Chapter 20: Cold blood

   "Axel? Axel!"

   Soshyan, who got up from the ground, was looking for the traces of his comrades in the first place, and then he found the familiar person among the scattered metal fragments and solidified internal organs.

   "Axel! Brother! Brother!"

   Soshyang hurried over, but didn't get any response. When he took off Aksai's helmet, he was completely shocked.

This man with a tough face was scorched all over his face, his lips melted and bonded, his ears became swollen flesh hanging on his face, and his eyes became two scorched hollows. The translucent lens is still hanging.

   Strictly speaking, almost no inch of Aksai's skin is intact. In order to protect Soshyan, he endured the greatest impact.

   Soshyang finally realized what was going on with Aksai's previous abnormality.

   Even when he is invisible and inaudible, he is still attacking, and he will drag the last enemy before he falls.

Soshyang wanted to simply condense the corpse of his comrades, but he found that he had no choice but to put the helmet back on Aksai, and then picked up the opponent's chainsaw sword-until now, he has not Hold any hope of survival, but before dying, he will kill more aliens with his friend's blade.

   He stood up, and a strange air flow suddenly passed over this deadly alien fortress, and a lot of dust was rolled up.

   Soshyang walked firmly in the footsteps toward the direction of the airflow. He didn't encounter any enemies along the way, but saw many undead who were intact but collapsed on the ground.

  He suddenly realized that these metal undead seemed to be suddenly drained of energy by something.

  Thinking of this, suddenly there was a strange throbbing from his two hearts, and then Soshyang felt that something slammed up in his throat.


   caught off guard, he opened his mouth, letting the cold breath gush out from his throat.

   I saw a burst of ash-like blood from the grille of his helmet, and the blood splashed on the ground, still breathing in the cold.

   Soshyang immediately felt as if his whole body's strength was drained after a mouthful of blood. He knelt on the ground as soon as his knees softened. After breathing for more than ten seconds, he barely regained consciousness.

   He felt as if he had been placed in an ice cellar for a whole month. His limbs became cold and stiff, and it was very difficult to move his fingers.

   Only then did he notice that the body temperature test index showed that his current body temperature was only 19°C-a mortal might be dead already.

   At first he thought it was because the power armor was damaged, which caused him to be exposed in a vacuum for too long.

   However, when he retrieved the status, he found that the situation was not that bad-at least it shouldn't be allowed to happen to him.

   Soshyang shook his heavy head vigorously, and tried his best to get up from the ground-he still has a task on his shoulders, and he must go to support the battle captain.

   Suddenly, he felt that his nose was bleeding, and subconsciously raised a hand to erase it, but the back of his hand only collided with the cold helmet.

   He then stopped and tried to catch his breath.

   At this time, a memory emerged, like the touch of a ghost that didn't exist.

   When he was hungry, his stomach sac longed for a bowl of hot broth, when it was cold, his body longed for a clean blanket, and when he was alone, his heart longed for a warm smile.

   A strange woman opened her arms to him and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

That is...


   A child sobbed, staggeringly grabbed a toy, a... star warrior.

   These pictures continued, accompanied by a whisper.

   It wants you to stop, it wants to catch you, you must disperse it and keep walking.

"I am alone."

   In a trance, Soshyang muttered to the non-existent goal.

   "I can't makes no sense."

  You are never alone, we are all with you forever.

"I do not understand."

   You will understand, now, go right away.

   Just at this time something slipped out of his neck armor, Soshyang looked at it gently swaying in the silver chain, and suddenly felt so strange.

   This is the only thing left after he transitioned from a mortal to an interstellar warrior. A silver ring, engraved with a pattern similar to a family crest, because it belonged to a mortal, Soshyan could not wear it, and could only hang it on his body.

   But he doesn't remember who gave it to himself, is it the strange woman?

   Soshyang raised his head, his eyes were enveloped by a strong golden light, which even made him unable to look directly.

   A few seconds later, his pupils adjusted to the strong light, and he realized that a huge object was rising to the sky.

   It is a monster similar to a human form, with long slender limbs, surrounded by a liquid energy halo, and its easy movement can set off a powerful energy impact.

   And the first thing it rises up is to destroy the engine of the world.

   Soshyang finally understood where the huge tremor came from.

   So without thinking, he ran towards the direction of the rising of the giant in the form of energy.


   shouted Amurad holding a double axe.

   "Everyone is hidden——"

   But his reminder was too late, and the mechanism that bound the Star God fragments was torn to pieces in a blink of an eye, and the violent explosive impact was as powerful as a whirlpool torpedo.

   Within a few seconds, the commander of the astral knight team lost consciousness.

   In the next second, a strong mixed injection was pumped into his muscles, and the genetically enhanced physiological function awakened him almost immediately.

He realized that he was lying on his back, staring at the starry void, and the warning system of the power armor was constantly calling the police-the structure of the right shoulder armor was severely damaged the right arm armor was bent, and the chest suffered Three puncture injuries.

   life index showed low-level internal bleeding in the right arm and abdominal cavity, but this was almost non-painful because it was blocked by the injection and his strengthened nervous system.

   Amurad realized that there was something blurry in the right goggles of the helmet, and he suspected it was blood.

   He then sat up, and the broken server made a terrible rubbing sound.

   The helmet of the power armor removed the turbid smoke, dust and misty organic matter that blocked the cold air, allowing him to breathe smoothly.

He glanced around and found that a large number of unrecognizable internal organs and a large number of metal fragments covered almost every inch of the damaged ground, those huge obelisks scattered on the ground like toppled sand, and those terrible wars. The machines were almost all paralyzed.

   The huge impact almost killed everything, even superman like Star Warrior, it is difficult to escape at close range.

   However, they only had one minute to activate the hot melt bomb.

   One minute, let alone escape.

   Just when he stood up, a figure appeared in front of him, staring at him with cold green eyes.

   appeared at the same time, and another group of Gauss ripper aimed at him.

   Amurad rushed up and pushed the weapon aside before it was fired, and then buried in the shattered floor next to him at the speed of light.

   At the same time, Amurad's leg kicked out and hit the chest of the space undead. When the alien fell down, there was a sound of breaking and struggling.

   Amurad realized that he was panting, fighting hormones and trembling from the previous blind attack, his blasting gun had long been lost, so he only had two power axes left.

   Their roar filled the space.