Chapter 22: escape


   Amurad panted heavily and trembled, his sight flickered, and the sound in his ear canal turned into a distant echo.

   He grabbed the large wound with one hand, but even his advanced Larryman cells could not stop the blood flowing from the torn body. At this time, he felt the hand under his arm, helping him stand up.

   The server in Power Armor is complaining bitterly.

It was Soshyan who saved him, the man he had been waiting for, but now the strong recruit was so weak that he could hardly hold a blasting gun. He almost fell while supporting Amurad. inverted.

   "Head... a helmet."

   Amurad tapped Soshyang's helmet lightly with his fingers. Although he didn't understand what the captain meant, Soshyang still held his breath and took off his helmet.

   After seeing Soshyang's face full of gray veins, Amurad's eyes widened, shocked and terrified.

   "'s not the time yet, it's too early."

Then he motioned for Soshyang to put on his helmet, and then slowly walked towards an interstellar warrior who was leaning on the broken pillar. Soshyang also saw him and immediately recognized the think tank director of the warband at that time. Hailarxi.

   But he thought it was a corpse.

At this time, sporadic battles are still continuing, but there are fewer and fewer interstellar warriors alive. The Star God who has ascended to a high altitude has shredded most of the engine of the entire world, and only the main part is still struggling to maintain. Those "stars" are approaching.

   "Hilalxi, Hailarxi."

   Accompanied by Amurad's hoarse call, the think tank curator, who was motionless against the pillar, twitched his fingers suddenly, and then his head slowly turned around.


   Soshyang approached, only to find that the chest of the think tank curator had been ablated to make a big hole, two broken hearts hung in it, and they had stopped beating.

   So in principle, he should indeed be a corpse.

   "You... found him."

   Hailarxi stood up, in a stiff and slow posture.

   "Yes, you can prepare."


   After finishing speaking, Hailarxi flashed an extra short-handled scepter in his hand. The tip of the scepter was a double-headed eagle with flapping wings.

   Soshyang was always at a loss during this process. He looked at his battle captain, not knowing what his expression was behind the helmet.

   So he asked:

   "Clan commander, shouldn't we continue to fight."

   "Yes, we have to continue fighting, but your battle is over."


   Soshyang couldn't believe his ears.

"the end?"

   "Yes, you have a new mission, Soshyan Arikshe."

   Amurad said, raising his hand difficultly to take off the iron halo behind him, and then hung it on Soshyang's power backpack.

   "You will be the next commander of the battle group."

   Soshyang was stunned in place as if struck by lightning, his throat seemed to be blocked, unable to speak a word.

   "I know you have many questions, but I can't answer you now. Go back to Obsidian Fortress and find Brother Said——"

Amurad's words were interrupted by a violent cough. A burst of red blood spewed from the grille of his helmet, which stained his entire neck and chest. At the same time, the wound on his abdomen was still bleeding, but the amount increased. Come less...

   It's not that the blood has stopped, but that his blood is about to drain.

   "Clan commander, I will fight you to death! I will be buried here with all the fighting brothers!"

   Finally, Soshyang suffocated the sentence he wanted to say the most.

   But Amurad just shook his head, and carefully took out a prismatic ruby-like thing from the power armor backpack, with a dark green light flowing on it.

   "This is the red talisman, you must take it well, all of us sacrificed just for it!"

   After squeezing the thing called the red talisman into Soshyan's hand, Amurad looked at Hailarshi, who was haloed all over.

   seemed to be aware of his gaze, and a cold whisper floated from Hailarshi's helmet.

   "Ready over there too..."

   This voice made Soshyang wonder whether the think tank curator of the battle group in the power armor, because he remembered that the opponent should have a refreshing voice.

   "Halarxi has fallen."

   Amurad answered Soshyan's question.

   "But for the final task, he used forbidden power to temporarily bind his soul to the corpse, but this will not last long."

   Dark Witchcraft-these four words immediately jumped into Soshyan's mind.

   This kind of blasphemous witchcraft is strictly forbidden, and even the Astarte think tank cannot get involved.

  Perhaps noticing Soshyan's disordered breathing, Amurad sighed and said:

"For a lofty purpose, sometimes we have to do something that goes against the principle. This may be explained by expediency, but Alexei, you have to remember that there is a boundary between use and collusion. Don't cross it. That line."

   Then he activated the storage space on Soshyan's backpack and asked the other party to stuff the red talisman in.

   "Don't tell anyone that you have this thing. Go back to the Obsidian Fortress and find Brother Said. He will tell you everything!"

   A huge tremor came through the soles of the boots, fire and explosions one after another, it was the signal that the distant fleet began to destroy the world's engines.

   "I'm going to open the channel..."

   Hearing this cold whisper, Soshyan turned around abruptly. At the same time, the scepter in Hailarxi's hand fell like a whip.

   The veil of reality was torn a corner.

   The scepter cuts through reality and illusion at the same time. If you look at it with mortal eyes, there is nothing in the vacuum.

   However, the incision is real, and Soshyan can feel another distant existence. It is an indescribable feeling, as if emotions have been mixed into some kind of entity, emitting a hungry and thirst.

   Just when Soshyan was stunned by this weirdness, Amurad behind him suddenly pushed him forward.

  In a moment, his world plunged into darkness.

   He wants to move, but his limbs are under tremendous pressure like falling into the deep sea and even every organ can feel the pressure.

   He wanted to open his mouth to speak, but his response was an indescribable vague howling.

   The tangible darkness clung to him, wrapping around his neck, wrists, and joints until the gray veins appeared on his face again.

   Then, he heard the endless swearing and mocking, as well as the painful roar, and the darkness quickly moved away from him.

  His sight was restored, and he saw only the torn nebula rolling and stirring, and the asteroids colliding with each other, releasing white, purple, and a thousand kinds of red.

He even thought that he was thrown into the void, but everything turned into a colorful flow of color, anger, joy, pain... The torrent of many emotions involved him, causing his mind to be greatly impacted, if he was not enough Perseverance has long been irrational.

   But this must not last too long.

   Just as he gritted his teeth to endure, everything returned to silence.

   He was standing on a sandy beach with warm fine sand under his feet, and the waves gently beating his ankles.

   A strange woman opened her arms to him.

she was...

who is it?

   Soshyang was puzzled by this scene, but at least the torture has gone away from him until--

   "He's out!"

   A steel-clad hand grabbed his shoulder armor and dragged him to the ground.

   Soshyang's helmet hit the ground, the eyepiece shattered into several pieces, and then his helmet was taken off, allowing him to breathe the dull circulating air.

   He held the floor with both hands and raised his head. The first thing he saw was the sturdy face of Vinnetius, the seventh company commander of the Ultimate Warriors.

   "Are you Soshyan Alexei?"