Chapter 35: New Faros

   The station master of the orbital defense station angrily slammed into the central control room of the jurisdiction. This organization was buried deep in the fortress armor.

In the spacious room, the upper and lower floors were full of people. When they found that the officer was standing at attention after the arrival, there was a sound of empty chairs colliding with combat boots, while the Thinker and Scanner systems were still humming. .

   "Report to me immediately!"

   General Sola scolded, his stomach looked bigger than before, as if it would explode at any time.

   The officer in charge of this place quickly walked out of his birdwatching array, sweating profusely, holding a yellow message strip in his hand.

   "It's definitely the New Faloth, sir."

   He said, and gave the data results to the webmaster.

   "Her course is completely chaotic, and she rushed out of the subspace in the completely wrong place."

   "What about communication?"

   The stationmaster glanced at the note, then looked up at the information column resounding through the central structure.

   "We received a bunch of transmission codes less than sixty seconds ago, sir."

   A ruddy-faced communications officer said, holding the headset in his hand.

   "But the content is difficult to understand. We eliminated the planetary belt impact later, so the signal should become stronger and all channels are open."

   "They may just get lost in the subspace. It is said that a large-scale rebellion occurred on the limit star field, which is quite uneasy."

Loken did not approve of this incompetent bureaucrat's words. He smelled a hint of danger, because the timing of the ship's "lost" was too coincidental. It happened that the star field patrol fleet left this galaxy and went to other galaxies. time.

   Although he didn't want to wade in this muddy water, he turned to other officers who were still optimistic.

   "I want to remind you, Article 10, Chapter 1, Section 3 of the Code of Conduct for Orbital Stations, what is the first principle when we face the unknown or uncertain?"

   "Be prepared for the worst."

   the stationmaster replied impatiently, and waved his hand, as if driving an annoying fly away.

   "And trust the emperor."

   Loken nodded.

   "So, you see, even the dullest knives can be cut a few times if they are sharpened enough. Although the New Faloth is just an unarmed transport ship, we still have to assume the worst case, don't we?"

   "Oh, I didn't expect our Brother Loken to be a military strategist."

   The young officer who tried to embarrass him in the conference room before spoke again, and he even blew his whistle frivolously, causing other legions to laugh.

   "I just want to express, a kind reminder."

   Loken really wanted to cut off the anterior lobe of that bastard's head and transform it into a servant who washes the toilet, but he still controlled his voice.

He stopped talking after   .

  When other officers saw him like this, they didn't bother to talk to him anymore, but continued to discuss those that had no topics, regardless of the fact that the transport ship was getting closer to the defensive track.


   At this time, the huge ornithology began to make a harsh chirping sound, and the operator immediately got busy, trying to upload the data stream from the ornithology, and crackling the runes frantically.

   In the outer passage, the footsteps of the local defense forces can already be heard. The station master is checking the defense deployments all over the sub-administration area through the hologram, and other officers are still surrounding him.

   The communications team leader sitting in the upper message frame suddenly yelled, interrupting General Sola's assignment.

   "Sir, we have received a subpoena from the New Faloth."

   "She just eliminated the influence of the asteroid belt."

  Another officer added a sentence to the position of his ornithology array.

   "Play it out."

   The stationmaster ordered, and immediately grabbed the brass railing surrounding the holographic chart.

   The room suddenly became quiet.

   First, there was a burst of static electricity, then the voice suddenly rose, and finally it dropped from a weird scream to a low grunt.

   The officer in charge of communications bent over to reach a frequency component and adjusted a pair of sliders.

   The noisy voice gradually faded away and disappeared, like a passing ghost, but Loken suddenly frowned. He seemed to hear another voice——

   That is the wailing of the death of the machine soul.

   After a while, the channels of the two parties were finally connected.

   "...Repeat, this is Captain Koperos of the New Faros, can anyone hear me? Our engine has a problem."


   The stationmaster called out.

   "We have received your message. This is the Ma\'Kande-2 planetary defense orbit fortress jurisdiction. I am Station Master Sola and I am talking to you. What is the situation on your side? Over."

   "Thank God Emperor!"

   The captain's voice came back quickly.

   "We have a situation. The general and some slaves tried to riot and caused a serious safety accident. I was forced to close the escape deck and open the air pressure door. I am now staying on the bridge with my remaining security guards."

   "Has the riot died down?"

   "Most of them have been suppressed, but we can't go to the scheduled location normally, we can only change the channel to the original route and return."

   "I have received your situation, Captain Koperos, but according to the regulations, I cannot allow you to enter the orbit directly. I will send the Marine Corps to your cargo ship and check it carefully before it can pass."

   "Well, I can be checked at any time."

   "I will arrange it now, please wait a moment."

   After finishing talking, the stationmaster motioned to the officer to suspend contact.

   "Has the Marine Corps been mobilized?"

   "I estimate that eighty-five percent are ready, sir, but I think I can put it in."

   "How long have we been?"

   "According to the existing speed and trajectory."

   The officer in charge of bird watching said, leaning on his screen.

   "Assuming there are no other problems with the engine, she will reach planetary orbit in just over two hours."

   "Sir, do I need to transmit information to the ground?"

   "No, it's not necessary now, the situation is still developing, not that serious."

   Speaking, General Sola straightened up and looked at the young officer who had been choking Loken before.

"Take your team on the landing ship Hyena into the New Faloth, and carefully check whether there are any rioters. I will continue to communicate with the captain and tell you the most intelligence. After confirming that there is no problem, you Just follow the new Faloth to return."

   "Accepted, sir."

   At present, this is a fairly easy task, and the young officer's face is full of eager expressions.

   At this time, a voice that he hates sounded.

   "Sir, I have a request."

   Seeing Loken wave his hand in the crowd, the station master frowned.


"We should report to the bishop first, and then act. I heard the captain's explanation just now, and it seemed a bit strange... How can the slaves in the transport ship cause serious damage? If it is a prison ship, I can understand. But the slaves in the transport ship... IMHO, my family's toilet cleaners can hit ten. Generally speaking, their average life expectancy is only 8-10 Tera standard months, most of which are accompanied by illness and seriousness. Are malnourished, and there are hidden dangers if they rashly board the ship at this time."

   Loken tilted his head at the young officer, who folded his arms in front of his breastplate and glared back at him.

   "Why do you think Captain Koperos is lying, Priest Loken?"

   The webmaster asked after a moment of silence, but did not immediately refute it. Obviously, he also considered this situation.

   "Rational analysis and personal judgment."

   "You are so rude, Loken!"

   The young officer roared:

   "We will not stop our actions because of your whims. You should stay in your power room. Military operations are not something you can get involved."

   Loken shrugged and stepped aside. He had said everything he could, and the rest could only be handed over to Omsenia for judgment.