Chapter 32: training


  Pur Armin came to meet Soshyan, his newly appointed captain of the tactical team.

Due to the fact that the number of people is too scarce, and even one company is not enough, Soshyan can only organize these recruits into three tactical squads and promote three squad captains. In the future, the number of the group can be restored, and they will also be company commanders Candidates.

   But now it seems that they are still too immature, just like Soshyang himself.

   "Are you interested in watching our training results?"

   Almin wiped the sweat from his face and showed Soshyang a very hearty smile.

  Because of Soshyang's approachable personality, strict barriers between superiors and superiors did not soon form within the battle group, and the recruits are no longer as nervous as when they saw him in the past.

   even makes a little joke occasionally.

   "Forget it, you are as stupid as a beast that only eats support! Armin."

  At this time, another person walked out of the crowd and came out and said loudly to Armin:

   "The things you practiced are too simple and easy, I don't think the battle group commander would want to see it."

   It was Bakhsh Falzad, who was also a newly promoted captain. He was about ten years later than Soshyan. He was a enthusiastic but sometimes too impatient fighter.

   But Soshyan also admitted that his skills and tactics are the best in this group of recruits, perhaps because of this reason, he has some pride.

   Pride and vanity are the enemies of the star warriors' souls, and Soshyan feels that he must teach them this.

   "Falzad, do you want to compete with me?"

   Almin turned to face each other for the first time, his tone was as strong as his eyes.

   "It's been a while since I defeated you last time."

  Falzad rubbed his fists, then looked at Soshyan.

   "Clan commander, can you show you the results of our training?"

"of course."

   Soshyang nodded calmly, and the two captains immediately took up their weapons and stepped onto the metal ring in the center of the training room.

  Almin used a short sword and a shield, while Farzad used two battle axes.

Because of the Great Rebellion, the battle axe is not popular in the Astarte battle group, but the astral knights still retain the ancient battle axe skill, but this skill is very difficult, Soshyang fancy Farr Zade's mastery of this skill.

   Although he is not yet proficient, at least his aggressive desire and spirit are rare.

   A few seconds after the two fighters confronted each other in the ring, Farzad took the lead without accident.

   He drew close to the opponent at a very fast speed, then swiped a battle axe with his right arm, crossed Armin's shield, and then dragged it back abruptly.

   This is an ancient tactic. Use a sharp blade to hook the opponent's shield and open the opponent's middle door to make a fatal blow. Many tribal warriors from the primitive world still maintain this tactic.

  Falzad is a warrior from a primitive tribe. The conscription world has an excellent source of troops. The battle group has just been opened for less than two decades, and he is the first batch of recruits.

   But now, his world has become the conscription world of another battle group.

For Falzad's tactics, Almin was already prepared. He tilted the shield back at a 45° angle, and let the battle axe draw a spark on the shield surface, then bent his knees and pushed it forward, pushing the opponent away from himself Bumped in front of him, and then sent the long sword forward, like a poisonous bee stabbing its tail needle.

   But he stabbed a hole.

   "You are too slow!"

   Falzad laughed, and suddenly continued to attack.

   He brandished his battle axe and threw it at his enemy's shoulders.

  Almin jumped away from the menacing weapon.

   "At least it's fast enough to deal with you!"

   Almin panted heavily, and stepped back first, watching his opponent's movements coldly.

   In the next second, the creak of metal friction and sparks of collision echoed throughout the training room.

   The tactics were all watching, and some even cheered.

   Soshyan is a calm person. He knows how frustrated his brothers are about being driven out of their homes. They can only do their best to ensure that there is enough to do to reduce the confusion and unwillingness in their hearts.

   The training room seems to be a place for them to vent their hearts. Soshyang needs this kind of power.

   On the ring, Falzad continued to attack, continuing his quick pace.

   His trimmed hair is a filthy brown, which seems to still retain the brutal energy of a primitive tribe, and always carries a sense of confidence, even a high-pitched threat of intimidation.

"Do not."

   Falzad grinned.

   "You are just too slow."

   "Shut up, let's fight!"

   At this time, Falzad suddenly rushed to the left, then suddenly turned back, raised his axe blade, and aimed at Almin's torso.

   Then, the two weapons collided in the rain of sparks, and they were entangled tightly.

   Falzad grasped the loophole and slammed it with the strength of both hands and the power of his whole body.

  Almin only maintained it for a moment, before staggering back, losing his balance.


   Falzad yelled and rushed forward.

The blade of the axe and the blade of the sword kept colliding, and each collision released a terrifying ripple towards the blocker, but Falzad was undoubtedly faster. His bare arm even moved because of the movement. Quick and seem a little fuzzy.

"I'm coming."

   Falzad gritted his teeth and roared, with an expression of concentration on his face.

   Despite the low temperature in the training room, his temples are still full of sweat.

  Almin did not respond, but was busy resisting the fierce and violent attacks of his comrades.

   Neither of the warriors wore armor, but instead wore leather jackets and greaves stitched with metal pieces, which was a training uniform commonly used by Astral Knights.

  Similarly, although the blade of the weapon has been deliberately dulled for training safety, it is still sufficient to crush bones and penetrate the flesh.

   This is also specially arranged by the predecessors of the battle group, in order to instill the new recruits' control over the weapon and reduce their dependence on the battle armor.


Soon, Almin was forced to hit the fence so hard that the steel seemed to squeeze into his back but before Farzad's battle axe crossed his chest , He rolled and avoided.

   "Slow down, slow down, slow down..."

   Behind him, Falzad walked with his head high, panting, his face covered with sweat mist.

   "If you are not chattering all the time, maybe you will play better."

   Almin muttered, trying to find balance and regain the initiative.

   "Whatever you think, if you can get some pathetic comfort."

   Falzad, carrying a battle axe, paced with his head high, and said triumphantly.

   With a pretentious smile on his face, he pushed this comrade into the attack range of his tomahawk step by step.

   "That's right!"

   Almin glanced at it from the corner of the eye, then roared suddenly, making a posture of curling up before jumping.

   "It's true!"

   He dashed up, rushed towards Falzad's unsuspecting torso, and slammed back in the opposite direction.

   Falzad was so close, too confident, that he couldn't drop his tomahawk in time.

  Almin threw away his sword and shield, tied him tightly with his arm, and pushed him back until he hit the fence on the farthest side of the ring with a sonorous sound.

   "Despicable... despicable!"

   Although Falzad lost control of the battle axe, he still clenched his fist, preparing to give his opponent a heavy blow.

   But Almin was more agile. He slammed his head directly into Farzad's face.

  In a short time, the sound of metal collision was mixed with the sound of skeletal fragmentation, and the two fell off the ring at the same time, and the air was filled with pungent blood.

   The audience off the field were also shocked.