundreds of meters without encountering any unexpected situations.

   Until they entered a cellar full of alien statues, its curved dome suddenly exploded as they passed by, and a large number of sharp obsidian fragments instantly smashed several interstellar warriors.


  Forlo had only a fleeting opportunity to react to this sudden foresight. He quickly grabbed Soshyan to his left and shielded him with his body.

At the same time, an alien statue hidden on the far side of the right side wall also exploded. A storm of smoke and rocks hit the seven nearest interstellar warriors, hitting the twisted muscles of the armor and smashing them into the other side wall.

   During the whole process, only Fallo locked the servo system in time and stood firm in the impact by virtue of its own weight.

   But Follow hadn't had time to check if Soshyan was alive, and his equipment team hadn't had time to do anything except raise his fists. A group of stumbling necromancers launched a charge at them through the wall of smoke and debris.

The first necromancer shot directly at Furlo, and the Gaussian rays set to the maximum output were directly embedded in the right shoulder armor of Captain Terminator, biting into his black carapace, tearing flesh and bones, A huge hole was ablated.

   Then the second and third blows were deflected into the ceiling. Fallo resisted the pain and raised his right arm, and activated the mounted blaster to intercept the attacker.

   Before the undead could react, a series of dense bullets made it tilt its head back, its metal face was completely shattered, and then it fell to the ground.

   But the other ambushers quickly covered up and arrived.

   They rushed towards the interstellar warrior with a sickly indifference. The Gauss Ripper, the Phase Sword and the wreckage of the same kind were all brandished in their hands.

   Ordinary opponents can only fall to the ground and wait to die under the impact of the explosion at such a distance, but they are facing the interstellar warriors, even if they are traumatized, they have not been shocked.

   The veterans immediately counterattacked with fierce force.

The brutal and throbbing howl of the chain saw sword drowned the fine footsteps of the undead, and the deafening roar of the blasting gun constituted the cold and silent counterpoint of the astral knights.

   Without any words, they carried out a merciless slaughter of the attackers.

   And the most violent is Soshyan.

The impact of just now cracked his helmet, shattered a black eyepiece, and damaged his faceplate.

   Even in the depths of battle, Fallo can smell the monster-like rage of this recruit, and he is trying his best to control this rage.

  Hate and anger merged into a black ocean, and the desire to kill was like a high cliff standing above it, beckoning him.

   The blood is permeated in the air, that is the only "body smell" emitted by the wounded space warriors.

   Soshyang's thumb flicked the activation rune of the chain saw sword, and then crashed into the enemy group and waved a series of short and swift blows in the cramped space, roaring and cutting through the metal body.

  The limitation of space only made his killing more cruel. The silver armor became brighter in a moment, and it was full of flowing liquid metal.

   In front of him, no one was spared.

   And Fullow also has his own fighting style, his fist breaks his sternum and smashes his head between the ups and downs.

An assailant hit him with a Gauss ripper at the moment when Captain Terminator knocked down his kind, and the rays cut through the right arm armor. The pain of the wound came along with the warning signal of the helmet's vision, and quickly suppressed.

  Follow activated the blaster once again, focusing the target on the forehead of the undead, the attacker suddenly shattered his head and fell to the ground.

   The end is as sudden as the beginning.

   The cellar that was bombed into ruins was quickly cleared. The star warriors put away their weapons one by one, and thick blood coagulated slowly dripping from their armor.

   The communication system remained silent all the time, only the harsh breathing echoed.

   In this encounter, a total of six combat brothers were sacrificed, including a member of the Soshyan team. Now he is only left with Nader, Aksai and Occam.

   After confirming that there were no enemies, Soshyang slightly loosened his fingers holding the chainsaw sword, feeling the second heart gradually slow down.

   He is still alive, it was Fullow who saved him.

   Although he doesn't understand why the Terminator wants to protect himself alone, many things that have happened today made him feel abnormal. This is just one of them.

   Maybe he can get the answer, maybe he will bring his doubts into the cold grave. In any case, it is not a reasonable time to think about these.

   "Such an ambush is very rare."

   An veteran next to Fallo spoke.

   "Yes, very rare."

   The Terminator nodded and promised but his eyes were fixed on Soshyang's exposed head.

  Because the helmet was damaged, Sosh Yang Tieqing's facial features were fully revealed. Strips of gray bloodshot snaked up along the throat and chin, and then separated at the eyes. The eyes were even more pitch-black and bottomless, just like the eyepieces on the helmet.

   When Soshyang spoke, a neat tooth was revealed from the sharp, firm jaw.

  The world engine is a completely oxygen-free area, even the star warrior cannot survive for too long after being detached from the helmet, so Soshyan temporarily used the helmet of the fallen squad member.

   He was completely unaware of what impact his appearance had on Fallo at this time.

  Follow took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, and cleared the shock from his mind.

   "Each injury assessment will be conducted, and two minutes later, we will move on."

   After Fallo's order was given, Soshyan retrieved his status.

   His backpack received a heavy blow when it exploded, and there were wounds left by Gaussian rays on his chest, right forearm, and left thigh. Everything else was normal.

The other members of the team are similar to him, each with injuries but no major problems.

   They are all lucky, and although several fighting brothers were not fatally injured, they suffered physical damage.

   But it is not allowed to fall behind here, they can only follow the team with their remains.

"set off!"

  Follow gave an order, and the team once again moved closer to the unknown area, and at the other end of the passage, a huge roar similar to a heartbeat was intensifying..