Chapter 27: Grey Pulp

After entering the battle group, in addition to receiving transformation and training, a recruit must also learn a lot of the history of the empire. Although this part of history is mostly lost or distorted, it is far deeper and darker than mortals can touch.

   It is well known that the Eighteenth Army was active during the Great Expedition, but there were 21 pedestals to commemorate the Primarch in the depths of the Terra Palace.

   As for the historical records that Soshyan came into contact with, all records of the two legions were erased a long time ago. Regarding their titles, their history, including the names of their original bodies, all became a mystery.

   The second and eleventh legions became two lost legions.

   It's not that Soshyang didn't ask the instructor privately, what felony did they commit, so that they could not even leave a trace.

   At that time, the instructor told Soshyang that this question had troubled him for many years. He also asked his mentor back then and got the same answer.

   But in any case, they must have existed before, there is no doubt about that.

   So, where did they go?

   are all destroyed? Still banished? Or does it still exist in the empire in a different way?

   So when the banner of the Eleventh Legion appeared in front of Soshyan, he understood why the history of the battle group did not have the age and time of the founding of the army. Under the heavy veil of unclear history, it was a bl**dy cruel history.

   Astral Knights are the surviving descendants of the Eleventh Legion.

   But if this is the case, then more questions will come.

   "Why did we become a subgroup of the Fist of the Empire? Didn't they record this history?"

   Brother Said did not immediately answer Soshyan's words, but inserted his arm into the granite again, and lowered the battle flag underground.

   "Because of this, they don't know either."

   "What? Don't even Roger Donn know?"

   "He knows, but he forgot."


   Soshyang's eyes widened, this answer was a bit perfunctory, but Brother Said's tone was very serious.

   "Yes, everyone has forgotten, not just selective forgetting, but this memory is completely erased from the brain."

   "The original body? Everyone? Has the memory been erased from the brain?"

   "Yes, including us."

   This sounds like a fairy tale, and Soshyan has no idea what kind of power can do this, unless...

   "Is it the emperor?"

   "Strictly speaking, it is the Emperor and Prime Minister Makado together."

  Magic Weave Makado, the hero Makado, has been assisting the emperor before the Great Expedition. Now he built most of the framework of the empire. He is the only mortal hero in the history of the empire that can rival the original.

   "Then Brother Said you..."

   Soshyang didn't say everything, but his meaning was very obvious, and then a deep sigh floated from the cold iron coffin.

"I happened to be seriously injured at that time and I was undergoing fearless transformation. I was lucky enough to be the only person in the Legion who was not brainwashed. After that, I was careful to hide my thoughts and stayed asleep until I woke up five thousand years ago. There is no Eleventh Legion, there are only astral knights."

   Soshyang looked at the body full of historical traces of Brother Said, with mixed flavors in his heart.

   The Eleventh Legion will be erased, necessarily because of unforgivable crimes committed. Those accusations may not be eliminated after ten thousand years. As a descendant of the sinner, his identity suddenly became extremely embarrassing.

   After a long silence, Soshyang asked in a low voice:

   "What...what did we call in the past."

   "The Undead Army."

   "Our Primarch..."

   "His name is Alta Xerxes, a great ruler and a highly skilled commander."

   "Have you seen him?"

"Yes it is."

   Soshyang raised his hand and pointed at the sheepskin scroll in the shrine.

   "These are the records of the erased history?"

"Partly, I slept for too long, and many things have been forgotten. I can only write down what I can think of to prevent missing more. And the one who helped to do this was the 31st Astral Knights. long."

   Soshyang walked to the wall and pulled out a scroll from the shrine, but when he opened it, he found that it was a kind of text he didn't recognize at all. Some of it resembled a wedge-shaped text, but it was more complicated.

   "This is the text of the destroyed Legion's home planet."


   Soshyang put away the sheepskin roll and stuffed it back into the shrine.

   "What crime did the Legion commit in the first place? It should be treated like this."

   Even with such a sensitive question, Brother Said's voice is still unwavering.

   "In a sense... Our Primarch did commit a terrible crime."

   "What is it."

   "Collusion with aliens."

   Soshyang's eyes widened. He didn't believe that a Primarch would collude with Alien. Even though he had never seen each other, Degenerate Horus had never cooperated with Alien.

   As if knowing that there would be such a reaction, Brother Said continued to say calmly:

   "Alta Xerxes is the seventh original body to return to the empire. His hometown is a world that worships alien gods. After the original body unified the world, he ordered the destruction of all alien temples and led his people back to the empire."


   "Do you know that the emperor sitting high on the golden throne has another purpose besides maintaining life."

   Soshyang shook his head.

"In the depths of the palace, there is a huge project called'Net Road'. The emperor has been studying this alien technology from ancient times and believed that it can free human beings from the shackles of subspace, but this project was eventually destroyed. Now, a large number of demons flooded into the netway, and the emperor had to guard the entrance of the netway himself."

   Such a secret history has caused a great impact on Soshyang, but he quickly stabilized his mind and quietly listened to the narration of the war group instructor.

"Long before the emperor started to repair the network channel, the original body knew about this plan. He saw that this plan has huge loopholes-the network channel is by no means a peaceful place, and the subspace forces still have the opportunity to break through the network channel. He intends to provide the Empire with a regiment dedicated to guarding the network, a regiment that can suppress subspace forces without relying on psionic energy."

   "Special care for the network..."

   "You are the only person who has successfully undergone gray marrow transformation in the past ten thousand years. Do you know what this means?"

   "What the **** is gray pulp."

   "That is the solution proposed by the original body. The combination of the anti-spiritual ability of the inaccessible and the strong physique of Astarte further enhances Astarte's ability to confront the subspace. They are named Defenders of Desolation."

   "This sounds very similar to the silent nun."

   "It's not the same. Their anti-spiritual abilities are only suppression, while the abilities conferred by the gray marrow are offensive, more similar to that of the thorn in the living room, but much stronger, and can terminate the untouchable area at any time."

   "An untouchable person who can freely manipulate power?"

   Soshyang blinked, he was not quite sure that he had this ability.

   "Yes, the original body calls it [Desolate Domain], but you are still very unskilled now. The essence of gray pulp is an active metal with biological properties. When they are active, they need to consume a lot of calories."

   Soshyang immediately recalled the cold that almost made his blood freeze.

   "You should have felt it."

   Brother Said seemed to be aware of what Soshyan was thinking.

   "The longer the active metal is active, the greater the amount of heat required, and the thermostatic system of the power armor alone can't make up for it. If you change to a soldier of another legion, you may be dead if you can't hold it for 20 seconds."

   "Then why am I—"

"Because of our legion's special bloodline, the genetic seeds of the Undead Army give us a strong recovery ability This recovery ability is not just skin trauma, but also involves body fluids, soft tissues and even the soul, only the genes of the Undead Army. Only seeds can maintain the development and use of gray pulp."

   "But...many brothers don't show this ability."

"When the remnants of the legion are absorbed, the organizational structure is completely broken up. We are like sand sprinkled into the sea, and we have almost lost contact with each other. When the astral knights were formed, only a handful of high-level leaders were the blood of the undead. The others are fighters of the Fist of the Empire."

   As he said, Brother Said's body sank slightly, and Soshyang seemed to be able to hear the sighs coming from the iron coffin.

"When I woke up, there was very little undead bloodline left in the battle group. Only the battle group commander and a few people still maintained the legion bloodline. I will carefully maintain the existence of the legion for a long time, in the battle group. A secret society called "The Undead" was formed. For a long time, the responsibility of the society was to care for the blood of the Legion. When submitting the Eleventh Tax, it would only turn in the seeds of the Fist of the Empire and increase the number of Legion Warriors. Transformation ratio."

   There is a secret society in the battle group, such a secret makes Soshyang feel very uneasy.

   Is this still loyal?

   "By the time of the Amurad generation, the proportion of Legionnaires has already accounted for half of the combat team. Now the 33 recruits you see, including Lothar, are the blood of the Undead."

   "I have another question, the emperor...why would he destroy us?"

   "Because the gray marrow technology comes from a certain different force, and the Primarch privately reached a certain deal with that different force."

   Soshyang's breathing became heavier at once, and this information caused him quite a lot of pressure.