Chapter 24: monument

   Since being rescued, Soshyan has been in a state of isolation.

In the first few days of the battle, he was only allowed to stay in the infirmary. Although he tried to stop him, the medics still took off his power armor-but he never let the power armor backpack out of his sight. , And no one is allowed to touch it.

  During the days when he was receiving medical treatment, he learned that the mechanical teaching fleet had arrived to collect the remains of the world's engine. They were always obsessed with these alien technologies.

   Even Soshyan heard that the bishop of Mechanics complained to Vinnstein why he had to smash the engine of the world.

   And after the treatment, he was not allowed to leave either. Although Vinnetius didn't say the reason, he knew it very well.

   He was directly transported from the subspace to the bridge. The warband priest had every reason to suspect that he had been contaminated by chaos, so he had to go through a series of observations and considerations to ensure his purity.

On the other hand, Vinnetius also bluntly said that the loss of this operation was too great. He must report this situation cautiously to his superiors. As the sole survivor of the battle group, Soshyan must hide in the dark before the final conclusion is reached. in.

   Vinnetius also has an honor he must defend.

   Such thoughts are really strange to Soshyan.

   Within the Astral Knights, the chief consideration of the leader is always justice rather than politics.

However, Soshyan also understands that as a start-up group with a large number of subgroups, Extreme Warrior and the fighters in it need far more complicated than a subgroup. The key is that the astral knights are in principle a subgroup of the Imperial Fist. .

  This battle is so tragic, the extreme fighter must give a reasonable explanation to the Empire Fist.

   Regarding this, Soshyang didn't care about them, or their superior war captain.

   He only cares about his own responsibilities, and the future of the battle group that has actually been destroyed.

   This kind of psychology enriches Soshyang's life on the ship.

   He rejected the luxurious cabin provided by Vinnetius and turned to seek solitude on the lower deck, making it his own space.

Vinnetius visited him once during his recovery period and sent a set of repair materials for the power armor-now everyone on the ship knows that Soshyan refuses anyone to touch his power armor, even if it has been Badly damaged.

   No one knows the real reason, everyone thinks he is cherishing the memory of his dead comrades in arms.

   Although there had been fierce quarrels before, Soshyang accepted the gift with gratitude and quickly applied the superficial skills he learned to his armor.

   Although the interstellar warriors are soldiers, they also have to learn how to simply repair their own equipment, including power armor.

   But Soshyang's craftsmanship is very ordinary. Most of the time, he just fixes the repaired armor in the broken position with thick nails, which makes his power armor look like an ancient object dozens of centuries ago.

   "I can't imagine your obsession with your broken power armor, Soshyan."

   Just as he lowered his head and dinged, at the entrance of the cabin, a familiar voice sounded.

Part of the room has been turned into a rudimentary training ground by Soshyan. His bed is a stiff pallet, not much better than the operating bed in the medical room. It is tucked away in the corner, and his weapon All placed in front of the bed.

   Soshyan heard Vinnetius' voice, stopped his movements, and put down the beating right wristband.

   "I said, I hope not to be disturbed, sir."

   Soshyang said briefly, without any emotion in his tone.

  Venitirius stepped into the flickering firelight. In the room, Soshyang set up several temporary, burning braziers for lighting.

   "Are you really not going to change to a new set?"

   "I will speak when I need it, sir."

  Venitirius glanced at Soshjan's armor full of rivets.

   "It doesn't look solid, maybe you can leave it to our technical sergeant to handle it."

   Soshyan sat back on the ground and began to execute each repair step accurately and methodically.

   "My company commander often tells me that nothing is more reliable than his own hands, except your brother."

   "That's it."

  Venitirius continued to circle in Sosyan's cabin. He could see the sweat gathered in the scars deep on Sosyan's face. The scars were an exaggeration of his heroic behavior.

  "It's getting heavier and heavier, doesn't it."

   Hearing this nonsense, Soshyang stopped and started thinking about what the Ultimate Warrior wanted to say, but immediately realized that he was referring to a different meaning.

   So he turned to Vinnetius.

   "You are not here to discuss repair techniques, are you, the seventh company commander?"

   "I'm surprised you didn't ask about the follow-up of the battle."

   "Aliens and their filthy tombs were destroyed. We paid a heavy price. What else can we say?"

   Vinnetius frowned.

   "Have you ever wondered why Amurad just wants to save you?"

   "This is our battle group."

  Ultimate Warrior narrowed his eyes.

   "When our think tank told me that Amurad asked to rescue a recruit, I almost thought he was crazy again."

   Soshyang's face immediately became serious. If Vinnstein continued to speak badly, he would definitely go up and teach the opponent even if he was on the opponent's battleship.

"But after seeing you, I probably understand why he did this. You are a very good fighter. Even in our battle group, there are very few people with your qualities. Perhaps the second company commander... "

   As he said, Vinnetius' gaze drifted from Soshyan's serious face to a certain point behind him.


   Soshyang followed Vinnetius' gaze, and after turning his head, he finally realized that the other party was looking at his iron halo.

   "A memorial?"

   "The memorial is for the dead. It represents a responsibility. Before it, I made an oath-I will rebuild the battle group."

   Soshyang turned his head, looked at Vinnetius, swallowed the rest of his memories.

   "Say what you are here to say."

   The embers in his eyes flashed with anger.

   "During this period, we converged on the corpses in space. Because the explosion was too violent, we only found 584 corpses, most of which were mutilated, including...Amurad."

   Although the inside of the warship is warm as spring, this cabin is cold and empty at this time.

   "Did you see his body?"

   "Yes, I am also very sad, he...he is a great warrior, 2.1 billion living creatures have been redeemed because of your sacrifices."

   Vinnetius took a step forward, trying to put his hand on Soshyan's shoulder to show comfort, but the opponent stepped back to show rejection.

   "Don't try to comfort me, sir."

   Soshyang said coldly:

   "Your power armor is also splashed with blood! You won't get any honor in this war, only shame."


   Soshyang raised his hand and told him to shut up.

   "I have always been taught to be the master of my own emotions. Therefore, we will not lose our minds because of such stimulation, but it does not mean that I have forgiven you."

   "But there is something you should probably take a look at."

Vinnetius' words made Soshyan a little suspicious, but he left the cabin with the other party and boarded a Thunderhawk A few minutes later, when the door of the Thunderhawk opened, Soshyan Shiyang was stunned.


   This is a platform floating in the void. Warriors from various battle groups are lined up on both sides of the road. At the end of the main road paved by black bricks is a towering monument.

   Just a glance, Soshyang recognized that its material was the broken pieces of the world engine, which was decorated with the remains of a large number of space dead, and in the center of the monument, there were only three silver-plated numbers-771.

   Soshyang walked towards the monument step by step like a sleepwalking, every step he took, the name of a combat brother would appear in his mind.

   Their figures seemed to be reflected on the other end of the monument, staring at him quietly.

   Aksay, Nader, Occam, Fix...

   When he walked to the monument, he saw a circle of burning candles, a broken silver-gray helmet quietly placed on the base, and two crossed battle axes in front of him.

   "We are here to mourn."

   Vinnetius came to Sosyan and looked at the towering monument.

"The world will always remember the heroes of battles and sacrifices on the battlefield. As the new captain, their names will be pronounced by you... In the ancient era of the Great Expedition, each of our warships will record the names of the dead. Now we will restore this ancient habit here."

   Under the gaze of all the star warriors, Soshyang was silent for a while, and finally broke the silence by himself.

   His voice is as heavy as this monument.

   "Ato Amurad, the gene seed has not been recovered, Masayak, the gene seed has not been recovered, Hailarshi, the gene seed has not been recovered, Saraks, the gene seed has not been recovered..."